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The Hyperdrive Mass Building System is 90 days long with four separate 3-week
phases. We start with low volume in Phase 1. The volume increases steadily in
Phase 2 and maintains high volume throughout Phase 3. The final phase ends with
a taper back down to low volume.

So it looks like this:

Phase 1- Low Volume

Phase 2- Medium to High Volume
Phase 3- High Volume
Phase 4- Medium/ Low/ Low Volume

The training split is as follows:

Day 1- Upper/ Heavy/ Push Focus

Day 2- Lower
Day 3- Upper/ Light/ Pull Focus
Day 4- Guns/ Light Lower/ Conditioning

If you can’t make it to the gym for the Day 4 you can simply do some kind of hard
conditioning workout at home or outside for 20-30 minutes. Sled work, hill sprints,
Air Assault bike, battling ropes, jumping rope, etc. would all be fine choices.
The ideal training schedule is Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat. If that doesn’t fit your schedule
just train on whatever four days work for you. Never train three days in a row. And
ideally, you shouldn’t have more than two back-to-back days per week.

Some other options are:


If you absolutely can’t train on weekends just train Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.

Pre-Workout Warm-Ups

On all training days, you have the option to do 2-5 minutes of jumping rope,
incline walking, hitting the exercise bike, or anything else to get your heart rate up.

If you are older and/or beat up, this is a good idea to help get your body temp up
and things moving.

Upper Body Warm-Up

1) Shoulder Dislocation with Band or Broomstick- 1x20

2) YTWL- 1x5 in each direction
3) Scapular Wall Slide- 1x15
4) Cat/Camel- 1x10
5) Upper Body Clam Shell- 1x15 per side
6) Bird/Dog- 1x6 per side
7) Band Pull Apart- 1x20
8) Supinated/Curl Grip External Rotation w/ Band- 1x15
9) Pushup Plus- 1x15
10) Slow Crawl- 1x60 sec.*
*Crawl in multiple directions

Lower Body Warm-Up

*For the conditioning/guns day (Day 4), add in some extra pull aparts, kneeling
push ups and light curls to get your elbows warm.
1) Thai Sit- 1x15 per side
2) Half Clam- 1x15 per side
3) Cat/Camel- 1x10
4) Slow Curl Up- 1x5 per side
5) Side Plank- 1x30 sec per side
6) Bird/Dog- 1x6 per side
7) Glute Bridge- 1x20
8) Slow Lunge- 1x10
9) Dynamic Hip Flexion- 1x20
10) Overhead Squat w/ Band or Broomstick- 1x20
Phase 1

Week 1

Day 1

1. 45 Degree Incline DB Press: 2 x 10-12 x 90 sec.

2. Reverse Band or 2 Board Press*: 2 x 6-8 x 60 sec.
3. 1 Arm Standing Landmine Press: 2 z 8-10 x 30 sec**
4. 1 Arm Inverted Row 3 x 8-10 x 30 sec.
5. Hammer Grip Face Pull: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*Use a neutral of angled grip bar if available

** Rest between arms

Day 2

1. Vertical Jump w/ Overhead Reach: 3 x 5 x 60 sec.

2. Barbell Glute Bridge: 2 x 10-12 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or KB Front Squat: 2 x 6-8 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat: 1 x 25-30 x 120 sec.
5a. Landmine Russian Twist: 2 x 6-8 x 45 sec.
5b. Farmer’s Walk: 2 x 40 sec. X 45 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring/JGXT Chin Up: 1 x 30 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.

2. Ring Pushup: 3 x 12-15 x 60 sec.
3a. Standing Lateral Raise: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. 45 Degree Pronated Incline DB Row: 2 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. 1 Arm DB Shrug: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.
*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. Hammer Curl: 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Band Extension: 4 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
2a. Walking Lunge/Sled Push: 3 x 60 sec. x 45 sec.
2b. Swing/Back Extension: 3 x 20 x 45 sec.
2c. 1 arm Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 30 sec. x 45 sec.

Week 2

Week 2 of Phase 1 builds on the intro week you just went through.
You will see some volume increases throughout all the training days.

On Day 1, you’ll do an added set of DB Presses. Don’t stress the weight you use
on these. You may have to lower the weight for the 3rd set. That’s fine. Your main
focus is the barbell press. Look to add weight there this week. If last week’s load
felt heavy and you only hit 6 reps, then shoot for more reps.

