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Marketing Strategy

Truck Driver Association Khulna iPPP

Implementation Promotion of primary healthcare services and occupational health and safety
for the Truck drivers in Khulna.

Prepared by: Syed Moazzem Hussain


Although Bangladesh is a small country, variety of commodities are transported from one
end of the country to the other. The most common method of transportation of such goods is
truck. As per the records of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) there are about
71 505 registered trucks in Bangladesh. These trucks are owned by private entities. These
entities hire truck drivers to ply the roads and take physical and mental stresses of the long
journey. This iPPP would implement a system through which these issues can be
addressed. For this purpose the iPPP will be implemented in the Khulna division.

Usually the journeys are long. The truck drivers do not take the recommended every two
hour break coupled with other occupational hazards. The main issues regarding the welfare
of these truck drivers are Occupational safety (OS) and access to Primary health care
(PHC) system.

The main OS issue concerned with truck drivers are road condition and accidents. As per
the records of BRTA, there were about 317 road accidents in the division of Rajshahi. As
47% of all road accidents are caused by trucks, it can be assumed that 1491 accidents were
caused by truck. These accidents include both fatal and grievous accidents. The impact of
the accident is not merely restricted to the individuals injured or dead but also the livelihood
of the families of the involved. The death or disability of a truck driver would mean that his
wife and children would have to seek alternate methods of income for the household. Due to
the lack of alternatives the wife might have to resort to anti-social profession such as
prostitution or drug peddling. The child of the truck driver would have to work instead of
going to school. This in turns throws the family deeper into poverty. If 60% of the 149 truck
accidents are fatal or grievous, then only in the year 2008, 268 2 individual were thrown down
in the deadly spiral of poverty. Further more over 2500 3 individual have been affected by
truck accidents. Adding to the misery the truck owners also loose valuable assets and the
third party whose goods were being carried also incurs financial loss.

The second issue regarding PHC can be directly related to the first issue. The truck driver
incept from one of the lowest social ranks. They usually dwell in slums or other appalling
living conditions. Due to this background they have minimal knowledge on PHC, HIV/AIDS,
STI and TB. Many illnesses are ignored even if they can be treated with little efforts.

1 317 x 47%
2 149 x 60% x 34
3 149 x 60% x 3 x10
4 Assuming three member per family
This group has been exercising unsafe sexual behaviours without any cognition on its risks.
Due to the ignorance regarding the issue there is a possibility of an outbreak within the truck
driver community. The same has been the case of TB. It has been a bold initiative by the
government to distribute the medication for TB for free. There has been high promotion
regarding this matter. Despite all these efforts the message has not been accordingly
received by the truck drivers.

This iPPP would join hands with the Truck Driver’s Association of Khulna to increase the
awareness of the drivers regarding the OS and PHC.
Structure of the iPPP

As discussed earlier there are two issues involved with the welfare of the Truck drivers of
Khulna, OS and PHC. For this purpose it is proposed that the iPPP be conducted in
conjunction with the body representing the truck drivers, the local government agency and
GTZ. In the case of no formal truck drivers union or association being in existence, a
structure of such kind should be established. With no formal association of the truck driver, it
would be a herculean task to implement the iPPP. The local government agency, Khulna
City Corporation (KCC), should be roped in as partner. The inclusion of the KCC would help
to provide field level Intel and man power.

Proposed iPPP structure

Proposed mode of operation:

It is recommended that the iPPP seek to implement the following:

 Occupational health and safety training & safe driving workshop

As stated earlier the truck drivers of Khulna are more prone to accidents than any
other driver group. There are various elements contributing to this case.
Occupational safety is one of the prime reasons. The iPPP would mitigate with the
truck owners to improve the occupational safety of the drivers. The recommendations
would be:

o Revised working hours

o Improved fitness of trucks

o Upgrading trucks for drivers’ safety

In conjunction to the actions stated above, there would be training session for the
truck drivers emphasizing the need to practice safe driving. In the seminar the drivers
would be taught defensive driving skills. In addition to that the drivers would be
enlightened with elements contributing to accidents and how to refrain from those

 Free/Subsidized medical care for Truck drivers and their families

This venture of the iPPP would require the expertise. This scheme would be similar
to the micro finance scheme developed for the rickshaw puller association in
Rajshahi City Corporation. This facility would require medical facilities that would be
willing to provide medical care to the Truck drivers and their families. The cost
incurred would be either fully subsidized or partially subsidized by the iPPP. Iin any
case a medical facility should be determined that would be able to provide the
desired service at a slashed price. For this purpose a full fledged report should be
prepared outlining the diseases that are the most frequent amongst the truck drivers
and other medical needs that are needed by the group. Once this has been
established a comprehensive negotiation might be carried out with the medical
centres. Further more a break even analysis should be done in order to determine
the membership requirement to sustain the iPPP.

