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Pagina 2:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world;”
this simple statement by South Africa’s first democratically elected president, Nelson
Mandela, expresses a fundamental truth of the world- something as simple as education can
change everything. A constantly changing geopolitical environment has continued to place
increasing amounts of emphasis on obtaining a post-secondary school education.

Every aspect of education is vital to one becoming a successful and productive member of
society. History’s importance can simply be summed with the age-old adage, “those who
forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” Mathematics and science teach of the world
around us and how life works on its most basic levels, helping everyone understand
themselves. Language, literature, and the cultural arts all work to endow people with a
greater understanding of the more complex forms of human life and consciousness, in
addition to giving many a sense of cultural identity.

Pagina 3:

I often dream about having a successful career as a doctor, but to achieve this
goal, I must be educated. Education is extremely important, because it is the
foundation of life. It gives me knowledge of the world around me. Education benefits me in
many aspects of my life, personally and socially. Education opens up the window of
education equips me to form opinions and have points of views on everything in life. It
teaches me how to lead my life. Education helps me to develop my values, and it will help
me to become a mature adult who plans for my future.
It will enable me to be independent. Through my experiences while getting an education, I
better understand other cultures. I want to travel and interact with different cultures.

Pagina 4:

Everyone has in one time been given a gift or be awarded for doing something
productive. All this is due to the effort one has done. Our own success has been through
internal self-evaluation and great desire to achieve big. People have different gifts and
talent and through education people have succeeded in doing their desired work. Education
has made people to unravel their gifts and talents and providing them either skills to think
and solve different challenges problems on their can manage to succeed in his or
her life but education has made it easier by providing a platform to acquire more knowledge
and accessing better opportunity in one's carrier or life. Both education and success are on
the same line.

Education opens door for people coming from different background, and expands people’s
knowledge. Education opens windows for us. Opportunities for a better quality of life are
greater for those with an education.
Education has seen people succeed through fulfilling their lifetime desire. A person with
higher education level can acquire an employment easily or secure o job easily hence
succeeding that carrier. Education has helped the society to grow socially economically and
spiritually by enabling growth of culture and maintaining of social morals and values.
Doctors have come close to finding the solution pertaining cancer and other chronic
diseases. It is through this education that doctors and engineers have succeeded. I believe
education is the key to success because it has enabled people to discover new technology
and established new scientific research. Modern technology is far better compared to the
19th century’s technology.People now can talk, message, and apply for jobs abroad because
it took one to discover the importance of technology.

Education not only teaches or emphasizes on bookish only but also lays focus in imparting
moral standards of the people, equipping them with knowledge and skills of how to handle
critical situations, uphold dignity, respect and obey laws of the authority, this has improved
the work in line with success to achieve civilization. It is a process of developing both a
sound mind and a sound body. Education aims at developing all the faculties of man,
especially the mind, so as to appreciate the contemplation of supreme goodness, truth, and
beauty, which contribute to perfect happiness. This is the road to success and the best path
one can use in order to succeed education has seen people grow to become professors
never the less create good attitude to live and unite with the society.Success can be
archived in different ways but we have experienced people climbing on top but come down
in their business or eventually go for studies because of the realization that education is
very vital.
In conclusion education has seen very many individual succeed and make good life
afterwards. A person's inward talent or gift can be achieved through education. to uphold
one’s dignity one need to be educated and as result of education one can experience
heaven on earth. However education is not the only key but also plays a major role in the
life of an individual.

Pagina 6:

In today’s society, education and learning play an indispensable role in shaping the
lives of individuals and the society at large. The most effective way of boosting economic
growth, reducing poverty and improving people’s health is by investing in education.

In conclusion, education is the only means of alleviating poverty, improving people’s health
and increasing economic growth. Improving literacy levels in marginalised societies will go a
long way in improving human living standards.

Pagina 7:

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