It’s still early in the program, so be smart and leave room for progress.
As you know, the extra sets of pulling with the rows and face pulls will help
balance out the pushing and keep your shoulders healthy.

Day 2 is similar to Day 1 in that you see some extra volume coming in. Focus on
form and technique on the glute bridges, and make sure you’re using a weight on
the squats that keeps your reps clean. No grinders.
Day 3 has the highest volume increases because those are the least stressful
exercises. I want you to shoot to beat your chin-up time from last week.

For Day 4, the volume increases will help pump up your guns. And since you’re all
gonna be eating a lot in the Winter, let’s get some more sled work in there to keep
the conditioning up.

Get after it.

Day 1

1. 45 Degree Incline DB Press: 3 x 10-12 x 90 sec.

2. Reverse Band or 2 Board Press*: 2 x 6-8 x 60 sec.
3. 1 Arm Standing Landmine Press: 2 z 8-10 x 30 sec**
4. 1 Arm Inverted Row 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec.
5. Hammer Grip Face Pull: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*Use a neutral of angled grip bar if available

** Rest between arms

Day 2

1. Vertical Jump w/ Overhead Reach: 3 x 5 x 60 sec.

2. Barbell Glute Bridge: 3 x 10-12 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or KB Front Squat: 3 x 6-8 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat: 1 x 25-30 x 120 sec.
5a. Landmine Russian Twist: 3 x 6-8 x 45 sec.
5b. Farmer’s Walk: 2 x 40 sec. X 45 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring/JGXT Chin Up: 1 x 30 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.

2. Ring Pushup: 4 x 12-15 x 60 sec.
3a. Standing Lateral Raise: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. 45 Degree Pronated Incline DB Row: 3 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. 1 Arm DB Shrug: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. Hammer Curl: 5 x 8-10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Band Extension: 5 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
2a. Walking Lunge/Sled Push: 4 x 60 sec. x 45 sec.
2b. Swing/Back Extension: 3 x 20 x 45 sec.
2c. 1 arm Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 30 sec. x 45 sec.

Week 3

Week 3 marks the final week of Phase 1 and comes with more volume increases
across all days.

Day 1 has an added work set on the main press, the 2 board or reverse band press. I
want this 3rd set to be just as fast and clean as the first two. So, if that means you
have to lower the weight by 10%-20%, that's fine.

Ideally, you hit the same weight for all three sets, but be smart. Don't grind out a
shitty set to stroke your ego. There's still a lot of training left in this program.
You want to stay fresh.

Day 1 also has an added set of rows and face pulls to keep your shoulders healthy,
add some back thickness, and balance out the pushing.
On Day 2, you're going to continue with the theme of upper back size through
more farmer's walks.

These will also continue to make your core stronger and more durable.
Day 3 will leave you pumped out of your skin as there are more sets of pushups,
lateral raises and shrugs.

If you're so pumped you can't touch your shoulders after day 3, I'll be a happy man.

Finally, Day 4 has the biggest overall volume increases.

I added more sets of the sled and KB swings as theses are the safest exercises for
your knees and lower back. And your arms will be ready to explode after 12 sets of
gun work.

Now, after the arm work, don’t get soft on me. This is still a hard conditioning day.
Stay mentally tough through the circuit and push yourself.

Day 1

1. 45 Degree Incline DB Press: 3 x 10-12 x 90 sec.

2. Reverse Band or 2 Board Press*: 3 x 6-8 x 60 sec.
3. 1 Arm Standing Landmine Press: 2 z 8-10 x 30 sec**
4. 1 Arm Inverted Row 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec.
5. Hammer Grip Face Pull: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*Use a neutral of angled grip bar if available

** Rest between arms

Day 2
1. Vertical Jump w/ Overhead Reach: 3 x 5 x 60 sec.
2. Barbell Glute Bridge: 3 x 10-12 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or KB Front Squat: 3 x 6-8 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat: 1 x 25-30 x 120 sec.
5a. Landmine Russian Twist: 3 x 6-8 x 45 sec.
5b. Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 40 sec. X 45 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring/JGXT Chin Up: 1 x 30 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.

