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Najuwa Hana

Dr. Drg. Atik Kurniawati, M. Kes

1. Introduction
Dental plaque is a soft deposit which is firmly attached to the tooth surface.
Streptococcus, Staphilococcus, Lactobacillus, and filaments form bacteria are microorganisms
that can often be isolated from caries lesions and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Chlorhexidine gluconate is one of the antimicrobial agents become the gold standard in dentistry
for the prevention of dental plaque.However, mouthwash has a number of side effects. Aloe vera
extract contains active ingredients that can inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Based on research result in this research ddapatkan rinse with leaf extract of aloe vera
100% concentration can decrease dental plaque as much 24,85% and decrease amount of colony
of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in oral cavity equal to 55,57% compared to rinse with aquadest.
Furthermore, there was no difference of dental plaque and number of colonies of Streptococcus
mutans bacteria in the oral cavity compared to gargling with 0.2% Chlorhexidine gluconate. This
is because the skin of Aloe vera leaves may be antibacterial, antiimflamative, can reduce pain,
not toxic, and until now is one of the 10 best-selling plant in the world that has the potential to be
developed as a medicinal plant (Furnawanthi, 2002).

To prove the existence of active compounds in the aloe vera containing antibacterial
compounds, then the phytochemical identification test of leaf extract of aloe vera leaves.
Antibacterial compounds in phytochemical identification tests include flavonoids, saponins,
tannins, anthraquinones, and phenolics. Flavonoids are phenol-derived compounds present in
plants that are soluble in air and can be extracted using ethanol. The mechanism of action of
flavonoids in bacterial growth, among others, flavonoid causes pain of cell wall permeability
bacteria, microsomes, and lysosomes (Sabir, 2005).
Because aloe vera nutritious as anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, the aloe can
help the cell regeneration process. Aloe vera can also control blood pressure, stimulate immunity
against cancer attacks, and can be used as a nutritional support for cancer of HIV / AIDS
(Nurmalina, 2012).


Gargling with 100% aloe vera leaf extract can decrease excess of dental plaque by
24,85% and decrease amount of colony of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in oral cavity by
55,57% compared to rinse with aquadest. Furthermore, there was no difference of dental plaque
and number of colonies of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the oral cavity compared to gargling
with 0.2% Chlorhexidine gluconate. This is because the skin of aloe vera leaves may be
antibacterial, antiimflamasi, can reduce pain, not toxic, and until now is one of the 10 best-
selling plant in the world that has the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant.
Furnawanthi, I. 2002, Khasiat dan manfaat lidah buaya, Jakarta, Agromedia Pustaka, Hal 1-50.
Nurmalina, R. 2012, Herbal Legendaris Untuk Kesehatan Anda, Jakarta, PT Elex Media
Komputindo Kompas Jakarta. Hal 389-99.
Sabir, A. 2005, Aktivitas antibakteri flavonoid propolis Trigona sp terhadap bakteri
Streptococcus mutans (in vitro), Majalah Kedokteran Gigi. (Dent. J.), Vol. 38. No. 3 Hal

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