AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y Vocabulario Técnico de Inglés en Diagramas UML

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FASE 2: AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

ADSI ID: 1412867

AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

Leidy Ruth Ovalle Pereira

Kelly Octavia Mejía Carmona

Octubre de 2017

Instructora Adriana Cristina Castilla López

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Administración de Sistemas Informáticos


FASE 2: AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

ADSI ID: 1412867


Para desarrollar esta evidencia deberá construir en idioma inglés el diagrama de caso de uso

que dé respuesta a la siguiente situación presentada “Use Case Rentacar” y participe activamente

en el encuentro sincrónico acordado con el tutor de inglés para sustentar de forma oral el

vocabulario técnico y el desarrollo del Caso de Uso. La siguiente es la situación problema:


To develop this evidence, you must construct in English the use case diagram that responds to

the following situation presented "Use Case Rentacar" and participates actively in the

synchronous meeting agreed with the English tutor to oral support the technical vocabulary and

the development of the Use Case. The following is the problem situation:


“Rentacar Company deals with car rental. Its customers can be divided in two categories: Direct

clients, which are individuals who come to rent a car; or Travel Agencies, that are responsible for

hiring vehicles for their clients. In the case of direct customers, the application of renting a car is

done in a contract that contains the terms of use and details of the rental. Then, it must be

considered down payment left as guarantee and the contract stays open until the vehicle is given

back to the company, when the final settlement will be established. In the case of the agencies,

they pay monthly to the company, for the full amount of vehicles hired during that period. In both

FASE 2: AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

ADSI ID: 1412867

cases, to assign a vehicle it must be taken into account if it was reserved or available and always

return on time and it should be checked technically before being rented again, this technical

revision must be recorded.”

Como parte del desarrollo de esta evidencia es importante que revise y analice el video “UML

Use Case Diagrams” presentado en el material de estudio, con el fin de fortalecer sus competencias

en la construcción de diagramas UML y además fortalecer su vocabulario en el idioma inglés. El

encuentro sincrónico con su tutor de inglés le permitirá resolver las inquietudes presentadas con el

idioma y el desarrollo de la evidencia.

As part of the development of this evidence, it is important to review and analyze the video

"UML Use Case Diagrams" presented in the study material, in order to strengthen their skills in

the construction of UML diagrams and also strengthen their vocabulary in the English language .

The synchronous meeting with your English tutor will allow you to solve the concerns presented

with the language and the development of the evidence.



FASE 2: AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

ADSI ID: 1412867


The use case diagram was constructed taking into account that according to the video, the

primary actors are presented to the left side and the secondary actors are presented to the right

side. Additionally the text into the use cases are in infinitive verb. This case have a Company

(we assign an administrator of this company), and two types of customers, although their

contracts (from costumers) are different as the diagram says, they have something in common:

they must give back the vehicle in good condition and on time. Later the administrator must

FASE 2: AP3-AA1-Ev2-Caso de Uso y vocabulario técnico de inglés en Diagramas UML

ADSI ID: 1412867

make the technical check of the vehicles returned. All expressed in the diagrams with the lines

pointing from both types of clients towards the same use case.

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