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Answer Key & Video Transcript Vocabulary Development 3: Effect Reading & Vocabulary Development 4: ae & Comments Third Edition Patricia Ackert | Linda Lee HEINLE Contents Preface Answer Key for Cause & Effect Unit 1: Explorers Unit 2: World Issues Unit 3: A Mishmash, or Hodgepodge Unit 4: Science Unit 5: Medicine and Health Answer Key for Concepts & Comments Unit 1: Art Unit 2: Organizations Unit 3: Places Unit 4: Science and Technology Unit 5: Health and Well-Being Video Transcripts for Cause & Effect Video Transcripts for Concepts & Comments 14 21 28 36 43 52 59 68 75 80 Preface The Answer Key for Reading and Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 contains the following: 1. A complete answer key for all the exercises in the Cause & Effect student text 2. A complete answer key for all the exercises in the Concepts & Comments student text 3. Video transcripts for all units from both texts, A number of other supplements are available with this text including ExamView test banks, CNN? videos, and companion websites. Please check the inside back cover of the student book for ordering information. Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Answer Key for Cause & Effect eis i Lesson 1 Page 5 Page6 bz Page7 —c. Page 8 e. Page 9 & Explorers Burke and Wills: Across Australia. 1. orders 2. base 3. aborigines 4. exploration 5. gets along 6. built 7. Loneliness 8. hemisphere 9. Halfway 10. heroes Lexpedition 2. searching 3.explored 4. swamps __5. interior 6. finally 7.patty 8.chosen —_9. supplies 10. turned into 1. FThe first Europeans in Australia built towns on the coast. 27 3.7 4, F—The interior of Australia is desert. 5.7 *6.T *7.T 8. FBurke was not a good leader for this expedition, 1. on the coasts +2, Suggested answer: they are used to the desert and can carry a lot 3. so they could move faster 4, In the summer it was very hot with the s: rained the desert became a sandy swamp. 5. They died or were killed for food. 6. Burke had no experience in the outback. The men fought and wouldn’t follow orders. They left supplies behind and Wright didn’t bring them. They had bad weather. *7. Students’ opinions will vary. .dstorms, and when it b I. broke down 2. getalong 3.calledon 4, turned into. 5. put away 1. the 2. the 3.0,a,an,the 4.0,0,a,a 5. The, the 6. The, 0 Students’ compositions will vary Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 ui Lesson 2 Page 14 b Page 1S. Page16 Page 16 Pagel7 Page 18g. page 19h. Lesson 3 Page 24a. Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Alexandra David-Neel: A French Woman in Tibet 1. secret 2. article 3. beggars 4. childhood 5. caves 6. temperature T.remained 8. civil war 9. border 10, journalist 1. real 2. surrounded 3. like 4. adopted 5. ran away from 6. details 7. support 8. research 9.remote 10. escaped la 2b 3.b *4.a Sc Oa b It is surrounded by mountains, and few people visited it until recently 1 *2, She was unhappy. 3. A person who writes articles for magazines and newspapers. 4. She and her husband didn’t live together. 5, She studied Buddhism and Tibetan. 6. places far away from the main centers of population 7. She dressed like a beggar and spoke Tibetan very well. 8. She wrote about her research and adventures, and translated ancient Tibetan religious books *9, Students’ opinions will vary. c 1. adopted 2. surroundings 3. beg 4, heroic: S.remainder 6. supply _7.exploration 8. secretive 9. really 10. choice La 2. The 3a 4. the 5. the 6A 7. the 1.snowstorm 2, mailbox 3. sidewalk 4. keyhole _—_ 5. doorbell 6. Horseback Students’ compositions will vary. Vitus Bering: Across Siberia to North America 1. joined 2. geography 3. separate 4. remind 5. included 6. tons T. delay 8. realize 9. Soldiers 10. lack AnswerKey for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 12 b. Page25 . d. Page26 e. &. Page 27h. Page 28 i. J Lesson 4 Page 33a. Page 34 b. Cause & Biject, Unit 1 Linorderto 2. proved 3. gathered 4. vitamin 5. separate 6. decade 7.skilled 8. ashore 9. fresh 10. includes Le 22 3.4 4.0 5.b 6d Le Bf 9.4 10.h LT 2. F—Ittook them seven years to cross Siberia because they traveled by boat. 3.NI 4, F—Bering spent one summer exploring the east coast of Siberia *5, F—Bering’s and Burke's expeditions were quite different. 