2. Ring Pushup: 4 x 12-15 x 60 sec.
3a. Standing Lateral Raise: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. 45 Degree Pronated Incline DB Row: 4 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. 1 Arm DB Shrug: 4 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. Hammer Curl: 6 x 8-10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Band Extension: 5 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
2a. Walking Lunge/Sled Push: 5 x 60 sec. x 45 sec.
2b. Swing/Back Extension: 4 x 20 x 45 sec.
2c. 1 arm Farmer’s Walk: 4 x 30 sec. x 45 sec.
Phase 2

Week 1

You're now moving into Phase 2 of Hyperdrive, which is a medium-high volume

phase.This will be an intro week that will continue to build over the next 3, similar
to Phase 1.

You will notice that many of the lifts change. This is to avoid any overuse injuries
that develop from doing the same thing for weeks at a time.

Plus, it's just fun to change things up, and you guys will love some of the new

A couple notes:
- For the Barbell/DB Clean and Press: Treat it as one continuous movement. So,
use a weight that allows you to clean it up, then go straight into the press. If you
have to reset before pressing every rep, it's too heavy.

- For the Dead Stop 1 Arm DB Row: Start every rep with the DB on the ground.
Row it up, let it come down to the floor. Row again.

-For the rear delt swing: Lie face down at a low incline on a bench. Grab a set of
15-30lbs DBs and do partial range rear delt raises. The weight should only come
up about halfway, control it back down and go immediately into the next rep. You
should feel this torching your upper back and rear delts by the end of the set.
- For the 25lb plate front raise, hold the plate on the outer edges, with your palms
facing each other.

You have instructions on how to work up for each exercise listed on the days. Get
after it.
Day 1
1. Alternate Flat DB Press: 3 x 8-10 x 90 sec.
2. 10 Degree Incline Barbell or DB Press: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or DB Muscle Clean and Press: 3 x 10-12 x 120 sec.
4. Dead Stop 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec. b/w arms
5. 60 Degree Incline Pronated DB Row: 3 x 12-15 x 60 sec.

Day 2

1. Box Jump: 3 x 5 x 45 sec.

2. Barbell Hip Thrust: 3 x 12, 10, 8 x 60 sec.
3. Back/KB Squat or Trap Bar Deadlift: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat, Belt Squat, or KB Deadlift: 1 x 30 x 90 sec.
5a. Farmer’s WalkL 3 x 30 sec. x 30 sec.
5b. Reverse Crunch: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring Chin Up*: 1 x 50 reps in ALTAP x 60 sec.

2. Pronated Landmine Row: 3 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
3a. Weighted Pushup**: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Low Incline Rear Delt Swing: 3 x 25-30 x 45 sec.
4a. DB Shrug w/ 3 Second Pause: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
4b. 25lb Plate Front Raise: 2 x AMAP x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.
**Add weight using chains, a weighted vest, or plates on your back

Day 4

1a. Standing DB Curl: 6 x 8-10 x 15 sec.

1b. 1 Leg Hip Thrust: 3 x 15-20 x 15 sec.
2a. Rope Pushdown: 6 x 10-12 x 15 sec.
2b. Slide Reverse Lunge: 3 x 12-15 x 15 sec.
3a. Horse Stance Pallof Press: 2 x 20 x 15 sec.
3b. KB Swing/Back Extension: 2 x 20-25 x 15 sec.

Week 2

The theme of Phase 2 Week 2 is upper back and traps.

The volume continues to build and you will see the added sets and reps go to many
of the exercises that thicken up your traps and shoulders. I'm talking about the
clean and press, high incline rows, farmer's walks, shrugs, and all of those that
build big time back strength.

The big lifts on Day 1 and 2 have the same rep schemes as last week, so try to add
weight where you can. If that means on all 3 working sets, that's awesome. If you
just add weight on a couple of them, that's fine, too. Even if you keep the weights
the same and just move faster, that's a PR in my book.

Remember, progress is progress.

Keep doing what you've been doing and treat Days 3 and 4 as high rep pump days.
Put your PR efforts into Days 1 and 2.
Finally, don't start slipping on off day low intensity cardio and stay on top of your
soft tissue work.

I want you all to be dialed in on recovery as this program continue to build

If you feel like you need to add some more carbs and calories to recover, you
should. More volume will mean some of you need more carbs to keep recovering.

That said, and this should go without saying, don't eat more just to do it. Make sure
your nutrition stays in line with your goals.

That's it for this week.

