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Nerÿçe Trítonsdôttìr

Player: Bob
Female undine druid (undine adept) 7 - CR 6
True Neutral Outsider (Aquatic, Native); Deity: Gozreh;
Age: 74; Height: 5' 8"; Weight: 152lb.; Eyes: blue; Hair:
blue; Skin: peach/pale blue
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 9 -1

DEX 18 +4

CON 15 +2

INT 13 +1

WIS 20/22 +5/+6


CHA 14 +2

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

FORTITUDE +7 = +5 +2
Resist Water's Call : +4 vs. the spell-like and supernatural
abilities of outsiders or fey with the aquatic or water
subtypes, and [water] spells

REFLEX +6 = +2 +4 Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp

Resist Water's Call : +4 vs. the spell-like and supernatural Acrobatics +4 DEX (4) -
abilities of outsiders or fey with the aquatic or water
subtypes, and [water] spells Appraise +1 INT (1) -
WILL Bluff +2 CHA (2) -
(WISDOM) +11 = +5 +6
Resist Water's Call : +4 vs. the spell-like and supernatural Climb +3 STR (-1) 1
abilities of outsiders or fey with the aquatic or water
subtypes, and [water] spells
Concentration: Druid +13 -
Diplomacy +2 CHA (2) -
Energy Resistance, Cold (10)
Disguise +2 CHA (2) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Flesh Chameleon : +4 to appear human
AC 18 = +4 +4 Escape Artist +4 DEX (4) -
10 1
Touch AC 14 Flat-Footed AC 14 Fly +8 DEX (4)
BAB Strength Size Misc
Handle Animal +10 CHA (2) 5
CM Bonus +4 = +5 -1 - - Heal +10 WIS (6) 1
BAB Strength Dexterity Size Intimidate +2 CHA (2) -
CM Defense 18 = 10 +5 -1 +4 - Knowledge (geography) +5 INT (1) 1
Knowledge (nature) +16 INT (1) 7
Base Attack +5 HP 54 Perception +16 WIS (6) 7
Damage / Current HP
Profession (sailor) +13 WIS (6) 4
Initiative +4
Ride +8 DEX (4) 1
Sense Motive +17 WIS (6) 7
Speed 30 ft
Spellcraft +5 INT (1) 1
Ranged Stealth +4 DEX (4) -
zul +10 (1d8), dart +9 (1d4-1), dagger +9 (1d4-1/19-20) Survival +16 WIS (6) 3
Melee Child of Nature : +2 Trait bonus to find food and water