6.NI 1.7 8.NI 1. There were several kinds of scientists who planned to report on everything. 2. They built a ship and explored the Ob River. 3. in Yakutsk (four years) 4, Suggested answer: they couldn’t carry them from St. Petersburg 5. in storms 6. They had scurvy and couldn’t get vitamin C. 7. Suggested answer: No, because they have refrigeration to carry citrus fruits and other foods rich in vitamin C and they can take vitamin pills, 8. No, the government had lost interest in the expedition, a Lborc 2a 3.a 4.bore 5S.a 6b I. ead 2.left 3.studying 4.learned 5. help 6. gives 7. sleeping 8. travel 1.In,upto—2.0n 3. in, to 4.of, with, on 6.0f, for, of 7. on, across 8. in, with, for 9. By, in 10. of Students’ compositions will vary. Robert Scott: A Race to the South Pole 1. blizzard 2. edge 3. body 4. inland 5. blind 6. extremely 7. broke down 8. Attimes 9. fuel 10. organization 1. mistake 2. belongings 3.weak 4. provided 5. uneven 6. exhausted 7. endangered 8. lives on 9. inland. 10, edge Le 2h 3.d 4a Si 6g Li Re 9. 10.f Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 13 Cause & Effect, Unit 1 Page3s de 2a *3.b *4e Sa 6a *1c 8b Page 36 ©. _*1. They didn’t plan well enough or have enough supplies. People died. 2. He didn’t take enough dogs. They didn’t eat their dogs. Five men made the last part of the trip but they only had enough food for four people. +3, Itis summer in January in the southern hemisphere. 4, He knew he was so weak that he was endangering the lives of the others. 5. They were exhausted and weak from hunger and the sleds were heavy. 6. There were blizzards. *7, Students’ opinions will vary. foo a Page 37g. 1. include 2. separate 3.exhaustion 4. realized 5. reminder 6. information, informative 7. organization 8. weak, weakened Page 38h. _1. slow down, speed up out 3.liveon 4. run out of i, Suggested answers: 1. He wanted to be the first person there. 2. She wanted to go to Tibet. 3. A ship sank. 4, He wanted to report on everything scientific. 5. He didn’t have enough food. 6. Camels are used in the desert and can carry heavy loads. 7. They probably left diaries or written accounts. Page39 jj, team 2.hands 3. forces 4, organization 5. Club k, Students’ compositions will vary. Lesson5 Into the Deep: Ocean Exploration Page 44a. _—I.hollow 2. surface 3. descend 4. expert 5. diameter 6. crush 7. density 8. helmets 9. hamper 10. Diversity b. Le species 2.surface 3.rough 4. enclosed —_ 5. rather 6.incentive 7. pressure 9. cylinder 10. creature Page45 c. 1. surrounded 2.remind 3.delayed 4. beggar 5. Organization 6. details 7. civil war__8. temperature 9.Inorderto 10. decade Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 14 Cause & Effect, Unit 1 dT on, 3.7 4.7 5. FThe deepest parts of the ocean are not lifeless. 6. FEarly divers got their air through a tube from the surface. 7. F—Early submersibles did not have motors.8. T Page 46 e. — *1. Students’ opinions will vary. 2. the lack of special equipment and the lack of incentive 3. an opening on the ocean floor +4, Suggested answer: Scientists discovered an underwater mountain chain and more than 4,000 new species. The trip encouraged interest in exploring farther below the ocean surface. 5. They designed an early submersible for deep sea diving, which made it possible for people to see the underwater world with their own eyes. 6. 