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Lumpiang Bangus

(Milkfish Springrolls)

A tasty springroll recipe is similar lumpiang

shanghai but it is made from bangus or milkfish
flakes instead of ground pork or beef. A superb
addition to your menus for any occasion! This
recipe is really great because you can save left
over milkfish dishes whether it is grilled or fried
bangus. Just be careful to debone the bangus
flakes and no spiny bones left.

A chocolate brownie (commonly referred to as

simply brownie) is a square, baked, chocolate dessert.
Brownies come in a variety of forms and may be either fudgy or
cakey, depending on their density. They may include nuts,
frosting, cream cheese, chocolate chips, or other ingredients but
in this dish it is topped with BANGUS FLAKES. It combined
sweetness and saltiness will be favorable for a perfect dessert.

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