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H PERFECTO H INDEFINIDO of the common mistakes made ae students is the difference between the ae Perfecto and the Insite, De ll shen you how to use enses. PRETERITO PERFECTO ‘ese the Prete Perfect” whan we ar talling about selon or things ‘that are relatod to th prasent the day, the week, tho month, Chiistmas. For example: ‘He wabajado mucho esta semana / Ihave werked a ot ths week “Esta semana’ todavia noha aeabado a semana (he weeks rot ove ye). PRETERITO INDEFINIDO We uae the “ndfinidohen we are not taking about ations things that a1 rolatod tothe presont: one day one weak, onermonth, one Christmas, 1984 that one ime, yesterday. (The information snot related to the present. ‘sterminates) The common signal words that indicate the “Pretérito Perfecto” are: v v C86 KKK Hoy / Tsay ‘Alas 4 alas 6/ At6.2t© sta mafana, Esta tard, Esta semana This moming hs afternoon this Wook Este mes, Este ao This mont this year ste lmieme, Est oto This Winter tis fll ‘Tdavia no aun no ya Not yet Hasta ahora ti now nmi ye Nunes Nowe The common signal words that indicate the “Indefinido” are: v v 44646 ‘ayes Anteaer/ Yesterday the day before yestntay oto / The athe doy Anocho, ntsanoche Last night th ight before lat/2 rigite ago ts semana pas Lost Weck mes, ao pasado /The month ast year En + afoimes /n +t monthyoar Hacotcantidad de tipo + que indo / Since + amount oftine que" + "nde! 4464666 Enmivida nme Nunes / Never Por fin Feally Siempre /Alays ‘Alguna ver Ho you wer? cousins voces? How many nae?

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