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A Modified Somatotype Method ’


5 Via Joaquin, Monterey, California and S u n Diego State College,
San Diego, California

ABSTRACT A new and improved somatotype method with universal application to

both sexes, for all ages and which i s reproducible, is justified, validated and described.
Evidence is presented for extension of previous component rating scales. Data on 844
male and female subjects from selected samples were used to develop and validate
anthropometric scales for estimating the Heath component ratings. The dehitions
and rating procedures for the new somatotype method are presented, with descriptions
of the anthropometric somatotype and the combined photoscopic and anthropometric

The purpose of this paper is to present (Sheldon, ’54). Heath found many males
a somatotype method suitable for descrip- among the Manus in the Admirality IS-
tion of individual variation in the human lands (Mead) who cannot reasonably be
species. To this end, we have adopted uni- rated by Sheldon’s second component cri-
versal rating scales and criteria which ap- teria. Roberts and Bainbridge (’63) found
ply to both sexes at all ages. it necessary to modify the Sheldon scale to
We present a somatotype method which fit the height/Vweight ratios obtained in
consists of Heath’s (’63) modifications their study of the physiques of Nilotes.
and adaptations of Parnell’s (’58) M.4 Third component ratings of seven were
technique, which Heath and Carter (’66) not adequate for description and different-
explored. We report the rationale for ex- iation of the Nilote Series, in which there
tending and readjusting the rating scales, was a high incidence of extremes in ecto-
and have constructed tables to use with morphy. Irrespective of age and nutri-
the Heath somatotype method. The ex- tional status, uniquely high third compon-
tended and readjusted rating scales to- ent ratings were confirmed by limb length
gether with these tables also enable inves- and low total skinfold measurements as
tigators to obtain reliable anthropometric well as by height/Vweight ratios higher
somatotype ratings. than any reported by Sheldon. Heath has
There are many somatotype studies also found high extremes in the first com-
which include extremes in one or more of ponent and low extremes in the third com-
the three somatotype components. We ponent in studies of growth and develop-
have carefully studied several of these ment (Walker, ’62) ; and significant
which emphasize the importance of using changes in somatotype ratings from year
one method suitable for all investigations. to year are common for subjects in the
Seltzer’s (’64) study of obese females dis- Medford Growth Study (Clarke, ’63).
cusses the problem of adequate differentia- There is good evidence that selected sam-
tion of a series in which the majority are ples in this country and elsewhere will con-
rated seven in the first component (endo- tinue to reveal somatotypes which do in-
morphy), when the criteria of Sheldon’s deed emphasize the need for a somatotype
seven-point scale are applied. In the Brit- method to describe all human variation.
ish Empire and Olympic Games series des- Sheldon’s (’40, ’54) concept of quanti-
cribed by Tanner (’64), there are athletes fying “three primary morphological com-
from many countries who are rated seven ponents” is original, useful and important.
rating units (seven) in the second com- Despite lingering semantic problems, the
ponent (mesomorphy) by Sheldon’s cri-
teria; but they are conspicuously more 1 The authors are grateful to the Wenner-Gren
Foundation for Anthropological Research, to the Na-
mesomorphic than the examples of sec- tional Institutes of Health. arant CD 00140-01A1, and
ond component seven’s in ATLAS OF MEN to the San Diego State College Foundation for grants.
which in part supported this study.