35,797 feet ( almost 7 miles) 7. There is a lot of life under the surface of the sea. We are more aware of our dependence on healthy oceans. 8, Students’ opinions will vary. f£ oa g. 1.254 F, 123 C (line 25) 2. an underwater mountain chain, more than 4,000 new species (line 43) 3. 5,000 pounds (line 52) 4. an improved submersible that Jacques Piccard used (lines 65-66) 5. 35,797 feet, or almost 7 miles (lines 64 — 65) 6. one of the leading experts on oceans (line 73) Page47 h, A. trade 2enclosed 3. descent 4. dense S.diversity 6. roughly 7. surround Page48 i. L.of 2. from 3.on 5. from, into 6.0f 7.10 8. at j. L.The,the,the 2. the 3.0,the,0 4.0,0, the, 0 5.0,0 6. the 7.0,the 8. The, 0 Page49 k. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 50 a, Answers will vary. b. Answers will vary. Sample answer: The video is about shipwrecks and. companies that explore these areas. 1. “In the next twenty years, everything we want to find can be found.” 2. “Including a 200-year-old Greece shipping vessel found off the coast of Cyprus.” ‘Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 1s Cause & Effect, Unit 1 3. “For fifteen years, the Nauticos Corporation has scoured the ocean floor looking for sunken objects.” 4. “Shipwrecks, submarines, even downed planes.” 5. “Divers are really only good to about two hundred feet.” 6. “Worldwide, less than ten companies do this kind of exploration.” PageSI ¢. — 1.a.drag b.shift —. find d.identify —_e. drop £. control 2.a, Drop b.Drag —c. Find 4. Shift e. Control f. Identify 3. Answers will vary. Sample answer: First they narrow down a search area. Next they drop sonar equipment into the water. Then they drag the sonar equipment along the ocean bottom, They go path after path, day after day. After they find their target, the operation shifts to the control room. In the control room, the pilot controls the remote-operated vehicle with a joystick. Finally, they identify what they have found 4, Answers will vary. Activity Page Page 52 Answers will vary with each team of students. Dictionary Page Page53 1. _ a. havea friendly relationship _b. not have any left c.doaseries of exercises d. not try any more e.return f. not work at all g. be careful 2. aalong b. behind —c. away dahead —e. away fon g. behind Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 16 Lesson 1 Page 60 a. b. Page6] c. Page 62d. Page 63. Page 64 f. & Cause & Effect, Unit 2 World Issues World Population Growth 1. limited 2. available 3. chronic 4.natural resources 5. technology —_—_—6. gradually 7. demand 8.dependson 9. predict 10. crucial I.developing 2. commercial 3. nonrenewable 4. already 5. last 6. threat 7. effect 8. combine 9. standard 10. source Lexhausted experts 3. skill 4.rather 5. blind 6.civil war 7. supply 8. species_—_9, surrounded 10. mistake La 2a 3c 4b 5.b 6c 1b Be 9b 10.b 1. Up until the mid-nineteenth century, the population stayed about the same, increasing only gradually. Since then however, it has been increasing rapidly, with over 5 billion more people in the world than 150 years ago. 2. Students’ opinions will vary. 3. only a little 4, Most of the Earth's water is salty or frozen. 5. a source of energy for which there is a limited supply (petroleum, natural gas, coal) 6. As the standard of living goes up, so does the demand for energy. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. possibly 9 billion 9. Russia 10. Tokyo/Yokohama Japan 11. Students’ opinions will vary. ‘Suggested answer: There has been a rapid increase of the world’s population, but the Earth’s natural resources are limited. L.makes up 2. cut..down 3. figure out 4.hungup 5. goes up Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 7 Page 65h. i, Page 67 j. k, Lesson 2 Page72 a. b. Page 73 d Page 74. f. Page75 g. page76 hh. Page 77 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 1. forbids 2.sunk 3. Frozen 4. shot L. predictable 2. short 3. dependent 4. limit 5. population 6. careful, carelessly T.useless 8. combination 1. the, the 2.the, the,the 3.0 4. the, 0 5.the,0,the 6. the, a 7. the, 0 8.0 Students’ compositions will vary. Changes in the Family Lextended, nuclear «2. took care of 3. stabilized 4. consisted of 5. married 6. industrial, industry 7. grew up 8.emphasized 9. opportunities Lrelatives 2. divorced 3. majority 4. sociologist 5. financial 6. afford T.couple 8. household 9. task 10. tremendous Lf 2.5 3a 4e 5h 6b Ti Bd 9K 10.