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1) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY – an auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine
which deals with the examination by various chemical, microscopic,
bacteriologic, and other medical laboratory procedures or technique
which will aid physician in the diagnosis.
2) PATHOLOGISTS – a duly registered physician who is specially trained in
methods of laboratory medicine, of the gross and microscopic study and
interpretation of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body.
3) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS – a person who engages in the work of
medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed
4) MEDICAL TECHNICIAN – a person who not being a graduate of Bachelor
of Science in Medical technology, but having passed the corresponding
civil service examination.
clinical laboratory, office, agency, clinic, hospital or sanitarium duly
approved by the DOH or its authorized agency.
college, or university which offers a course in Medical Technology.
7) COUNCIL – the council of medical technology education established
under this act (RA No. 005527)
8) BOARD – the board of examiners for Medical Technology established
under this act (RA No. 005527).
9) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – shall approve schools of medical
technology in accordance with the provisions of this act (RA No. 005527).
10) APPEAL – the revocation or suspension of a certificate made by
the Board.
11) ROSTER – shall be prepared by Secretary of the Board, and shall
contain the name, address, citizenship of each RMT.
12) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 005527 – an act requiring the registration of
medical technologists, defining their practice, and for other purposes.
13) ETHICS – a noble science, principles of conduct governing of an
14) GENERAL ETHICS – it deals with the basics principle w/c are the
morality of human acts
15) SOCIAL ETHICS - it tackled the basic principles affecting man as a
member of society.
16) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4688 – an act regulating the operation and
maintenance of clinical laboratories.
17) CLINICAL LABORATIES – shall mean to include clinical pathology,
anatomical pathology, and forensic pathology.
18) CLINICAL PATHOLOGY – include clinical chemistry, hematology,
clinical microscopy, microbiology, serology, immunohematology and
blood blanking.
19) ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY – includes surgical pathology, cytology,
and post-mortem examinations.
20) FORENSIC PATHOLOGY – includes all medico-legal examinations.
should be a duly licensed physician and registered with the Medical
Board of Examiners of the Philippines.
22) ASSOCIATE PATHOLOGIST – a licensed physician and qualified in
laboratory medicine as certified by the Philippine Board of Pathology.
23) PATHOLOGY ASSISTANT – a duly licensed physician who shall be
under the direct supervision of the associate pathologist.
24) EQUIVALENTS – this refers to equipment, supplies and materials
being used in the performances of a laboratory examination.
25) ROUTINE TESTS – which include urinalysis, blood count, feces.
26) ROUTINE BLOOD CHEMISTRY - which includes sugar, NPN, uric acid,
creatinine and etc.
27) BACTERIOLOGY - which includes smear and cultures of blood, urine,
sputum, vaginal and other secretions.
28) MYCOLOGY - which includes smear and cultures from clinical materials
for isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi.
29) PARASITOLOGY - which includes protozoal diagnosis, and detection of
30) RADIOISOTOPE – an examinations including determination of RAI and
other isotope compounds.
31) HOSPITAL LABORATORY – a laboratory that operate within a hospital.
32) FREE-STANDING LABORATORY – a laboratory that operate on its own
or as a part of an activity other than a hospital.
33) PRIMARY CATEGORY – a category which includes free-standing clinical
laboratory and hospital clinical laboratory, and has a space of 10 square
meters. (Bureau Order No. 04)
34) CERVIX UTERI – in the Philippines, it is the second most common
cancer among women after breast cancer.
35) PAPS SMEAR – a screening method in detecting early premalignant
lesions of the cervix uteri.
36) CERVICAL CANCER CONTROL PROGRAM – a program in paps smear
that screen as many women at risk as possible for cervical cancer.
37) ACETIC ACID WASH – a screening method of choice for cervical
cancer in primary hospital.
38) DOCTOR/NURSE/MIDWIFE – one of the train health staff assigned to
do acetic acid wash screen.
39) ECTOPY – a condition in which cells lining the cervical canal extend
beyond the os on to the surface of the cervix.
40) COLPOSCOPY – a stereoscopic microscope, which utilizes a bright light
under a 6-60x magnifications.
41) CHED – best handle the training standards and requirements for
Medtech internship.
42) TUBERCULOSIS – one of the deadliest infectious diseases affecting the
world today.
strategy endorsed by the WHO to control TB in countries with a high TB
tool for case detection and for follow-up of cases under treatment of TB.
45) QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM (QAS) – ensure accuracy and
reliability of results of TB.
46) CENTRAL LABORATORY – refers to the National TB Reference
Laboratory (NTRL).