AM. J. PHYS.ANTHROP.,27: 57-74. 57


four coined words - somatotype, endo- She studied selected series of somtatype
morphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy - are photographs to establish extentions of the
widely accepted in our vocabulary. They scales and to accomodate extremes in all
seem to convey reasonably similar and de- three somatotype components. Series
fensible meanings to those who use them. which included three skinfold measure-
Standardized somatotype photographs, ac- ments - triceps (t), subscapular (ss),
curately measured and recorded stature, suprailiac (si), - were rerated, relying
weight, and age are essential to precise primarily upon inspection and Heath's
description of human physical variation ( ' 6 3 ) table of somatotypes and height/
by means of somatotyping. However, a Vweight ratios, but considering relation-
number of investigators have found the ships between total skinfold measurements
definitions, criteria, and interpretations in and first component ratings.
Sheldon's publications unsatisfactory. Sev- The first sample consisted of 102 obese
eral investigators (Cureton, '47; Hooton, females (Seltzer, unpublished). First com-
'51; Parnell, '54, '58; Damon et al., '62; ponent ratings ranged from 5.0 to 19.0,
Sheldon, unpublished) have proposed var- without consideration of skinfold meas-
ious adaptations and modifications of urements. Although the first component
somatotype method, but none of these has ratings remained high, the range was from
overcome the fundamental limitations. 5.5 to 12.0 when skinfold measurements
Heath ('63) proposed modifications to over- were considered. The rerating changes are
come some of the shortcomings of existing shown in table 1. This tabulation shows
systems. During the past 12 years Heath that in almost 80% of cases there were no
has applied these modifications to soma- rating changes in the second component,
totype data involving approximately 15,000 and in 99% there were no changes greater
ratings, which have been used in over 30 than plus-or-minusone-half. In more than
published studies. The studies include 92% of cases there were no changes in the
work associated with the Institute of Hu- third component greater than one-half.
man Development in Berkeley, the Gesell But in almost 79% of cases there were
Institute, Harvard University, the Medford first component changes which lowered
Growth Study, Institute of Child Health in the ratings by one-half to seven.
London, University of Hawaii, San Diego Similar procedures were applied to se-
State, the American Museum of Natural lected portions of the British Empire and
History, Ochanomizu University in Tokyo, Olympic Games series (Tanner, '64) and
and the Institute of Anthropology in Mos- of the Manus series of males (Mead).
cow. The subjects studied include longi- These subseries were chosen because of
tudinal and cross-sectional data for both the high incidence of height/Vweight
sexes at all ages. There are large samples ratios below 12.20 and low skinfold totals.
of U. S . and English populations. There The differences in means between the first
are also substantial samples of Eskimos, and second ratings are as follows:
Japanese, Manus (Admiralty Islands), and Athletes 1 st c o m p . 2nd comp. 3rd camp.
athletes from 11 countries. First rating 3.25 6.28 1.57
Because the Heath method has already Second rating 2.08 6.99 1.34
been widely applied, it is now necessary to Manus
state the concepts and procedures of the First rating 2.32 6.50 1.60
method together with recently added ob- Second rating 1.64 6.71 1.63
jective elements. This statement distin-
guishes the method from other methods, The data in table 1 reflect the differ-
and facilitates comparative studies. ences in patterns of rating changes in
series in which skinfold totals are high
EXTENSION OF SOMATOTYPE with correspondingly high first component
COMPONENT SCALES ratings, and in series in which skinfold
Heath ('63) indicated that component totals are low with high second component
scales should be open-ended in order to ratings. The magnitude of first component
accommodate variations greater than those changes is of course greatest in the obese
observed in Sheldon's ('40) pilot studies. series. Although the means for total skin-
Rating changes in three series of extreme somatotypes
First component Second component Third component
ChangeI Freq.
. % Change Freq. % Change Freq. %
~ ~

A. Obese women (Seltzer, unpub.)

+0.5 7 6.8
0.0 15 14.7
- 0.5 9 8.8
- 1.0 11 10.8
- 1.5 12 11.8
-2.0 14 13.7
- 2.5 8 7.8
-3.0 6 5.9
-3.5 5 4.9
-4.0 3 2.9
- 4.5 4 3.9
-5.0 2 1.9 + 0.5 7 6.8
- 5.5 3 2.9 0.0 78 77.5 + 0.5 5 4.9
- 6.0 2 1.9 - 0.5 16 15.7 0.0 94 92.2
- 7.0 1 1.o -1.0 1 1.0 - 0.5 3 2.9
102 99.9 102 100.0 102 100.1

B. Olympic and Empire Games atheletes (Tanner, '64)

+ 1.5 9 14.15
+ 1.0 1 1.6
0 6 9.7 +2.0 1 1.6 $- 1.0 1 1.6
- 0.5 15 24.2 1.5+ 7 11.3 0.5 + 1 1.6
- 1.0 21 33.8 1.0+ 15 24.2 0 32 51.5
- 2.0 6 9.7 0.5+ 27 43.5 - 0.5 26 41.8
- 2.5 4 6.4 0 12 19.3 - 1.0 2 3.2
62 99.9 62 99.9 62 99.7

