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Understandings Statement: Through this experience, learners will begin to

understand the connection between music and dancing. This will help them
recognize the many advantages of letting loose and having fun through dancing.
In addition, they will begin to understand the structure of most pop songs through
the use of repetition.

2. “I can” Statements: 
-I can follow and find the steady beat in a song.
-I can copy dance moves being taught to me.

3. Materials: Mombo No. 5 by Lou Bega. This song is so fun and just makes you
want to dance right away.

4. Detailed Procedure: 
-Upper and lower clap right (4 beats) - single alternating
-Upper and lower clap left (4 beats) - single alternating
-Upper clap right-left (4 beats) - double alternating
-Lower clap right-left (4 beats) - double alternating

(Verse 1)
-High-five right & look right (4 beats) - single coordinated
-High-five left & look left (4 beats) - single coordinated
-High five together & look straight (8 beats) -double coordinated
-Leg kick-out and hand flick right (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Leg kick-out and hand flick left (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Leg kick-out and hand flick right-left (8 beat) - double alternating
-4 steps to the right and clap (4 beats) - complex?
-4 steps to the left and clap (4 beats) - complex?
-Step and clap right-left (8 beats) - double alternating

-Air baller right (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Air baller left (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Air baller right-left (8 beats) - double alternating
-Finger point right (4 beats) - single alternating
-Finger point left (4 beats) - single alternating
-Finger point together (8 beats) - double alternating
-Arm swing right (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Arm swing left (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Arm swing together (8 beats) - double coordinated
-Twist right (4 beats) - single alternating
-Twist left (4 beats) -single alternating
-Twist middle/together (4 beats) - double alternating
-Right hand stop (3 beats?) - single coordinated
-Left hand stop (4 beats) - single coordinated
(Alternate ending for 2nd Chorus)
-Twist middle/together (8 beats) - double alternating
-Foot twist right (4 beats) - single coordinated
-Foot twist left (4 beats) - single coordinated

-Repeat first 3 movements from verse until end of chorus
-Right hand stop - single coordinated
-Left hand stop - single coordinated

5. Assessment: I will ask the learners if they had fun dancing to the song, how
many verses and choruses it had, and if they would be able to clap to the beat of
the song if I were to play it again. I will also observe the learners during the
experience to see if they are able to copy my dance moves correctly, provided
the song isn’t too fast for them.

6. Extension: I could alter this experience by making the dance moves longer. For
example, currently, the patten for the dance moves is 4 beats, 4 beats, then 8
beats. To alter it and make it slightly easier for learners, I could change the dance
moves all to 8 beats. I don’t believe that fits well with the song, but it may work
better for some learners.

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