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I. How are mountains different from hills?



1 Hills are lower in height. Mountains are higher in height.

2 Hills have low steep. Mountains have high steep.

3 Hills have rounded tops. Mountains have peaks.

4 Hills are easier to climb. Mountains are difficult to climb.

II. What is the other name for the Nilgiris?

Ans: Blue Mountains is the other name for the Nilgiris.

III. Enlist any three rivers that flow through the Deccan Plateau.

Ans: Three rivers that flow through the Deccan Plateau are:

1) Godavari River

2) Krishna River

3) Kaveri River

IV. Why is camel known as the ship of the desert?

Ans: Camel is called the ship of the Desert because he can walk on the burning
sand easily. He can live without food and water for many days. The skin of
camels protects it not only from the cold night temperature but also the
intense heat of the day in the desert.

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