C. Manus males (Mead, unpub.)

0 9 25.9 + 1.5 1 2.9 + 1.0 1 2.9
-0.5 11 31.4 + 1.0 4 11.4 + 0.5 5 14.3
- 1.0 10 28.5 +0.5 13 37.1 0 16 45.8
- 1.5 3 8.6 0 17 48.5 - 0.5 8 22.6
- 2.0 2 5.7 - 1.0 5 14.3
35 99.9 35 99.9 35 99.9

folds are similar for the athletes and for Detailed analysis of the rating changes
the Manus, 94% of the Manus skinfold made in the TOPS series of obese women
totals range from 11.0 to 18.9mm, while and those made in the subseries of athletes
only 45% of the athletes have skinfold and in the Manus series is presented be-
totals in this low range. Therefore the cause these three subgroups include the
greater changes in first and second com- most extreme somatotype ratings we have
ponent ratings in the athletes' series were observed. These series offered an unusual
expected. opportunity to test two empirical scales €or
While the range of final second compo- their value and validity in objectifying so-
nent ratings for the two male series was matotype method. This analysis also sug-
from 5.0 to 9.5, it is noteworthy that of gested that it is desirable to readjust the
the combined total of 97 ratings, 37 ratings height/Vweight ratio distribution by wid-
are higher than any reported in ATLAS OF ening the intervals for one-rating changes
MEN. On this basis, it is apparent that both at the low end of the scale; that it is feas-
skinfold values and height/Vweight ratios ible to extend the rating scales upward for
(as well as inspectional impressions) sup- the first and second components; and that
port ratings higher than seven in the sec- total skinfold values are acceptable for
ond component. rating the first component. It also devel-

oped that one-half ratings at the low end Three skinfolds (t, ss, si), measured on left
side, with Harpenden caliper.
of the third component scale helped to Weight in kilograms and tenths, height in
differentiate some subjects in these series millimeters.
and in studies of young cihldren (Walker, Standard somatotype photographs.
'62). Furthermore, Roberts and Bainbridge 2. Teachers and students of physical educa-
tion, New Zealand (Carter, '64, '65).
('63) found that ratings of eight and nine Males and females.
in the third component were appropriate N = 65 males, 66 females.
for the 11.7% of their Nilotic sample Ages 18 to 52 years, males; ages 18 to 39,
whose height/qweight ratios were above Three skinfolds (t, ss, si). measured on right
14.80. side, Harpenden caliper.
In other words, it became evident that Weight in pounds, height in inches and
anthropometric measurements, such as to- Standard somatotype photographs.
tal skinfold values, can be used to increase 3. American college and university students
the objectivity and reliability of somato- (Haronian and Sugarman, '65).
type ratings, and as guidelines in extension N = 102.
and readjustment of rating scales. Ages 17 to 28 years.
Three skinfolds (t, ss, si), measured with
DEVELOPMENT O F ANTHROPOMETRIC Lange caliper. Side measured, not re-
Weight in pounds, height in inches and
Both Heath's and Sheldon's somatotype tenths.
methods have required long training be- Standard somatotype photographs.
cause inspectional skill is crucial to reli- 4. San Diego State (SDS) businessmen and
able rating. The apparent interrelation- Males (Carter, unpublished).
ships among skinfold measurements, total N = 19.
body fat, and first component ratings sug- Ages 28 to 59 years.
gested the possibility of developing anthro- Three skinfolds (t, ss, si), measured on
right side, Harpenden caliper.
pometric somatotype scales which could Weight in pounds, height in inches and
be matched with the Heath method, there- tenths.
by improving reliability and reproducibility Standard somatotype photographs.
of somatotype rating. 5. TOPS series (Seltzer, unpublished data).
Obese American females.
We used data for 844 subjects to develop Females.
anthropornetric scales for estimating the N = 102.
component ratings by the Heath method. Ages 17 to 69 years.
Of the 844 subjects, we had suitable an- Two skinfolds (t, ss), with Lange caliper.
Side measured, not reported.
thropometric data together with standard Weight in pounds, height in millimeters.
somatotype photographs for 597, and an- Standard somatotype photographs.
thropometric data only for 247 subjects. 6. Manus series (Mead, unpublished data).
In addition to age, height, and weight, the Males and females.
anthropometric measurements consist of N = 35 males, 42 females.
Ages 18 years to seventies.
sums of skinfolds - t, ss, and si measure- Three skinfolds (t, ss, si), measured with
ments- and in some cases diameters of Harpenden caliper, on left side.
humerus and femur, muscle girths of calf Standard somatotype photographs.
and biceps, and calf (c) skinfolds. The 7. Special series (Carter, unpublished data).
ages range from 14 years to the seventies; ( a ) Teacher, housewives, students, and ath-
letes, primarily from the San Diego
they represent many countries, races and area.
racial combinations; they include extremes Females.
in each of the somatotype components, N = 196.
and a wide range of total skinfold meas- Ages 14 to 69 years.
Three skinfolds (t, ss, si), measured on
urements. The subject's series were as fol- the right side, Harpenden caliper.
lows : No photographs.
1. British Empire Games and Olympic Games ( b ) Physical education majors, San Diego
athletes (Tanner, '64). State.
N = 166. Females.
Males from 23 countries. N = 19.
Ages 17 to 37 years. Ages 21 to 27 years.

