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A Religion

(By: Mildred Dulnuan)

Religions are shared collections of transcendental beliefs that have been passed on from
believers to converts, that are held by adherents to be actively meaningful and serious and either
based on (1) formally documented doctrine (organized religion) or (2) established cultural
practices (folk religion). In both forms, there are religious professionals who embody formal
aspects of the religion and who act in positions of leadership and governance, and there are
certain rituals reserved for them to carry out. The beliefs generate practical implications for how
life should be lived.
In the catholic, I observe that every Sunday, they are going to church to worship God. And before
they start their mass, they sang a song that related to their theme. And after they sung, they start
the mass with praying. And after the praying, the member of the group read the“ebanghelyo” or
the bible verse. And then she\he will explain it.After she\he explained this is the time that if who
are willing or interested to share their opinion or their testimony. And after the testimony they
sung a song for the offering, and then pray for dismissal. And after the praying, they sung the last
song that they consider as their last prayer. And they call it “amami”. And every year they
celebrate their Christmas party. And during Christmas they have an evening mass.And then if it’s
a holy week they have their mass and they cover the statue of Jesus as their respect for him.
While the Faith Baptist is every week they have mass.And before they start the mass they need to
invite some young people who are interested to listen to the words of God. And after the inviting,
they went all to church to start the mass. They start the mass with two songs and then pray. And
after the praying the pastor have an announcement after the announcement the pastor start his
preaching. And after the preaching they sung a song for the offering. And then special number of
the young people. And then pray for dismissal. And every year they have their youth camp. And
that is for the young people only even if you’re not experiencing the babti Religions often
include: spiritual explanations of our place in the world in an attempt to answer questions about
"why we are here"; worship of deities and/or supernatural entities (including ancestors);
conceptions of "holy" and "sacred" activities ideas and objects; set rituals, calendar events based
on the changing seasons, distinctive dress codes (especially for religious professionals), codes of
morality and action that are given a mandate from a supernaturally great being, from a
supernatural force or from the will of the Universe itself; and, a caste of privileged and exalted
professionals who have particular claims to be in touch with transcendental forces.zing.But if
you are willing to listen you are welcome for them.
And I believe that these two religions are continuously shared the words of God. And through all
the sacrifices of the all pastors and priest who are willing to share the words of God is it can help
the people to know and have fear to God. The God that the creator of all things.

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