 Micro-insurance scheme (optional)

Again similar to the iPPP in place in Rajshahi for the RPA, a micro-insurance scheme
might be introduced for the truck drivers. The insurance policy would pay benefits to
the truck driver’s family upon the fatality or disability of the truck driver through
accident. However it should be stated that the insurance will not cover any claims if
the accidents occurred due to the insured being under the influence of drugs or
alcohol at the time of accident. This measure would conform to the agenda of the
iPPP. The funding of the scheme will be directly gathered from the financial pool
established by the iPPP.

 Provision of HIV/AIDS prevention through provision offree condoms atin truck stands

Coupled with awareness campaign, the iPPP would provide free condoms at truck
stands or locations where the truck drivers frequently congregate. However, GTZ
should be cautious in promoting the initiative. GTZ should not promote that the truck
drivers have sex, paid or consensual, but rather if they engage in any sexual activity
by their choice, they should practice safe sex. Free condom can also be given out
every time a truck driver visits the designated medical centre, therefore foregoing the
stigma of actual buying a condom in public. As the condom are being given out for
free, government health organization can be conducted for the supply.

 Safe driving seminar

Coupled with the safe driving training a seminar will be organized, in which a
celebrity preferably originating from Khulna, will outline the driving techniques. Local
political leaders might also be included in the seminar.

 HIV/AIDS & TB awareness seminar

Celebrity endorsed campaign are common in the west. The idea is spreading in India
as well. Very high profile celebrity endorsed HIV/AIDS awareness took place in 2007
in Rajasthan, India, involving Hollywood actress Ashley Judd and Bollywood actor
Akshay Kumar. In the seminar the two actors addressed men and woman of the
community. They talked about the use of contraceptives, especially condoms. The
actors even demonstrated, using a fake male genitalia, how to use a condom. A
similar seminar can be held in the area with a prominent Dhaliwood (Bangladeshi
Film industry) actor. For reference please visit:


It is essential that celebrity endorses the seminar. Any celebrity endorsement helps
to reinforce the idea and gives credibility to the cause.

Proposed funding method:

The funding should be a tri-partite affair. The partners involved should all contribute to the
iPPP as per requirement of the budget. The budget would be prepared upon further
examination of the costs involved.

In the event of a truck driver’s association or union being in place, the subscription of the
members should be reviewed. The subscription fee should be adjusted to incorporate the
benefits of the iPPP. It should be noted that the increase in membership fee should be 1.5-
2.5% of the average gross income of the truck driver. Further more, the membership fee
should include all contributions toward the PHC service and the micro-insurance scheme.
For the determination of the fees and charges a detailed examination of the truck driver
income and expenses need to be carried out.

From the financial pool generated a certain percent would go to the insurance company,
majority for PHC and remaining to cover the other overheads of the iPPP.

Marketing Strategy

Two target groups have been identified for the marketing process, the truck owners and the
truck drivers. As these two parties are separated and have different agendas, varying
strategies need to be devised for the two parties.

Marketing mix: Truck owners

 Target audience

In improving the OS of the truck drivers, the truck owners have a lot to contribute. As
the truck it self has a lot to do with the OS, the truck owners need to make necessary

 Target behaviour

o Undertake necessary adjustments in order to improve the condition of the

trucks and amend driving times.

o Understand ensuring OS can be directly related to the financial wellbeing.

 Product

By making changes the truck owners would have reduced rate of accidents hence
diminished financial loss.

 Price

As the modification would vary from owner to owner, cost can not be determined.
The types of cost that can be incurred are:

o Maintenance cost

o Upgrading driving seats

o Upgrading vehicles (change the entire fleet to newer trucks)

o Increase wages

o Provision of safety gear (e.g. eye gear, gloves)

o Installing air conditioning in the driver’s compartment

 Place

The services will be offered in the truck garage.

 Barriers

The cost related to the iPPP might be higher and not sustainable by the owner. In
addition to that the truck owners might reluctant to veer away from norms.

 Promotion

It would be financially viable if an extensive marketing campaign is not conducted. It

would be in the best interest of the truck owners, if the financial benefits of the
changes can be reflected to them for this purpose, a detailed analysis of the costs of
road accidents to the truck owners should be conducted. Coupled with that, the
amount of saving that can be made should also be strongly emphasized. The
analysis should take into account the following cost:

o Loss/ repair of vehicle after accident

o Compensation paid to goods owner

o Any other compensation paid

o Annual vehicle insurance premium

To further entice the truck owners, GTZ might provide a certificate stating that the
owner has made significant upgrade to his/her fleet, which might reduce the annual
insurance premium. Further assistance might be provided upon enquiry.

 Evaluation

A baseline survey should be created for evaluation purpose. The baseline results
should outline the accidents caused over the past year. Afterwards, every three
months the same analysis should be done and the cost savings should be calculated.
Marketing mix: Truck Drivers

 Target audience

Truck drivers are at risk group for HIV/AIDS. Coupled with their state of OS and lack
of knowledge regarding PHC, their situation is quite serious.