Day 1

1. Alternate Flat DB Press: 3 x 8-10 x 90 sec.

2. 10 Degree Incline Barbell or DB Press: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or DB Muscle Clean and Press: 3 x 10-12 x 120 sec.
4. Dead Stop 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec. b/w arms
5. 60 Degree Incline Pronated DB Row: 4 x 12-15 x 60 sec.

Day 2

1. Box Jump: 3 x 5 x 45 sec.

2. Barbell Hip Thrust: 3 x 12, 10, 8 x 60 sec.
3. Back/KB Squat or Trap Bar Deadlift: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat, Belt Squat, or KB Deadlift: 2 x 30 x 90 sec.
5a. Farmer’s WalkL 4 x 30 sec. x 30 sec.
5b. Reverse Crunch: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.
Day 3

1. Ring Chin Up*: 1 x 50 reps in ALTAP x 60 sec.

2. Pronated Landmine Row: 4 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
3a. Weighted Pushup**: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Low Incline Rear Delt Swing: 3 x 25-30 x 45 sec.
4a. DB Shrug w/ 3 Second Pause: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
4b. 25lb Plate Front Raise: 3 x AMAP x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

**Add weight using chains, a weighted vest, or plates on your back

Day 4

1a. Standing DB Curl: 6 x 8-10 x 15 sec.

1b. 1 Leg Hip Thrust: 3 x 15-20 x 15 sec.
2a. Rope Pushdown: 6 x 10-12 x 15 sec.
2b. Slide Reverse Lunge: 3 x 12-15 x 15 sec.
3a. Horse Stance Pallof Press: 3 x 20 x 15 sec.
3b. KB Swing/Back Extension: 3 x 20-25 x 15 sec.
Week 3

This is the final week of Phase 2, and for the second time in this phase, you see
some lower body volume jumps.

As I've always said, the lower body is "dumber" than the upper body when it
comes to adapting, so you need to adjust things less frequently. That said, the time
has come, and this week, you will be adding another set of high rep leg work.
You'll also notice that the reps are coming down. This type of periodization- where
total volume goes up, but reps per set comes down- makes a great combo for size
and strength

This week also features some more volume increases on the upper back and
shoulder exercises that make us all feel jacked.

Bring Phase 2 home with a bang. You guys are gonna love what I have brewing for
Phase 3.

Day 1

1. Alternate Flat DB Press: 3 x 8-10 x 90 sec.

2. 10 Degree Incline Barbell or DB Press: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 60 sec.
3. Barbell or DB Muscle Clean and Press: 3 x 10-12 x 120 sec.
4. Dead Stop 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 8-10 x 30 sec. b/w arms
5. 60 Degree Incline Pronated DB Row: 4 x 12-15 x 60 sec.

Day 2

1. Box Jump: 3 x 5 x 45 sec.

2. Barbell Hip Thrust: 3 x 12, 10, 8 x 60 sec.
3. Back/KB Squat or Trap Bar Deadlift: 3 x 8, 6, 4 x 90 sec.
4. Goblet Squat, Belt Squat, or KB Deadlift: 3 x 30 x 90 sec.
5a. Farmer’s WalkL 4 x 30 sec. x 30 sec.
5b. Reverse Crunch: 4 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring Chin Up*: 1 x 50 reps in ALTAP x 60 sec.

2. Pronated Landmine Row: 4 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
3a. Weighted Pushup**: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Low Incline Rear Delt Swing: 4 x 25-30 x 45 sec.
4a. DB Shrug w/ 3 Second Pause: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
4b. 25lb Plate Front Raise: 3 x AMAP x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

**Add weight using chains, a weighted vest, or plates on your back

Day 4

1a. Standing DB Curl: 6 x 8-10 x 15 sec.

1b. 1 Leg Hip Thrust: 3 x 15-20 x 15 sec.
2a. Rope Pushdown: 6 x 10-12 x 15 sec.
2b. Slide Reverse Lunge: 3 x 12-15 x 15 sec.
3a. Horse Stance Pallof Press: 4 x 20 x 15 sec.
3b. KB Swing/Back Extension: 3 x 20-25 x 15 sec.
Phase 3
Week 1

Phase 3 will be the highest volume phase of Hyperdrive so far. You'll notice that
the total sets and reps per workout really starts to pick up, and many of you guys
should be starting to see some substantial gains at this point.