¢ LF 2.7 3.E T 5.7 6F 7.NI 8.F 9.NI 1. two generations; two parents and their children 2. a family with two parents and their children from previous marriages, ‘and possibly children from their present marriage as well 3. Suggested answer: There are more people to share the work. Mothers can work outside the home because other family members can help take care of the children and the household tasks. 4, In the U.S., there has been a decrease in extended families, because it is easier for young people to move away from home to find work. 5.200% 6. Students’ opinions will vary. Suggested answer: A benefit of living in an extended family is that there are more people to share the work. 1. social 2. industrialize 3. marriageable 4. affordable 5. control, uncontrollable 6. limitless 7. inseparable 8. dependable La 2.a,0 3a 4.the, the 5. an, the, the 6. the, 0, the, a, the, 1b Le Students’ compositions will vary Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 18 Lesson 3 Page 81a. Page 82. b. Page 83d. Page 84. Page 85g. Page 86 Page 87 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 ‘Women and Change 1. published 2. especially 3. domestic 4. illiterate 5. positive 6. as well as 7. pass 8 nearly L.agricultural 2. of course 3. field 4. position 5. workforce 6.throughout 7. negative 8. official Lj 2k 3.g 4c Sa Gi Tb 8d 9.1 10. le 2e 3.c 4a Sic 6.c 7b 8.b 1. Suggested answers: They do half the work. They are as important as men. 2. more than half 3. Up until now, in many countries education was not available to women. 4. They do domestic work as well as work outside the home. 5. WHO and UNICEF Suggested answer: Recently the conditions and rights of women have been changing, but there are still inequalities between women’s and men’s rights and opportunities. 1, 50% (line 30) 2.15% (line 35)___ 3. 90% (lines 11-12) 4, 80% (lines 43-44) 5. More than 50% (lines 16-17) 6. A little more than 50% (lines 18-19) Lan 2.the,the 3.0,0,the,0 4.the,0,0 5.0, the 6. the, 0 7.0,0 1. publication 2. passed, passage 3. Illiteracy 4. positioned 5. agriculture, agricultural 6, official, official 1. butd 2.buta 3. but f 4, but b 5. bute 6. bute Students’ compositions will vary, Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 4 19 Lesson 4 Page 92a. b Page 93. a Page 94 e. f 8 Page95—h. i. Page 96 j. Cause & Effect, Unit 2 Rain Forests L.region 2. remain 3. level 4, no longer 5. roots 6. path 7. branch 8. nutrients 9. through. 10. humidity 1. cleared 2.carpet 3.destruction 4. matter 5. Oxygen 6. such as T.leaves 8, successful 9. surprise 10. moisture Lb 2 af 4a 5.5 6g Td 8h 9.5 10.€ 1.NI 27 3.7 4F 5.T 6.F LT 8.NI 9.7 10.T fiat) 1, The temperature and humidity stay about the same in the lower level but change often in the upper level. 2. They usually live on or under the ground. 3. from other plants 4. for fuel, to sell the wood, to use the land for agriculture and raising animals 5. from the carpet of dead plants on the ground 6. It becomes empty and useless 7. They provide many products and they affect the world’s climate. 8. Suggested answer: they produce 30 to 40 percent of the world’s oxygen; they are home to many plants and animals Students’ sentences will vary. 1. The first sentence: Each level of the rain forest is its own world. 