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and how thorough your description of the trait is.

I fit an average of seven traits on each side of a

page. That adds up to fourteen traits, front and
back. One hundred traits should therefore take
seven pages. If you're like me, this leaves you with
thirty-three more pages to add more items, which is
plenty. Forty pages in total could fit 560 traits,
which is a lot. Both soul mirrors should probably
be able to fit into an eighty page note-
book. However, if after creating the black soul
mirror, you find that you have indeed managed to
go all the way up to 560 traits and filled forty pages
with items, then obviously you should get another
separate notebook for your white soul mirror. In
such a case, I applaud your excellent introspective

Familiarizing Yourself with the

The process of assigning each trait to an
element can be tricky. The goal here is to iden-
tify which element is most responsible for the
particular trait. Let's say you have written in
your white soul mirror "I am assertive." This is
obviously a fire trait. However, let's say you are
not assertive and in your black soul mirror, you
write "I am not assertive." What element has
caused this trait? Some people see the word
"assertive" and immediately assign it to fire, but this
is a mistake. The fire element is not the rea-
son for you not being assertive. That is silly. Some
people realize this. They reason that because as-
sertiveness is a virtue of the fire element, a lack

restantes 4 horas 22 mi... 23%

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