zul +5 (1d8), dagger +4 (1d4-1/19-20) Swim +16 STR (-1) 1

Animal Ally
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
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Feats Experience & Wealth
Druid Weapon Proficiencies Experience Points: 38500/51000
Natural Spell Current Cash: 11 gp, 1 sp
Nature Soul
Shield Proficiency Special Abilities
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Surge (CMB +14, 9/day) (Su)
Traits Swimming (30 feet)
Child of Nature (Survival) Wild Empathy +9 (Ex)
Ilizmagorti Native Wild Shape (Beast Shape II: Tiny - Large animal)
Wild ShapeGiant)
(Elemental Body I: Small elemental)
+1 leaf armor (Elemental, Air, Small)
Tracked Resources
Max Dex: +5, Armor Check: -
+4 Spell Fail: 15%, Light Beast Shape I (bird or fish, 1/day)
Feather Fall (1/day)
Total Weight Carried: 21/90 lbs, Light Load
Hide From Animls (wearer only, 1/day)
(Light: 30 lbs, Medium: 60 lbs, Heavy: 90 lbs)
Zul 4 lbs Nereid Fascination (3 rounds, 1/day, DC 15)
+1 leaf armor 10 lbs Pearl of power (1st level, 2/day)
Backpack (5 @ 8 lbs) <In: Sailing Ship Allegiance> 2 lbs
Berry bushes in pots <In: Sailing Ship Allegiance> 10 lbs Pearl of power (2nd level, 1/day)
Blue book (Port Peril) <In: Backpack (5 @ 8 lbs)> 1 lb Surge (CMB +14, 9/day) (Su)
Chain belt (5 @ 2.5 lbs) 0.25 lbs
Chalk - Transmuting Strike (7/day)
Dagger <In: Chain belt (5 @ 2.5 lbs)> 1 lb Wand of cure light wounds
Dart x3 <In: Chain belt (5 @ 2.5 lbs)> 0.5 lbs
Druid's vestment -
Explorer's outfit (Free) -
Featherscale cloak 1 lb
Fishing kit <In: Backpack (5 @ 8 lbs)> 3 lbs
Grooming kit <In: Backpack (5 @ 8 lbs)> 2 lbs
Hammock <In: Sailing Ship Allegiance> 3 lbs Languages
Headband of aerial agility (Wis +2) -
Holly and mistletoe - Aquan Common
Marbles 2 lbs Auran Druidic
Parasol <In: Backpack (5 @ 8 lbs)> 2 lbs
Pearl of power (1st level, 2/day) x2 - Spells & Powers
Pearl of power (2nd level, 1/day) - Druid (Undine Adept) spells memorized (CL 7th;
Potion sponge - concentration +13)
Wand of cure light wounds <In: Wrist sheath (1 @ 0 lbs)> - Melee Touch +4 Ranged Touch +9
Wand of summon nature's ally ii (12 charges) <In: Chain - 4th—greater aggressive thundercloud ACG (DC 20),
belt (5sheath
Wrist @ 2.5 (1
@ 0 lbs) 1 lb control water D , geyser APG (DC 21)
3rd—aqueous orb APG (DC 20), call lightning (DC 19),
Special Abilities mad monkeys UM , water walk D
Amphibious (Ex) 2nd—aspect of the bear APG, euphoric cloud ACG (DC 19),
Animal Companion Link (Ex) flurry of snowballs (DC 18), gust of wind (DC 18),
Augment Summoning (Su) ironskin, slipstream D,APG (DC 19)
Darkvision (60 feet) 1st—entangle (DC 17), faerie fire , frostbite UM , magic
Druid (Undine Adept) Domain (Oceans) fang, obscuring mist D , produce flame , snowball (DC 18)
Flesh Chameleon 0th (at will) —create water, detect magic , enhanced
Nereid Fascination (3 rounds, 1/day, DC 15) diplomacy, guidance, resistance, spark APG (DC 16)
Resist Water's Call (Su) [D] Domain spell; Domains Oceans, Water
Share Spells with Companion (Ex)
Spiritual Guidance (Sp)
Spontaneous Casting

Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Adjustments Active: Feat, Pre-Req Valid: Natural Spell; Weapon Order: 5 Zul; Weapon Proficiency, Specific: Zul
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Coole Ridge (Animal Companion), Male albatross
(totem guide) - CL4 - CR 3
STR 11 (0), DEX 19 (+4), CON 14 (+2), INT 2 (-4), WIS
14 (+2), CHA 6 (-2); Fortitude +6, Reflex +8, Will +3
HP: 26/26; Init: +4; Speed: 10 feet
Attack Bonus: +4; Armor Class: 18 / 15 Tch / 14 Fl
Acrobatics +8, Fly +10, Perception +6, Stealth +12
Bite (Albatross (Totem Guide)) Melee +8 , 1d4, ×2
Talon x2 (Albatross (Totem Guide)) Melee +8 x2 , 1d4, ×2
Special: Agile Maneuvers, Attack [Trick], Attack Any Target [Trick],
Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Deliver [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick],
Flight (80 feet, Average), Low-Light Vision, Maneuver [Trick, Dirty
Trick], Spiritual Guidance (Sp)
Charges: Skirmisher Tricks (4/day) - 0/4

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Coole Ridge
Player: Bob
Male albatross (totem guide) - CL4 - CR 3
True Neutral Animal; Deity: Gozreh; Age: 2; Height: 4';
Weight: 20lb. ; Eyes: black; Hair: feathers
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 11 0

