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Growth & Development

Toilet Training

Clues to readiness:
1. Can stand & walk alone
2. Can communicate toilet needs
3. Can maintain himself dry for at least 2 occasions in a day
4. Bowel control is achieve at the age of 18 mos.
5. Day time bladder control is achieve at the age of 2 years
6. Night time bladder control is achieve at the age of 3-4 years old

Pubertal Changes
1. Male: starts at the of 12
Sudden growth spurt
Deepening of voice
↑ size of genetalia
Appearance of pubic/ axillary hair
2. Female: starts at the age of 10
Sudden growth spurt
Widening of Hips
Appearance of pubic/ axillary hair


Toddler ( 1yr. – 3 yrs)
Greatest fear: Separation anxiety
Significant others: parents
Type of Play: Parallel
Toys: Push Pull; toy hammer, swing, slide, building blocks, rocking horse, toy
telephone, toy track that go, dolls, balls

1. Negativistic
2. Mobiles
3. Headstrong
4. Ritualistic
5. Stereotype
6. Selfish
7. Self – centered
8. Quarrel some
9. Physiologic anorexia
10. Temper tantrums
- stay calm
- protect child from injury
- do not explain
- be firm
- keep child away from lookers
- giving in will spoil the toddlers
PRESCHOOL (3-6 yrs)
Greatest fears: body mutilation
Dark places, thunder, ghost, witches
Significant others: basic family
Play: Cooperative & Associative

1. Curious
2. Creative
3. Imitative
4. Imaginative
5. Jealous
6. Masturbation
- divert the child’s attention
- offer toys
- do not punish the child
- do not ignore the behavior

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