You will notice that Day 1 no longer has a barbell press in it. That is beacuse you
want less stressful exercises with the higher volume. Plus, it's good to take a break
from the barbell here and there.

Keeping up with this theme of less stressful exercises, I recommend you choose a
low stress squat variation for Day 2. Something like KB Front Squat with a pause
at the bottom would be great. If you're dead set on barbell squatting, do a front

Keep in mind that less stressful does not mean easy. I want you all to be pushing
the sets hard, but just pick a smart squat variation.

As always, stay on top of your soft tissue work and mobility, especially around
your shoulders and elbows.

A couple other notes:

-On day 1, you are supposed to rest 10 sec between the inverted rows and the
pulldowns. That's not a typo. You will hit them back to back, then rest for 90 sec.
-On the DB RDLs, focus on getting a big stretch at the bottom and lower down in 3
Because I know you guys are going to be having unreal workouts this phase, I
wanna see footage of you guys training on social media.
Post some photos or videos on Facebook or Instagram and be sure to tag me in
them. Use the hashtag #RenegadeStrengthClub or #HyperDrive.

Finally, I removed the prescribed work-up sets because I felt it caused more
confusion than help. Just hit 1-4 warm up sets of progressively heavier weight for
each exercise.

For exercises earlier in the workout, hit 3-4. For later ones, hit 1-2.
Keep crushing it, guys.

Day 1

1. Ring Pushup: 4 x 10-12 x 60 sec.

2. 30 Deg Incline DB. Press: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.
3. KB Military Press: 4 x 10-12 x 60 sec.
4a. Suspended Inverted Row: 4 x 10-12 x 10 sec.
4b. Stiff Arm Pulldown: 4 x 10-12 x 90 sec.

Day 2

1. BW Squat Jump: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.

2. BW Leg Curl: 3 x 15-20 x 60 sec.
3. Squat: 3 x 6-8 x 90 sec.
4a. Modified Dragon Flag: 3 x 6-8 x 30 sec.
4b. DB RDL: 2 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

Day 3
1. Neutral Grip Chin Up: 1 x 60 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.
2. High Incline 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
3a. Rope Face Pull: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Parallel Bar Dip: 3 x 15-20 x 45 sec.
4. 60 Deg. Incline Lateral Raise: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. 60 Deg Incline Hammer Curl: 8 x 10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Cable Tricep Extension: 8 x 10 x 30 sec.
2a. High Step Up: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
2b. Swiss Ball Stir the Pot: 3 x 40 sec. x 45 sec.
2c. KB Swing: 3 x 20 x 45 sec.
3. 1 Arm Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 30 sec. x 45. sec.

Week 2

And we continue to go up. I imagine you are really starting to feel the effects of the
volume increases.

You should be looking fuller and also noticing that your recovery between sets has
gone up.
Go ahead and look back to Phase 1 Week 1 and check out how much more work
you're tolerating, now.

Pretty sick, huh? You're killin' it.

This week, you'll be adding more volume to your shoulders and back on the upper
days. Military presses, inverted rows, and face pulls all get an extra set.

On top of that, the lower body volume comes up with an extra set of squats and
And of course, the guns. 9 sets this week.


Finally, as with last week, for your work up sets before each exercise, hit 1-4
progressively heavier sets.

For early exercises, hit 3-4. For those later in the workout, 1-2.

Day 1

1. Ring Pushup: 4 x 10-12 x 60 sec.

2. 30 Deg Incline DB. Press: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.
3. KB Military Press: 5 x 10-12 x 60 sec.
4a. Suspended Inverted Row: 5 x 10-12 x 10 sec.
4b. Stiff Arm Pulldown: 4 x 10-12 x 90 sec.

Day 2

1. BW Squat Jump: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.

2. BW Leg Curl: 3 x 15-20 x 60 sec.
3. Squat: 4 x 6-8 x 90 sec.
4a. Modified Dragon Flag: 3 x 6-8 x 30 sec.
4b. DB RDL: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

Day 3

1. Neutral Grip Chin Up: 1 x 60 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.

2. High Incline 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
3a. Rope Face Pull: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Parallel Bar Dip: 3 x 15-20 x 45 sec.
4. 60 Deg. Incline Lateral Raise: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. 60 Deg Incline Hammer Curl: 9 x 10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Cable Tricep Extension: 9 x 10 x 30 sec.
2a. High Step Up: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
2b. Swiss Ball Stir the Pot: 3 x 40 sec. x 45 sec.
2c. KB Swing: 3 x 20 x 45 sec.
3. 1 Arm Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 30 sec. x 45. sec.