 Target behaviour

o Understand the role of OS and comply with OS guideline prepared by GTZ.

o Change health care seeking bBehaviour

o Practice safe sex

o Increase awareness about HIV/AIDS and TB.

 Product

Efficient A health care provision of basic health servicessystem that would

significantly improve the truck driver’s livelihood.

o Improved OHS.

o Micro-insurance scheme (optional)

 Price

To avail the benefits of the iPPP, the truck driver would have to enrol into a truck
driver’s association or union. The members would be required to pay a fee to the
association in order to avail the benefits.

 Place

o Selected medical centres

o Employers garage

 Barriers

o Reluctance to change behaviour.

o Comprehension of monthly payment resulting in increased OHS and PHC

o Reluctance to pay 1.5-2.5% of the average gross income.

 Promotion

The promotional activity has to be multilayered. The promotional activity should

reflect the following issues:

o Woes related to OHS and PHC

o The facilities that would be provided by the iPPP

o Methods of saving the required subscription fees.

The promotional activity would start from advocacy of OHS and PHC. For this
purpose a rigorous campaign should be undertaken. The campaign should include:

o Posters, Flyers & stickers.

A series of poster and flyers should be produced and distributed in the areas
where the Truck drivers gather. The poster should depict the hazards of not
having proper OS measures and the PHC issues. Coupled with that, flyers
should be distributed manually. The posters should be done first and then the
distribution of the flyers.

o Public announcements

After the above has been conducted, routine public announcement need to be
made addressing the truck drivers. The addressing could be done from a
predetermined focal point with the mikes placed at various places. The
speaker or the tape would announce the various issues related to OS and
PHC. The continuous exposure to these issues would act as a reinforcing

o Seminars

This activity would give credibility to the above events. A seminar endorsed
by a celebrity would give a sense of reliability to the target group and hence
any effort to enrol the Truck Driver would be easy. The seminar needs to be
conducted at a location where the truck driver would be comfortable. A
conference hall will not adhere to this hence a stadium or a space with
enough clearing would be suitable. The seminar would directly address the
Truck drivers regarding the issue and then introduce them to the facilities
those are being provided by the iPPP. In the seminars the speaker would
relate to the earlier promotional activities and emphasize more on the iPPP
measures. The speaker would also make recommendation on how to manage
their financial issues for paying the desired level of subscription. The truck
drivers should not be the main focus of the seminar. The wives of the truck
drivers should also be welcomed to the seminar. The speaker should also try
to connect with the wives and reflect what they might face in the event of their
truck driver husband being disabled or dead. This effort would, to a certain
point, ensure that the decision to join the association is jointly made.

o Rallies

Rallies are common method for getting attention regarding an issue. Rallies
get newspaper coverage and with correct persuasion get broadcasted on TV

o Radio adverts

It very likely that the truck drivers listen to something during their travels. If the
medium is a radio channel, then this avenue can be used to deliver
advertisements regarding the issue. For this purpose, an enquiry should be
done to assess the existence of any radio channel in the region. An
alternative to this would be planting verbal adverts in cassettes which are
locally produced. The local cassette producer may be contacted and an
advert can be placed.

o Free give-aways

Nothing attracts the Bangladeshi mentality more than free stuff. This aspect
can be exploited. Free T-shirts can be given away to the truck drivers bearing
the message related to the iPPP.

o Religious advocacy

Mosques and other religious amenities can be used to promote the initiative.
The religious clerics can be persuaded to advocate the matter and they would
directly refer the avenues from where the truck drivers would be able to get

o Advocacy by the truck owner

As the truck drivers come directly in contact with the truck owners, the peer
education program can be used to deploy the message. The truck owners
would directly refer as an authoritative order to join the association and
maintain continuous membership. The possibility of making the membership
compulsory for employment can be exploited as well. In return the truck
owner might be given incentives for each referral.

 Evaluation

The evaluation of the promotion campaign will depend on the periodic increase in the
number of membership of truck drivers. A rate must be fixed as the increase percent
and any non conformity in achieving the rate will be deemed as a failure. Again for
this purpose, a break even analysis will be required to better direct the resources.

July August September October November December

Membership 500 650 700 793 1000 1050
% Increase - 30 7.69 13.29 26.10 5
Conformity -

Break-Even: 2500 members

Target % increase 25
conforming to set standards


Sample of evaluation sheet

SWOT analysis


 On-site office

 Availability of field level data

 Possibility of generating reliable survey by the employees of the on-site office.


 Lack of marketing expertise in on-site office

 No initiative for policy level change

 Limited or minimal budget for marketing purpose


 Very strong case for the promotion (avoiding accidents, healthy life style)


 Possibility of very strong reluctance to change from all target groups

 Opposition from political elements

 Obstruction from third parties for personal gain.

 Cost involved to improve OHS might not be sustainable by the truck owners.

 Non cooperation from local agencies.

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