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GEOP 320 Spring 2017 - Lab assignment # 4

Velocity analysis - (Due: 1/5/2017)

Observing the specific parameters of your data set:
1. Follow the steps in tutorial 3.4 of the Manual.
2. Generate Figure 8 of Manual using CDPs in the center of your dataset.
3. Generate Figure 9 for each CDP you analyzed from your dataset. Indicate
your picks on each CDP by adding dots at the pick positions. You should
analyze at least 5 evenly spaced CDPs from the center of your dataset.
4. Answer the following questions:
a. Provide a table showing the meaning, values, units, and justification of the
following parameters: nv, dv, fv, cdpmin, cdpmax, dcdp.
b. On what basis do you pick your velocities?
c. Provide a printout of the stkvel.p1 file.

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