Week 3

This marks the final week of Phase 3. It's the peak of the program, with the highest
number of work sets and some slight tweaks in the rep ranges.

Those tweaks will let you safely start handling some heavier weigh and hit some
lower rep sets.

Day 1 sees changes to KB Military Press and an extra set of Stiff Arm Pulldowns.
The descending reps mean on KB Military Press mean that you should increase the
weight as the sets go on.

Now, you don't have to go up each set, but the set you do for 4 should be with
heavier weights than the set of 10. After the set of four, drop the weight back down
for a back off, higher rep set of 12.

On Day 2, you will perform a back off set for squats. So, you do 3 sets of 6-8, then
drop the weight for by 15-20% for a back off set of 10.

Ideally, 3 sets of 6-8 will let you handle slightly heavier weight than the 4 sets last
week. Use the backoff set to get extra volume. It's a backoff set. Not a 10RM.

Day 2 also has an added set of leg curls to keep bringing up your posterior chain,
and some extra ab work.

Day 3 sees a change in the rep range for dips.

Finally, the gun show continues on Day 4. 10 sets this week.

Keep pushing, guys.

Day 1

1. Ring Pushup: 4 x 10-12 x 60 sec.

2. 30 Deg Incline DB. Press: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.
3. KB Military Press: 5 x 10, 8, 6, 4, 12 x 60 sec.
4a. Suspended Inverted Row: 5 x 10-12 x 10 sec.
4b. Stiff Arm Pulldown: 5 x 10-12 x 90 sec.
Day 2

1. BW Squat Jump: 4 x 6 x 60 sec.

2. BW Leg Curl: 4 x 15-20 x 60 sec.
3. Squat: 3, 1 Back off x 6-8. 10 for Back off x 90 sec.
4a. Modified Dragon Flag: 4 x 6-8 x 30 sec.
4b. DB RDL: 3 x 12-15 x 30 sec.

Day 3

1. Neutral Grip Chin Up: 1 x 60 reps in ALTAP* x 60 sec.

2. High Incline 1 Arm DB Row: 4 x 10-12 x 30 sec.
3a. Rope Face Pull: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
3b. Parallel Bar Dip: 4 x 15-20 x 45 sec.
4. 60 Deg. Incline Lateral Raise: 4 x 12-15 x 45 sec.

*ALTAP = As little time as possible. Set a timer before your first rep, ten it run
until you complete all 30 perfect reps. Try to beat that time next week.

Day 4

1a. 60 Deg Incline Hammer Curl: 10 x 10 x 30 sec.

1b. Overhead Cable Tricep Extension: 10 x 10 x 30 sec.
2a. High Step Up: 3 x 12-15 x 45 sec.
2b. Swiss Ball Stir the Pot: 3 x 40 sec. x 45 sec.
2c. KB Swing: 3 x 20 x 45 sec.
3. 1 Arm Farmer’s Walk: 3 x 30 sec. x 45. sec.
Phase 4

Week 1

Welcome to Phase 4.

After ramping up the volume over the past 2 months, you're gonna be cutting it and
down and watching your strength shoot through the roof.

You'll notice many of the big exercises come back in, but with fewer sets and lower
reps. Bringing in barbell benching, close grip benching, front squats, and trap bar
deads will let you throw down some solid numbers on these lifts.

I hope to see quite a few PRs in the Hyperdrive Training Log.

Now, I know you're reading this, foaming at the mouth to throw on some weight.
But remind yourself that the same rules of smart training still apply.

Fast reps, picture perfect technique, no grinders.

The nature of the programming will bring you strength gains up over the next few
There's no need to force weight onto the bar.

You'll notice that Saturday has become just a lower body conditioning today,
without the arm work. This gives your upper body and joints a break so that you're
ready to press on Monday.
Beyond that, everything is straight forward for this phase, but I do want to clarify a
couple things.

For Day 2, if you're wondering whether you should do trap bar deads or front
squats, here's my answer.

Whichever one you would rather do.There's no special reason to do one over the

Next, for all movements, do sets across. That means you use the same weight for
all sets. No back offs.

