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Juan Manuel Ospina Pinilla

C.C 1015464455

Tips For Surviving A Mega-Disaster

The article tell us about what is a mega disaster and what kind of strategies had been used to
prevent or control them. They narrate the story about a winter in 1861 in California that have
a real big storm, it rained for 45 days straight, this phenomenon change the way of living in
California because the storm killed more than 200,000 head of cattle, so the people started to
learn about agriculture and then they started to work the land. Now in our days a big storm
like this wouldn’t be this dramatic and now we are more prepared meteorologists have
learned to detect these atmospheric events, also now California has an extensive system of
dams and flood control channels that didn't exist in the 1860s.

Another example of mega disaster is an asteroid, like the asteroid that killed dinosaurs 66
million years ago. Hamilton a worker of the NASA talks that they had found more than 10,000
near earth objects, if any of this objects is a threat to the earth the best solution is to send a
rocket and hit it hard and fast in order to change the orbit enough so that it would not hit the

Another kind of mega disaster is a tsunami, in 2011, a tsunami killed more than 15,000 people
in Japan. They said even Japan was overwhelmed by the damage. Nevertheless, in U.S a
tsunami like that would been much worse, in Japan the culture helped to solve this situation
very well, for example they restored electricity within 10 days.

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