DEX 19 +4

CON 14 +2

INT 2 -4

WIS 14 +2

CHA 6 -2

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
FORTITUDE +6 = +4 +2 Acrobatics +8 DEX (4) 1
Speed greater/less than 30 ft. : -8 to jump
REFLEX +8 = +4 +4 -
(DEXTERITY) Appraise -4 INT (-4)
WILL +3 = +1 +2 Bluff -2 CHA (-2) -
Climb +0 STR (0) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Diplomacy -2 CHA (-2) -
AC 18 = +4 +1 +3
10 Disguise -2 CHA (-2) -
Touch AC 15 Flat-Footed AC 14
BAB Dexterity Size Misc Escape Artist +4 DEX (4) -
Fly +10 DEX (4) 1
CM Bonus +6 = +3 +4 -1 -
Heal +2 WIS (2) -
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Intimidate -2 CHA (-2) -
CM Defense 16 = 10 +3 +0 +4 -1 1
Perception +6 WIS (2)

Base Attack +3 HP 26 Ride +4 DEX (4) -

Damage / Current HP
Sense Motive +2 WIS (2) -
Initiative +4 Stealth +12 DEX (4) 1
Survival +2 WIS (2) -
Speed 10 ft Swim +0 STR (0) -
Bite (Albatross (Totem Guide)) Feats
Main hand: +8, 1d4 Crit: ×2 Agile Maneuvers
Light, B/P/S Weapon Finesse
Talon x2 (Albatross (Totem Guide)) Animal Tricks
Main hand: +8, 1d4 Crit: ×2 Attack [Trick]
Light, S Attack Any Target [Trick]
Come [Trick]
Defend [Trick]
Deliver [Trick]
Down [Trick]
Fetch [Trick]
Maneuver [Trick, Dirty Trick]
Special Abilities
Flight (80 feet, Average)
Low-Light Vision

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Spell-Like Abilities Experience & Wealth
Spiritual Guidance (Sp) Current Cash: You have no money!

Tracked Resources
Skirmisher Tricks (4/day)

An albatross is the grandest living flying machine on Earth.
An albatross is bone, feathers, muscle, and the wind. An
albatross is its own taut longbow, the breeze its bowstring,
propelling its projectile body. An albatross is an art deco
bird, striking of pattern, clean of line, epic in travels,
heroically faithful. A parent albatross may fly more than
10,000 miles to deliver one meal to its chick. Wielding the
longest wings in nature—up to eleven and a half feet
—albatrosses can glide hundreds of miles without flapping,
crossing ocean basins, circumnavigating the globe. A 50-
year-old albatross has flown, at least, 3.7 million miles.
If people know the albatross at all, most harbor vague
impressions of an ungainly, burdensome creature, derived
from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1798 poem, The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner. Turns out, Coleridge never saw an
albatross. Also turns out, most people haven't read the
poem. In the poem, the albatross benevolently fills the
ship's sails with wind and aids its progress. When the
mariner impulsively kills the albatross, horror grips the crew;
they punish the mariner by making him wear the great
corpse around his neck.
But let's not burden albatrosses with our metaphors. Doing
so, we fail to see the real birds, which connect us to what's
happening in the seas in ways many of us can scarcely
If you could travel millions of miles fueled by clean, self-
renewing, zero-emissions energy, you'd be an albatross.
Strictly speaking, albatrosses are mediocre fliers—but
excellent gliders. They can lock their wings in the open
position like switchblades, the bird merely piloting the glider
it inhabits. Catching the wind in their wings and sailing
upward, then harnessing gravity while planing seaward,
they travel in long undulations. Most birds struggle to
overcome wind; albatrosses exploit it.
What differentiates an albatross from, say, a gull, is not just
architecture but also state of mind, a brain that is master
navigator of so exquisite a body. Swap the software, install
a gull brain at the helm of an albatross, and the great vital
sailing craft would never dream of daring the distances that
an albatross routinely conquers. Gulls hug the shores and
proclaim themselves monarchs of dock pilings. Albatrosses
cross oceans for breakfast and deign to touch shore only
when it involves sex.

Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Adjustments Active: Custom Name: Race: Albatross (Totem Guide); Racial Natural Armor Bonus: +1
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Summoned Mad Monkey Swarm
Player: Bob
No Gender monkey swarm primate - CL3 - CR 2
True Neutral Animal (Swarm); Deity: Gozreh; Eyes: beady;
Hair: brown; Skin: furry/pink
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 7 -2

DEX 16 +3

CON 17 +3

INT 2 -4

WIS 12 +1

CHA 11 0
CHARISMA Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

Acrobatics +11 DEX (3) 1
Appraise -4 INT (-4) -
FORTITUDE +6 = +3 +3
(CONSTITUTION) Bluff +0 CHA (0) -
REFLEX +8 = +3 +3 +2 Climb +11 DEX (3) -

WILL Diplomacy +0 CHA (0) -

(WISDOM) +2 = +1 +1
Disguise +0 CHA (0) -
Immunity to Critical Hits Immunity to Precision Damage
Escape Artist +3 DEX (3) -
Immunity to Flanking Immunity to Staggered
Fly +7 DEX (3) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Heal +1 WIS (1) -
AC 15 = +3 +2
10 Intimidate +0 CHA (0) -
Touch AC 15 Flat-Footed AC 12
BAB Dexterity Size Misc Perception +5 WIS (1) 1
CM Bonus +11 = +2 +3 -2 - Ride +3 DEX (3) -
Sense Motive +1 WIS (1) -
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Stealth +11 DEX (3) -
CM Defense 19 = 10 +2 -2 +3 -2
can't be Bull Rushed; can't be Grappled; can't be Tripped Survival +1 WIS (1) -
Base Attack +2 HP 22 Swim +7 DEX (3) 1
Damage / Current HP Feats
Initiative +7 Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Speed 30 ft
Special Abilities
Swarm Attack (2d6) Climbing (20 feet)
Crit: N/A Distraction (DC 14) (Ex)
Low-Light Vision
Swarm Attack (2d6)
Swarm Traits
Vulnerable to Area Effects

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Gear Experience & Wealth
Total Weight Carried: 0/35 lbs, Light Load Current Cash: You have no money!
(Light: 11.5 lbs, Medium: 23 lbs, Heavy: 35 lbs)
Money -
Spell: Mad Monkeys
School: conjuration (summoning); Level druid 3
Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V, S, DF

Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: swarm of monkeys
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance: no

You summon a swarm of screeching, mischievous
monkeys. The swarm understands and obeys your
commands and has the statistics of a monkey swarm.
Creatures failing a saving throw against the mad monkeys’
distraction attack are deafened for 1 minute as well as
nauseated. The monkeys attempt one disarm or steal
combat maneuver each turn as a free action against any
creature that begins its turn in the swarm, using your caster
level plus your casting ability score bonus (... Wisdom for
druids ...) for its CMB. Recovering an item from the
monkeys requires a successful disarm or steal attempt
against that CMB +10. An object stolen by the monkeys
takes swarm damage each round the swarm is in
possession of the object.


Coordinated Swarm (Ex)
A monkey swarm coordinates its attacks more than a
typical swarm, and deals swarm damage one step higher
than a swarm of its HD would normally cause.

Monkeys sometimes travel in huge colonies of hundreds of

individuals. In such quantities, these primates can become
quite dangerous, capable of overwhelming many foes by
their sheer numbers.

Unlike most swarms, monkey swarms work well together. A

swarm of monkeys does not possess a true hive mind, but
it is capable of working in tandem with other swarms to
make basic tactical decisions in combat.

Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Adjustments Active: CMB & CMD Bonus: +8 Untyped Bonus
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Summoned medium Water Elemental
No Gender water, medium elemental - CL4 - CR 3
True Neutral Outsider (Elemental, Extraplanar, Water);
Deity: Gozreh
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 16/20 +3/+5