2. The nations of the world need to work together to stop the destruction of the rain forest before it is too late. Le Qe 3.4 4b S.a 1. tropics 2.humid — 3. moist 4. emptiness 5. destruction, destroys 6. surprised, surprisingly 7. remainder 8, successfully, successful 1. the plants in the upper level 2. the plants in the upper level 3. the upper level 4, the animals in the rainforest Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and4—— 1.10 Page97 1. Lesson 5 Page 102 a. Page 103 Page 104 Page 105g. Cause & Effect, Unit 2 5. the land under the forests 6. the fact that the land isn’t rich in nutrients 7. agriculture 8. rain forests 1. the 2. the 3.The, the 4. the, the, 0, the 5.0, the 6. the, the, the 7.The,a,0 8.0,a Students’ compositions will vary. The Garbage Project 1, hopeful 2. hazard 3. battery 4. actual 5. Modern 6. archaeologist T. waste 8. landfill 9. dispose of 10. reveals 1. recycle 2. investigated 3. deep 4. on the other hand S.hazardous 6. actually 7. batteries, rechargeable «8. garbage 9. archaeologist, 10. end up Lh 2g 3.f 4a 5k 6e 1b 8.1 9m 10.¢ Id La 2a 3.a 4c Sa 6b Tb Bc 1. batteries, motor oil 2. It poisons the environment. 3. Suggested answer: to protect themselves against cuts or poisonous chemicals 4. regular garbage —landfills, hazardous waste — special landfills or recycling 5. You can learn about a society through the garbage that it produces. 6. Toronto started the first recycling program. 7. newspapers, glass or plastic bottles, some metals 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. Students learned that garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. 2. The third sentence: “If we don’t do something about our garbage, we're going to be buried in it!” L.think...over 2.checkin 3. get through 4. dropped out 5. put...back Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and4 | 11 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 hoof 2h 4g 5.5 6e d Ba 90 10.b Page 106 i. — 1.andb Qanda 3. andd 4,ande S.ande j. Suggested answer: Batteries are the most problematic hazardous waste in homes. k. Students’ compositions will vary. Video Highlights Page 107 a. 1. Answers will vary. Sample answers: a. Almost half of the children in school now are girls. b. More than half of the people who can’t read and write are women. 2. Answers will vary. b. 1.F, Lalita lives in India, 2. F. Only one in three girls goes to school where Lalita lives, 3.7 4. She went to a village school when she was 12. 3. 6.T LT Page 108 c. 1. Answers will vary. Sample answers: Before: Lalita wasn’t educated. She couldn’t read and write. She couldn’t do karate. She had to study secretly. Men had more power than women. After: She can read. She can write. She has more food. Her classes are more varied. She teaches karate, 2. Answers will vary. Sample answers: brave, positive, successful, strong, clever, modern. 3. Answers will vary. Activity Page Page 109 Across: 3. hazardous 7. majority 8. archaeologists 9. positive 11. relatives 12. roots Down: 1. modern 2.chronic 4. sociologists S.gradually 6. iterate 10. empty Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3and¢ 1 12 Cause & Effect, Unit 2 Page 110 1. recharge, recharge, rechargeable surprise, surprise, surprising dispose, disposal, disposable X, literacy, literate (illiterate) X, hazard, hazardous protect, protection, protective 3..a. protect literate ¢. Hazardous. 4. dispose Answer Key for Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 and 1 13 Lesson 1 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 a. a Cause & Effect, Unit 3 A Mishmash, or Hodgepodge Roadrunners 1. snakes 2. mate 4. fit 5. even though 7. maybe 8. whistled 10. present 2. knock 3. once in a while 6. spot 7. zones 10. shy 29 3k 4b S.a Te 8.1 9. 