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Chapter 3

Medico-Legal Aspect of Identification


1. What refers to the determination of the individuality of a person or thing?

a. Classification
b. Sympathy
c. Empathy
d. Identification

2. In the prosecution of criminal offenses, the _______ of the offender and that
of the victim must be established, otherwise it will be a ground for dismissal.
a. Estate
b. Identity
c. Life
d. Choices

3. The ____________ means that the greater the number of points of similarities
and dissimilarities of two persons compared, the greater is the probability for
the conclusion to be correct.
a. Law of multiplicity of similarities in identification
b. Law of similarities and dissimilarities in identification
c. Law of multiplicity of evidence in identification
d. Law of multiplicity of differences in identification

4. The following are characteristics which may easily be changed, except:

a. Clothing
b. Grade of profession
c. Facies
d. Growth of hair, beard or mustache

5. Among the following, which characteristic may easily be changed?

a. Frequent place of visit
b. Mannerism
c. Hands and feet
d. Changes in the eyes

6. Which among the characteristics below is a point of identification applicable to

both living and dead?
a. Gait
b. Mannerism
c. Left or right-handedness
d. Sexual organ

7. What is anthropometry?
a. A scheme devised by Arnold Anthropome.
b. A scheme which utilizes biological instrument as basis of classification.
c. A scheme used to identify the life expectancy of a person.
d. A scheme which utilizes anthropometrical measurement of the human
body as the basis of identification

8. A ________ is a verbal, accurate and picturesque description of the person

a. Portrait parle
b. Anthropometry
c. Birthmark
d. Bertillion system

9. The following are the basis of the Bertillon System of identification, except:
a. The human skeleton is unchangeable after the twentieth year.
b. It is impossible to find two human beings having bones exactly alike.
c. There is no rigid rule to be observed in the procedure of identification.
d. The necessary measurement can easily be taken with the aid if a simple

10. What is considered as the most valuable method of identification?

a. Portrait parle
b. Anthropometry
c. ID
d. Fingerprinting

11. Why is fingerprinting considered as one scientific method of identification of

a. Fingerprints are changeable.
b. There can be two identical persons.
c. Fingerprints can be forged.
d. There no two identical fingerprints.

12. What refers to the art and study of recording fingerprints as a means of
a. Bertillon system
b. Dactyloscopy
c. Poroscopy
d. Dactylography

13. It is the art of identification by comparison of fingerprints.

a. Bertillon system
b. Dactyloscopy
c. Poroscopy
d. Dactylography
14. Of the following, which refers to the study of the pores found on the papillary
or friction ridges of the skin for purposes of identification?
a. Bertillon system
b. Dactyloscopy
c. Poroscopy
d. Dactylography

15. The following are scientific methods of identification, except:

a. Dental identification
b. Fingerprinting
c. Bertillon system
d. Handwriting

16. Which among the following is a scientific method of identification of persons?

a. Bertillon system
b. Anthropometry
c. Portrait parle
d. Handwriting

17. Why is dental identification considered as a scientific method of identification?

a. The enamel of the teeth is the softest substance of the human body.
b. Teeth cannot be changed.
c. It is the most reliable.
d. The possibility of two persons to have the same dentition is quite remote.

18. The genuineness of any disputed writing may be proven by which of the
following ways?
a. By the opinion of persons who are close to the alleged writer.
b. Acknowledgment by the judge of the document submitted as evidence.
c. Statement of witness who saw the writing made and is able to identify it as
d. By the opinion of the majority of the witnesses presented.

19. In identification, what refers to the science of handwriting analysis?

a. Graphology
b. Bibliotics
c. Seismology
d. Hieroglyphics

20. Which among the following is the purpose of handwriting examination?

a. To determine the length of time from date of death
b. To determine the capacity of the alleged writer
c. To determine the crime committed
d. To determine whether the document was written by the person whose
signature it bears.
21. A study of handwriting for the purpose of determining the writer’s personality,
character and aptitude.
a. Graphology
b. Bibliotics
c. Seismology
d. Hieroglyphics

22. In the examination of bones, the following points can be determined

approximately, except:
a. Whether the remains are of human origin or not
b. Weight
c. Length of interment
d. Presence or absence of ante-mortem or post-mortem bone injuries

23. The legal importance of sex determination are as follows, except:

a. As an aid in identification
b. To determine whether an individual can exercise certain obligations vested
by law to one sex only
c. To determine congenital deformities
d. Marriage or the union of a man and a woman

24. Which among the following is the legal importance of determination of age?
a. For disputed parentage
b. Determination of the cause of death
c. Determination of the place of commission of the crime
d. Determination of criminal liability

25. Blood and blood stains identification is important for all of the following
reasons, except:
a. Determination whether a person can exercise civil rights
b. For disputed parentage
c. Determination of the cause of death
d. Determination of the approximate time the crime was committed

26. The ________ of a person missing or presumed dead will facilitate settlement
of the estate.
a. Individuality
b. Sexuality
c. Identification
d. Beliefs

27. The _________ of the different points of identification varies in the

formulation of conclusion.
a. Number
b. Science
c. Value
d. Similarities

28. In cases when the object to be identified is highly perishable, ______ must be
done in the shortest possible time specially during mass disasters.
a. Exclusion
b. Identification
c. Exhumation
d. Classification

29. By _______, identification criteria recovered during investigation are

compared with records available in the file.
a. Comparison
b. Exclusion
c. Elimination
d. Identification

30. If two or more persons have to be identified and all but one is not yet
identified, the one whose identity has not been established may be known by
the process of ___________.
a. Comparison
b. Exclusion
c. Elimination
d. Identification
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. D
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. B

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