DEX 12 +1

CON 15/19 +2/+4


INT 4 -3

WIS 11 0

CHA 11 0

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

FORTITUDE +8 = +4 +4

REFLEX +5 = +4 +1

WILL +1 = +1
(WISDOM) Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Immunity to Bleeds Immunity to Poison Acrobatics +6 DEX (1) 2
Immunity to Critical Hits Immunity to Precision Damage Speed greater/less than 30 ft. : -4 to jump
Immunity to Flanking Immunity to Sleep Appraise -3 INT (-3) -
Immunity to Paralysis Immunity to Stunning Bluff +0 CHA (0) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc Climb +5 STR (5) -
AC 17 = +1 +6 Diplomacy +0 CHA (0) -
Touch AC 11 Flat-Footed AC 16 Disguise +0 CHA (0) -
BAB Strength Size Misc
Escape Artist +6 DEX (1) 2
CM Bonus +9 = +4 +5 - - -
See the Base Attack (below) for modifiers that may also apply to CMB Fly +1 DEX (1)
BAB Strength Dexterity Size Heal +0 WIS (0) -
CM Defense 20 = 10 +4 +5 +1 - Intimidate +0 CHA (0) -
20 vs. Bull Rush ( Water Mastery : +1 while both self and foe touch water, -4 if either
is on ground, Water Mastery : -4 while either self or foe are on ground); 20 vs. Knowledge (planes) +2 INT (-3) 2
Overrun ( Water Mastery : +1 while both self and foe touch water, -4 if either is on
ground, Water Mastery : -4 while either self or foe are on ground) Perception +5 WIS (0) 2
Base Attack +4 HP 38 Ride +1 DEX (1) -
Water Mastery : +1 while both self and foe touch water,
Damage / Current HP
Sense Motive +0 WIS (0) -
-4 if either is on ground, Water Mastery : -4 while either
self or foe are on ground Stealth +6 DEX (1) 2
Initiative +1 Survival +0 WIS (0) -
Swim +18 STR (5) 2
Speed 20 ft Feats
Slam (Elemental, Water, Medium) Cleave
Martial Weapon Proficiency - All
Main hand: +9, 1d8+7 Crit: ×2 Power Attack -2/+4
Light, B Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Water Mastery : +1 while both self and foe touch water, -4 if either is on ground,
Water Mastery : -4 while either self or foe are on ground Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet)
Drench (Ex)
Swimming (90 feet)
Vortex (DC 17) (Su)
Water Mastery (Ex)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Gear Experience & Wealth
Total Weight Carried: 0/400 lbs, Light Load Current Cash: You have no money!
(Light: 133 lbs, Medium: 266 lbs, Heavy: 400 lbs)
Money -

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Summoned Shark
Male shark - CL4 - CR 2
True Neutral Animal (Aquatic)
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 17/21 +3/+5


DEX 12 +1

CON 13/17 +1/+3


INT 1 -5

WIS 12 +1

CHA 2 -4

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

FORTITUDE +9 = +4 +3 +2

REFLEX +5 = +4 +1

WILL +2 = +1 +1
Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Acrobatics +1 DEX (1) -
AC 14 = +1 -1 +4
10 Appraise -5 INT (-5) -
Touch AC 10 Flat-Footed AC 13 -
BAB Strength Size Misc
Bluff -4 CHA (-4)
Climb +5 STR (5) -
CM Bonus +9 = +3 +5 +1 -
Diplomacy -4 CHA (-4) -
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Disguise -4 CHA (-4) -
CM Defense 20 = 10 +3 +5 +1 +1 Escape Artist +1 DEX (1) -
Fly -1 DEX (1) -
Base Attack +3 HP 30
Heal +1 WIS (1) -
Damage / Current HP
Initiative +5 Intimidate -4 CHA (-4) -
Perception +8 WIS (1) 4
Speed 0 ft Ride +1 DEX (1) -
Sense Motive +1 WIS (1) -
Bite (Shark)
Stealth -3 DEX (1) -
Main hand: +7, 1d8+7 Crit: ×2 Survival +1 WIS (1) -
Light, B/P/S
Swim +13 STR (5) -
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Special Abilities
Blindsense (30 feet) (Ex)
Keen Scent (Ex)
Low-Light Vision
Swimming (60 feet)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Gear Experience & Wealth
Total Weight Carried: 0/920 lbs, Light Load Current Cash: You have no money!
(Light: 306 lbs, Medium: 612 lbs, Heavy: 920 lbs)
Money -

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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