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New Year’s Eve A

1 Make a New Year’s resolution poster. Follow the instructions.

1 Make a list of six to eight New Year’s 2 Write your list of resolutions on
resolutions. a big piece of card or paper.

3 Write a heading. 4 Decorate the poster.

5 Put the poster where you can see it every day.

4 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press  Photocopiable 1

New Year’s Eve B
1 Order the words. Listen and check. $ CD4

1 auld / Should / be / acquaintance / forgot ‡hould auld acquaintance

be forgot.
2 never / and / to / brought / mind / ? 
3 auld / Should / forgot / be / acquaintance

4 auld / and / lang syne / ? 
5 my / For / dear / lang syne / auld 
6 auld / For / ! /lang syne 
7 take / We’ll / yet / a / cup of kindness 

8 auld / lang syne / For 

2 Write New York, Scotland or London.

1 Everybody holds hands at midnight. ‡cotland
2 Lots of people stand under Big Ben.
3 A big glass ball drops.
4 Big Ben chimes twelve times at midnight.
5 Lots of people go to Times Square.
6 People sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

3 Draw a New Year’s Eve celebration in your region. Write about it.

4 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press  Photocopiable 2

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