47) INTERMEDIATE LABORATORY – refers to the Regional TB Laboratory
and Provincial TB Laboratory.
48) PERIPHERAL LABORATORY – refers to the rural health units, city
health centers, and government and private hospitals.
49) APPLICANT – a natural person who intends to operate a clinical
50) CRITICAL VALUES – a panic values originally described as “life
51) INSPECTION TOOL – the checklist used by the regulatory officers
during inspection visits.
52) LICENSE – the document issued by the DOH to an individual or agency
that operates a clinical laboratory.
53) POINT OF CARE TESTING (POCT) – a diagnostic testing or near the
site of patient care rather than in the clinical laboratory.
54) STAT TESTS – tests done of urgent cases, the results of which shall be
released immediately.
55) BLOOD – means human blood, processed or unprocessed.
56) COST – the actual purchase price of unprocessed blood and its handling
57) BLOOD BANK – blood processing laboratory which collects blood for
transfusion, process and storage blood and etc.
58) CLOSED SYSTEM - a system which permits the transfer of material
from one container to another.
59) BLUE – the color of the reagent designated to the blood type “A”.
60) YELLOW- the color of the reagent designated to the blood type “B”.
61) PINK - the color of the designated to the blood type “AB”.
62) ASEPTIC METHODS – a method used to remove blood from the donor
using a sterile, closed system.
63) VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONOR - an individual who donates blood on
one’s own volition or initiative and not induced, by any monetary
64) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8504 – an act promulgating policies and
prescribing measures for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the
65) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9288 – an act promulgating a comprehensive
policy and a national system for ensuring newborn screening.


66) MANAGEMENT – usually viewed as getting things done through

other people in order to achieve stated organizational objectives.
67) PLANNING – is the ongoing process of developing the
organization’s mission.
68) ORGANIZING – is establishing the internal organizational
structure of the organization.
69) STAFFING – is filling and keeping filled with qualified people all
postions in the organization.
70) DIRECTING - is influencing people’s behaviour through
motivation, communication, group dynamics and discipline.
71) CONTROLLING – is a four step process of establishing
performance standards based on firm’s objective.
72) FREDERICK TAYLOR – considered the “father of scientific
management” and believed in the science of work.
73) HENRI FAYOL – believed that all managers perform five
managerial functions.
74) ORGANIZATIONAL HUMANISM – a system that promoted an
interest in understanding the psychological factors of individuals to
75) MANAGER – provide the means for the staff to meet the needs
of their patients and customers.
76) BUREAUCRATIC MODELS – focus entirely on the relationship
between people and rely on the hierarchy’s chain of command.
77) ROUTINE STRATEGY – a work that consists of repetitive tasks
and needs minimally trained work.
78) ENGINEERING STRATEGY – a nonrepetitive work that requires
independent judgement.
79) CRAFT STRATEGY – is best when the products are unique and
workers are extremely skilled but the basic production process for each
item is similar.
80) AUTHORITY – it is the empowerment of an individual to decide
how resources, penalties are used to ensure that designated goals.
81) DELEGATION – is passing on to someone else the authority and
responsibility to get a job done.
82) ORGANIZATIONAL CHART – a formal written map of the
structural plan and authority delegation.
83) TALL STRUCTURE – an organization chart that has many
management layers.
84) FLAT STRUCTURE - an organization chart that few
management layers.
85) SEMANTICS – the branch of communication science that
studies the denotation and connotation of words and messages.
86) DENOTATION – the exact dictionary meaning of a word or
87) CONNOTATION – the context and nonverbal messages
associated with a word or phrase.
88) COMMUNICATION – the act or process of receiving and
transmitting messages.
89) SENDER – a person wishing to transmit a message.
90) MESSAGE – the actual format of the communication effort,
including verbal and nonverbal signals, symbols.
91) MODE OF TRANSMISSION – the vehicle by which a message is
sent either oral, written, nonverbal, recorded.
92) RECEIVER – the target of the message either an individual or
93) DECODING – it is how a receiver translates the message.
94) WRITTEN MESSAGES – messages such as memos and video
programs that are prepared and transmitted by mechanisms other
than a face-to-face encounter.
95) T-CHART – a chart that is one of the popular format for
evaluating facts and information.
96) CHANGE - to become different, usually in response to a
stimulus requiring an action or adjustment.
97) CHANGE AGENT – the person initiating the change effort.
98) CLIENT SYSTEM – the target of the change agent’s
intervention effort.
99) RESISTANCE – is part of the natural flow of the change process.