Four skinfolds (t, ss, si, c), measured Heath first component ratings and skinfold
on right side, Harpenden caliper. scores were so similar that a skinfold score
No photographs.
(c) U. S. Navy, Underwater demolition substituted for a Heath rating would sac-
trainees, San Diego. rifice little or no accuracy, especially in
Males. group studies. Furthermore the test-retest
N = 32. reliabilities for skinfold measurements are
Ages 17 t o 31 years.
Four skinfolds (t, ss, si, c ) , measured 0.90-0.96, and test-retest reliabilities for
on right side, Harpenden caliper. Heath ratings are approximately 0.92. It
No photographs. is therefore unlikely that a higher correla-
tion could be obtained.
First component Figure 1 shows in graphic form the
The first step in constructing a suitable essentially linear relationship between first
scale (derived from skinfold values) to component ratings and skinfold totals for
match Heath inspectional ratings was in the combined male and female series. The
establishing the relationship, if any, be- medians were plotted, because at some
tween sums of three skinfolds (t, ss, si) rating points the distributions appeared
and the Heath ratings. slightly skewed. Inconsistencies between
There were available first component one-half ratings shown in figure 1 may be
ratings on 501 male and female subjects, due in part to one or more of the following
ages 16 to 69 years (series nos. 1, 2, 3, 5). factors: (1) Use of different calipers in
Ratings were made prior to including skin- different series; (2) measurements made
fold values in the rating method. The TOPS on the right side in some series, on the
series (no. 5 ) is particularly important be- left in others; (3) first component ratings
cause of the uniquely high first component made by Heath at different times; (4) pos-
~- sible differences in reliabilities of meas-
ratings and uniquely low height/Vweight
ratios, and because of the high skinfold urements, especially in the case of high
measurements. In order to compare this skinfold totals; (5) small numbers of ob-
series with the others, the data required servations for some rating values; and per-
special analysis because t and ss skinfolds haps most important, ( 6 ) limitations in
only were measured. The sums of the two the Heath ('63) height/Yweight ratio table
skinfolds is higher for the majority of these for very low ratios. This last point indi-
subjects than the sums of the three skin- cated that the distribution of somatotypes
folds measured in the other series. and height/Vweight ratios required modi-
In order to estimate the average contri- fication -especially for ratios lower than
bution of si skinfold measurements to 12.00.
skinfold totals of three skinfolds, data on A scale for obtaining first component
skinfold measurements for 262 females, ratings from total skinfolds was con-
ages 14 to 69 years were used. These in- structed, employing the following points
cluded the New Zealand series (no. 2 ) and as guidelines :
the special series (no. 7a). For the com- 1. Skinfold distributions are positively
bined series total skinfold measurements skewed.
ranged from 15.8mm to 113.3 mm, si 2. Heath's first component scale is posi-
measurements ranged from 4.3 mm to tively skewed.
43.1 mm. The mean for the si measure- 3. Small increments in skinfolds are
ments was 13.3mm7 or 30.9% contribu- easily observed on inspection of photo-
tion of si measurements to the total of graphs of subjects low in the first compo-
three measurements. Based upon the above nent; but small increments in skinfolds
estimate of percentage contribution of si are not easily observed in subjects high in
skinfold measurements to total measure- the first component. In other words, the
ments the TOPS series total skinfolds percentage of increment in total skinfolds
range from 55mm to 157mm, with a becomes more important than absolute in-
mean of 97.3mm. crements in cases of high first component
Using the paired data from the 501 sub- ratings.
jects the product-moment correlation was 4. If reasonable error in total skinfold
r = 0.95. This relationship indicates that measurements is -t 5 % , then increments