10. LT 2.7 oe 4.F wae 6.T 7.F 8.F 1. Itcan hardly fly, but it can run fast. 2. some plants, insects, spiders, snakes, birds, mice, and other small animals 3. so she will be his mate and build their nest 4. because it looks funny when it runs 5. It stands with its back to the sun, holds out its wings, and lifts its feathers so the sun hits a black spot which collects heat. 6. Students’ opinions will vary. 7. Students’ opinions will vary. 8. Iteats an amazing variety of food, it can eat poisonous animals, and it has a special way to warm its body 1. The first sentence: A roadrunner eats an amazing variety of food. 2. The first sentence: Some roadrunners become very friendly with people, 3. The first sentence: Some people in Mexican villages use roadrunner meat as medicine. 4. The fourth sentence: It fits into its environment very well, and it doesn’t matter that it looks funny. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4— | 14 Page 118g. Page 119 h. Page 120 Page 121k. Lesson 2 Page 125 a Page 126 b. Page 127d. Page 128 e. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 1. environmental 2. complicated 3. Hoping 4. waste 5. disposable 6. independently 7. success 8. variety 9. financial 10. knowledgeable, on,of 3. among, in, on 5.In, for 6.with 7. at, outside 8. on, with 9. into,on 11. In, in 12. with, to le 2b 3a 4d S.c Le 2b 3.b Students’ compositions will vary. Afraid to Fly L.crash 2. situation 3. phobia 4. Terror 5. Fear 6. losses 7. harm 8, tunnels 9. takeoff 10. height 1. traffic 2. terrified 3. accidents 4. psychologist 5. instructor 6. in general 7. logical _8. terrifying 9.harmless 10. bother 1. snakes 2once 3. run 4. threaten 5. even 6. often 7. pollution 8. twenty-five 9. positive 10. published Lb 2b 3b 4c Sia 6b Le 8.b 1. Individual responses will vary. 2. Suggested answers: fear of open or enclosed spaces, spiders, Joss of control, flying, heights, crowds, the unknown 3. Students’ opinions, possible answer: Riding in a car is something we do every day and don't think about. 4. fear of enclosed spaces, loss of control, crowds (at the airport), the unknown, heights 5. Possible answers: businessmen, entertainers, students going to another country to study, people going to visit relatives who live far away, people who work in embassies or work overseas in other jobs 6. They learn how air traffic is controlled, how planes are kept safe, about flying through storms, about the noise planes make during flight, about takeoffs and landings, and about air safety in general. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3 and4 | 15 Page 130 Page 131 j. Kk Lesson 3 Page 135 a. Page 136». Page 137 ©. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 7. They learn how safe it is to fly and how few accidents there are. 8. Suggested answer: If people understand the normal noises planes make, they won't be afraid of them. 9, Suggested answer: Relaxation helps get rid of or control fear. 1. The first sentence: Others are afraid of loss of control. 2. The first sentence: The class visits an airport and learns how airplane traffic is controlled and how planes are kept in safe condition 3. The majority of the people who take the classes learn to control their fear and some even learn to like flying! 1. accidentally, accident 2. professional 3. secretly, secret 4, separately 5. fearless 6. Lost 7. terrorists, terrified, terrifying 1.0,the,0 2.0,an 3.0 4.0,0,a,a 5. the, the, 0 6.0, a, the 7. an, an, a, a 8. an, the, the, the 1. butd 2.butb 3. buta 4.ande 5. bute 1, About 12% of people have a fear of flying even though itis safer than riding in a car. 2. People may have a phobia about flying because they are afraid of heights, of being in an enclosed place, of erowds and noise, of the unknown, or of loss of control of a situation. 