100) EQUILIBRIUM - a state of stability within and between the
system and its environment.
101) INPUT MECHANISM – the process through which needed
resources are acquired and replaced.
102) TRANSFORMATION – the internal process whereby resources
received through the input channel are converted into the products.
103) OUTPUT MECHANISM - the process of delivering the goods and
services produced to the external environment.
104) UNITY OF COMMAND – the process of ensuring that each
individual reports to only one supervisor.
105) PROCEDURE - an instructional document that provides
explanation and step-by-step directions on how to perform a task, test,
or process.
106) POLICY MANUAL – a manual that contains policies that apply to
the general and overall operations of the institution.
107) PROCEDURE MANUAL - a manual containing procedures that
apply to specific works, tasks and duties.
108) SPECIMEN COLLECTION MANUALS – a manual that contains
detailed instruction for patients and health care providers for
collecting, labelling, storing, rejecting, transporting specimens to the
109) TECHNICAL MANUALS – a procedure manual that contains
information and step-by-step instructions for operating instruments.
110) FLOATERS - a person who is able to work in many sections of
the laboratory.
111) ABSENCE – the occurrence of an unscheduled absence.
112) ABSENTEEISM - a failure to meet the standard for attendance
set by the laboratory.
required by OSHA detailing safety information about each hazardous
as goggles, gloves, aprons, or full protective suits necessary to
eliminate any hazards after all structural safety features have been
115) SAFETY COMMITTEE – a committee assigned to overall
development and monitoring of the safety management program.
116) ACCURACY – the closeness of a result to the actual value of an
analyte when running a test.
117) POPULATION – a term used in statistics to describe and define
the terms that are being studied at a particular time.
118) SAMPLE – a part of a population that is used to analyze the
characteristics of that population.
119) MEAN – the arithmetic average for all the data contained in a
sample population.
120) STANDARD DEVIATION – a measurement of precision, or the
tendency of the values in each population to cluster, center, or scatter
around the mean.
121) CONTROL CHARTS – a chart used to plot control measurements
against standards to identify when a process is in or out of control.
122) STORY BOARDS – a story told in sequential pictures displayed
on a flip chart or other visual aid.
123) LEVEY-JENNINGS CHART – a control chart used to plot quality
control values against previously set limits to determine if a procedure
is in or out of control.
124) RANDOM ERROR – an error that may occur at any time and
place within the production process.
125) SYSTEMATIC ERROR – an error that occurs in a predictable
direction or pattern.
126) SKEWED CURVES – deviations from the symmetrical bell-
shaped appearance of a frequency polygon.
127) DISPERSION – control or sample values that are widely
128) SHIFT – a sudden switch of data points to another area of the
control chart away from the previous mean.
129) PROJECT DESIGN TEAM - a group of laboratorians responsible
for overseeing a work flow and laboratory design venture.
130) CERTIFICATION – the process of establishing and declaring that
a person has met the standards established by a professional
131) CUSTOMER- the discretionary buyer who selects where a
laboratory test is performed.
132) MARKETING - the strategic process of attracting and
maintaining a customer base.
133) EMERGENT BEHAVIOR – the behaviour that emerges from the
internal interaction of the group members.
134) OWNERSHIP – it involved the issues of identity and possession.
135) TEAMWORK – it is referred to as esprit de corps or team spirit.
136) PRE-ANALYTICAL TIME – the time involved in collecting the
specimen and preparing samples and instruments.
137) ANALYTICAL TIME – the time during which the test is actually
138) POST-ANALYTICAL TIME - the time in which the report is made
and routine maintenance is performed.
139) SUPPLIES – products that meet specific time and price criteria.
140) DATA – raw elements that by themselves have no meaning, but
when organized and evaluated together have the potential to reveal
141) INFORMATION - data that have been processed, sorted, and
presented in such a manner that increases the knowledge of the user.
142) ASSETS – resources that the firm uses to conduct its business.
143) EQUITIES – claims on the assets of the organization.
144) FIXED COSTS – those expenses that do not fluctuate when the
volume of work changes over a short term.
145) VARIABLE COSTS – those expenses that respond directly to any
change in workload.
146) SYNERGISM – the process whereby the whole becomes greater
than the sum of its individual parts.
147) GROUP – a collection of individual persons consisting of a
leader, follower, a purpose and many more.
148) JOB DESIGN – the process of organizing work into jobs.
149) PERSONAL IMAGE – the combined effect of how we see
ourselves and how we think others see us.
150) MOTIVATION - it is the reason people do the things they do.

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