Just pick a weight that you can dominate for the prescribed sets and reps. Don't get
greedy, go too heavy, and miss reps.The best lifters don't miss reps in training and
that's why they continue to progress.

That covers it. Go get strong.

Day 1

1. 45 Deg Incline DB press: 2 x 8 x 90 sec.

2. 10 deg Incline BB Press: 2 x 6 x 120 sec.
3. Close Grip Bench or 2 Board Press: 2 x 6 x 90 sec.
4a. Pronated Inverted Row to Chest: 3 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
4b. DB Military Press: 2 x 8 x 60 sec.
5. Standing DB Curl: 4 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 2
1. Box Jump: 3 x 3 x 60 sec.
2. GHR or Leg Curl: 3 x 8 x 90 sec.
3. Front Squat or TBDL: 2 x 6 x 120 sec.
4. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 2 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
5a. Dragon Flag: 2 x 6-8 x 45 sec.
5b. DB RDL: 1 x 6-8 x 45 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring Pullup: 3 x 6 x 120 sec.

2. 1 Arm Landmine Row: 3 x 8 x 60 sec.
3. Standing Lateral Raise: 4 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. Angled Bar Pushdown: 2 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
5. Close Grip Pushup: 2 x 10-12 x 120 sec.

Day 4

1a. Sled or Bike Sprint: 4 x 30 sec x 60 sec.

1b. KB Swing: 4 x 30 sec. x 60 sec.
2a. Swiss Ball Ab Rollout: 3 x 6 x 45 sec.
2b. ½ Kneeling Pallof Press: 3 x 8-10 x 45 sec.

Week 2

Day 1

1. 45 Deg Incline DB press: 2 x 8 x 90 sec.

2. 10 deg Incline BB Press: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
3. Close Grip Bench or 2 Board Press: 2 x 6 x 90 sec.
4a. Pronated Inverted Row to Chest: 3 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
4b. DB Military Press: 2 x 8 x 60 sec.
5. Standing DB Curl: 3 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 2
1. Box Jump: 3 x 3 x 60 sec.
2. GHR or Leg Curl: 3 x 8 x 90 sec.
3. Front Squat or TBDL: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
4. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 1 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
5a. Dragon Flag: 2 x 6-8 x 45 sec.
5b. DB RDL: 1 x 6-8 x 45 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring Pullup: 3 x 6 x 120 sec.

2. 1 Arm Landmine Row: 2 x 8 x 60 sec.
3. Standing Lateral Raise: 2 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. Angled Bar Pushdown: 2 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
5. Close Grip Pushup: 1 x 10-12 x 120 sec.

Day 4

1a. Sled or Bike Sprint: 4 x 30 sec x 60 sec.

1b. KB Swing: 4 x 30 sec. x 60 sec.
2a. Swiss Ball Ab Rollout: 3 x 6 x 45 sec.
2b. ½ Kneeling Pallof Press: 3 x 8-10 x 45 sec.

Week 3

Day 1

1. 45 Deg Incline DB press: 2 x 8 x 90 sec.

2. 10 deg Incline BB Press: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
3. Close Grip Bench or 2 Board Press: 1 x 6 x 90 sec.
4a. Pronated Inverted Row to Chest: 3 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
4b. DB Military Press: 1 x 8 x 60 sec.
5. Standing DB Curl: 1 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
Day 2

1. Box Jump: 3 x 3 x 60 sec.

2. GHR or Leg Curl: 3 x 8 x 90 sec.
3. Front Squat or TBDL: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
4. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 2 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 3

1. Ring Pullup: 3 x 6 x 120 sec.

2. 1 Arm Landmine Row: 2 x 8 x 60 sec.
3. Standing Lateral Raise: 2 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. Angled Bar Pushdown: 1 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 4

1a. Sled or Bike Sprint: 4 x 30 sec x 60 sec.

1b. KB Swing: 4 x 30 sec. x 60 sec.
2a. Swiss Ball Ab Rollout: 3 x 6 x 45 sec.
2b. ½ Kneeling Pallof Press: 3 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
Deload Week

For the deload week, you will be performing the same volume as Phase 4 Week 3,
but you will reduce the load by 40%.

For bodyweight exercises, you can either do them with band assistance, or just do
them as normal, but stop sets with plenty of reps in the tank.

