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places degrees distance

------- ------- --------
0 1 111 km
1 0.1 11.1 km
2 0.01 1.11 km
3 0.001 111 m
4 0.0001 11.1 m Typical GPS
5 0.00001 1.11 m Commercial GPS with differential correction
6 0.000001 11.1 cm Painstaking measures to obtain
7 0.0000001 1.11 cm Nearly impossible to achieve with GPS
8 0.00000001 1.11 mm Anchored, corrected, constantly-runnign GPS
station can possibly attain that.
9 0.000000001 111 �m
10 0.0000000001 11.1 �m 10+ Computer or calculator was used.
Programmers paid no attention to the fact that these digits are meaningless.
11 0.00000000001 1.11 �m
12 0.000000000001 111 nm
13 0.0000000000001 11.1 nm

Decimal Places Aprox. Distance Say What?

1 10 kilometers 6.2 miles
2 1 kilometer 0.62 miles
3 100 meters About 328 feet
4 10 meters About 33 feet
5 1 meter About 3 feet
6 10 centimeters About 4 inches
7 1.0 centimeter About � an inch
8 1.0 millimeter The width of paperclip wire.
9 0.1 millimeter The width of a strand of hair.
10 10 microns A speck of pollen.
11 1.0 micron A piece of cigarette smoke.
12 0.1 micron You're doing virus-level mapping at this point.
13 10 nanometers Does it matter how big this is?
14 1.0 nanometer Your fingernail grows about this far in one
15 0.1 nanometer An atom. An atom! What are you mapping?

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