3, There are classes for people to take to control their fear so that they can fly when they need to. Students’ compositions will vary Languages and Language Diversity 1. systems 2. specializes 3. divided 4, past 5. borrow 6. form 7. refer to 8. linguists 9. rate 10. characters 1. bilingual 2. meaningful 3. linguistics 4. brain 5. estimate 6. specialist 7. reference 8. system 9. rate 10. divide Lj Qe 3d 4k Sic 6g 7b Ba Of 10.h iT 2.F 3.7 4 5.NI Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 16 Page 138 e. Page 139 h. Page 141 j. Page 142 m. Lesson 4 Page 146 a. Page 147. Cause & Effect, Unit 3 6T LF 8.7 oF 1. a system of sounds, gestures or characters used to communicate ideas and feelings 2. a language in which gestures do the work of the sounds system in spoken languages 3. Answers will vary. 4. tomato 5. byte 6. Austronesian has 500 languages, while Indo-European has 55 7. Students’ opinions, possible answer: to see the similarities 8. Students’ opinions will vary. 9. Children use the same part of the brain to learn their first and second languages, but adults use a different part of the brain to Iearn a second language 10.T Student answers will vary. 1. Suggested answers: Languages are always changing, through invented words, borrowed words, or changing the meaning of a word. 2. Suggested answers: Half of the world’s population speak one of the top fifteen languages. LAS 2.100 3.1959 4, Austronesian 1. instructive 5. interviewer, was interviewed 7. psychology, psychological 8, begged 2. Honesty 3. imaginative 4. was invented 6. uncharacteristic 9. dependable, depend on 1. word order 2. languages 3. the languages in each family 4, adults 5. languages 1.0 2.0, the,0 3.0,0 4.The,0 5. The, 0 6a 7.the,the — 8.a,a,an 1. stands for 2. clean up, help out 3.see...0ff 4. pick...up Students’ compositions will vary. Skyscrapers 1. stole 2.advantages «3. skyscraper 4. title 5.immigrants 6, advancement 7. beams 8. designs 9. stories 10. in addition Ladvantage 2. pleasant 3. space 4, earthquake 5. center G.architect. —T.exact 8. story 9. public 10. bomb Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 17 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 c e ® Cause & Effect, Unit3 Ld 25 3.2 4m S.h 6 Te 8b 9.8 10.1 La 2.b Bc 4b 5b 6b Ta 1. the mass production of iron and steel and the production of lightweight ‘metal beams, also the invention of the elevator 2. The steel frame, not the walls, supports the building. 3. They can have more windows, and there is room for offices and stores on the ground floor. 4, They were invented just as the technology for steel-frame skyscrapers was developed. People couldn't have used skyscrapers without elevators. 5. Many skyscrapers were built so people could live in a smalll area. 6. the Taipei 101 building 7. There can be lots of apartments or offices on a small area of ground. 8. The technology for keeping buildings standing during an earthquake was developed. 9. Students’ opinions will vary. 1. The first sentence: It took two important technological advancements to make real skyscrapers possible. 2. The first sentence: There were other problems that architects and engineers had to solve. 3, Suggested sentence: Skyscrapers were needed to house the many new immigrants coming from Europe. 4, Suggested sentence: Maybe people will not need or want tall buildings. 1. comparatively, comparison 2. pleasure 3. Additionally 4.advance 5. advantageous, disadvantages. 6. preventive 7. immigration 8. Popularity 9. enclosure — 10. strongly lin 2. down 3. out 4.on 5. out 6. into 7.down 8. out 9. away 10. out of I.the,0,the, the 2.the,0 3.the,O,the 4. the, the, 05. the, 0 6. the, 0, the/a 1. Skyscrapers keep getting higher and higher with new technology. 2. For a long time tall buildings had to be made of stone, which made building tall buildings difficult. 3. Elisha Otis invented the elevator, which solved the problem of how people would get to the top of a tall building, Students’ compositions will vary. Answer Key for Reading & Development 3and4 | 18,

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