If your last break from the gym was a deload week within the last 6-8 weeks, or if
it has been 12-16 weeks since you took any sort of break, take the whole week off.

Day 1
Reduce the load by 40% for all exercises.
For bodyweight exercises, you can either do them with band assistance, or just do them as
normal, but stop sets with plenty of reps in the tank.

1. 45 Deg Incline DB press: 2 x 8 x 90 sec.

2. 10 deg Incline BB Press: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
3. Close Grip Bench or 2 Board Press: 1 x 6 x 90 sec.
4a. Pronated Inverted Row to Chest: 3 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
4b. DB Military Press: 1 x 8 x 60 sec.
5. Standing DB Curl: 1 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 2

Reduce the load by 40% for all exercises.

For bodyweight exercises, you can either do them with band assistance, or just do them as
normal, but stop sets with plenty of reps in the tank.

1. Box Jump: 3 x 3 x 60 sec.

2. GHR or Leg Curl: 3 x 8 x 90 sec.
3. Front Squat or TBDL: 1 x 6 x 120 sec.
4. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 2 x 8-10 x 60 sec.

Day 3

Reduce the load by 40% for all exercises.

For bodyweight exercises, you can either do them with band assistance, or just do them as
normal, but stop sets with plenty of reps in the tank.

1. Ring Pullup: 3 x 6 x 120 sec.

2. 1 Arm Landmine Row: 2 x 8 x 60 sec.
3. Standing Lateral Raise: 2 x 8-10 x 45 sec.
4. Angled Bar Pushdown: 1 x 8-10 x 60 sec.
Finishers and Other Conditioning

Remember, you gotta be strong AND have sick conditioning.

The best way to build your conditioning is with high intensity finishers. Not only do these crank
up your fitness, they also burn fat like crazy and keep you lean.

Do them after one training day per week.

After Day 1 or 2, do a 10 minute High Intensity Finisher consisting of 15-30 sec. on, 30-60 sec
off of one or two of the following exercises:
-Battling Ropes
-Bike Sprints
-Sledgehammer Swings
-Med Ball Slams
-Sandbag cleans
-Kettlebell swings

Hill Sprints:
Being strong and jacked is awesome, but if you move like an ogre, you’re not in shape.
Many of the greatest athletes, including my childhood hero, Walter Payton, swore by running
sprints to keep their conditioning up.
And for good reason. Sprinting is a fundamental human movement that everyone should
That said, sprinting on flat ground is dangerous. The risk of blowing out a hamstring just isn’t
worth it. But, by running hill sprints, you get the benefits of sprinting without the unnecessary

You have the option to include hill sprints in your weekly training. Hit them immediately after a
workout, or as a separate session on training days.

Doing them after a lower body day is the best option, but if your schedule doesn’t allow it, fit
them in another day.

Sprint Workout:
1. Jumping Jack- 30 seconds
2. Flings- 30 seconds
3. Squat- 20
4. Ground on Fire Rapid Hopping in Place-20 seconds
5. High Ankle Hopping-20 seconds
6. Walking Lunge w/Twist-5 per side
7. Walking Leg Kick/Toe Touch-10 per side
8. Walking Knee to Chest-10 per side
9. Butt Kick-10 per side
10. Side Shuffle-20 yards both directions
11. ArmCircles Forward-20
12. Arm Circles Backward- 20
13. 5-7 Progressively Faster Warm Up Sprints of 30 Yards
14. 6-10 x 30-50 yard hill, beach or sled sprints - 60-120 seconds rest
Low Intensity Cardio
Beyond strength and high intensity conditioning, the other area of fitness you need
to attack is your cardiovascular endurance.
Not only will this make you more fit, it will also help you stay lean and recover
And if you need more convincing, just look at the history of great athletes.

Mike Tyson and muhammad Ali would go for recovery runs. Hell, even Olympic
sprinters get out and go for easy bike rides or swims.

And It doesn’t take a lot. Just a 30-40 minute sessions 1-2 times per week.

You want to keep your heart rate somewhere around 130-150 beats per minute.
Choose an activity that's easy on your joints, and allows you to go for a long period
of time.

Here are some great options:

-Stationary Bike
-Assault Bike or AirDyne
-Dragging an empty sled
-Jumping Rope
-Hitting a heavy bag

You can always post questions you have in the Forum thread HERE.

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