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Cebu City

February 27, 2015

Hello Ney Ann,

Hi, bay! I have been in tough times dealing with college life. For I know also that you
have gone this through. Well, battling for survival in college is as hard as a brick of stone. It is
also like facing problems and testing on how far our friendship will stay longer.

I am so grateful hearing from your call last night your plans after your graduation. In
connection with this, you have said that you are planning to pursue your studies. So do, I! I may
take up master’s degree in political science or to proceed in the college of law. Any of the two
will do. I am just waiting for my parents’ signal on their plans for me. As many would preferably
say, parents know the best for us. Becoming what I have promised in our grades school would be
the best time of my life. Just to chill things up, I already pictured you as a professional in the
future, wearing a business suit or corporate attire with matching attaché case. Life as we know it.
Yesterday, we were just like typical children playing outside, eating sweets, and scolding each
other. And now, yes, we are getting more serious about our lives.

The distance might hinder our reunions but I know, in God’s perfect time, we will meet
again. I do not like melodramatic phrases but for our friendship’s sake, I would like to quote this
one. As one of my favorite authors say “No good friends. No bad friends. Only people you want
need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.” Touching, right? This, and for
more years to come. Friendship forever!

Your good friend,

Sgd. Laurence Brian M. Hagutin

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