/30 e
. e
120 #

7 0

& 90 0
c 4

70 W
cr, 60
K 50
0 E3:0.95
N = 5-01
40 0
= Medim of disfribufian
30 m' each rafiny value.



Fig. 1 First component ratings by Heath versus sum of three skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, su-

between rating units for the first compo- values, but decreasing percentages of in-
nent must be 10% or more of total skin- crease. The lowest percentages of increase
folds. lie between one-half intervals from ratings
5. In constructing a scale of total skin- of seven and me-half and above. Here the
folds the increments between first compo- percentages lie between 9% and 10%.
nent rating units should be established so Table 2 shows the distribution of so-
as to meet the criterion of locating 90%
or more of the component ratings within matotypes and height/Vweight ratios, re-
plus-minus one-half. adjusted so that intervals between one
6. Since the specific gravity of fat is rating changes are greater for ratios lower
lower than that of bone, muscle and other than 12.00. At the same time the upper
body constituents, a greater volume of fat end of the table was reviewed for accom-
is required for increases in weight and cor- modation of subjects with unusually high
responding decreases in height/Vweight
ratios. Fig. 2 The Heath-Carter somatotype rating
The scale so constructed is shown in the form. The F-scale for arriving at the first compo-
upper part of figure 2. The mid-points of nent rating is the upper scale. The M-scale for
the total skinfold values for each first com- arriving at the second component rating is the
middle scale. The Lscale for arriving at the third
ponent rating unit are shown in figure 3. component rating is the lower scale. Data and
The data show that there are increasing procedures for arriving at an anthropometric so-
amounts of increase in total skinfold matotype 4-5-21/2 are illustrated.
NAME ...................................................................................................................... AGE ........ SEX:@ F NO:

.................................................................... MEASURED BY: ..@?f...c
Skinfolds (mm):
Triceps = 13.0 UPLfh,t 10.9 14.9 18.9 22.9 26.9 31.2 35.8 40.7 46.2 52.2 58.7 65.7 73.2 81.2 89.7 98.9 108.9 119.7 131.2 143.7 157.2 171.9 187.9 204.(

Subcapular = lb.3 point 9.0 13.0 17.0 21.0 25.0 29.0 3 3 . 5 m 4 3 . 5 49.0 55.5 62.0 69.5 77.0 85.5 94.0 104.0 114.0 125.5 137.0 150.5 164.0 180.0 196.[

Supraliac = 9.4 Loriit 7.0 11.0 15.0 19.0 23.0 27.0 31.3 35.9 40.8 46.3 52.3 58.8 65.8 73.3 81.3 89.8 99.0 109.0 119.8 131.3 143.8 157.3 172.0 188.[
Calf = 9,s
FIRST 1 1% 2 2% 3 3% 0 4% 5 5'12 6 6% 7 7'2 8 8% 9 9% 10 1OY 11 11% 12

Height (in.) =m 55.0 56.5 58.0 59.5 61.0 62.5 64.0 65.5 67.0 68.5 70.0 71.5 73.0 74.5
4 76.0 77.5 79.0 80.5 82.0 83.5 85.0 86.5 88.0 89.5
Bone: Humerus = 5.19 5.34 5.49 5.64 5.78 5.93 6.07 6.22 6.37 6.51 6 . 6 5 m 6 . 9 5 7.09 7.24 7.38 7.53 7.67 7.82 7.97 8.11 8.25 8.40 8.55
(cm) Femur = 7.41 7.62 7.83 8.04 8.24 8.45 8.66 8.87 9.0-9.49 9.70 9.91 10.12 10.33 10.53 10.74 10.95 11.16 11.37 11.58 11.79 12.00 12.21
Musc!e: Biceps 33.0 Y
(cm) --/.3 = I34 23.7 24.4 25.0 25.7 26.3 27.0 27.7 28.3 29.0 29.7 30.3 31.0@ 32.2 33.0 33.6 34.3 35.0 35.6 36.3 37.1 37.8 38.5 39.3
-(triceps skinfold)
,calf 3s.i =
-(calf skinfold) Sqr
IuI/I 27.7 28.5 29.3 30.1 30.8 31.6 32.4 3 3 . 2 m 4 . 7 35.5 36.3 37.1 37.8 38.6 39.4 40.2 41.0 41.8 42.6 43.4 44.2 45.0 45.8

COMPONENT W 1 1% 2 2% 3 3% 4 4% 5% 6 6% 7 7W 8 8'2 9

Weight (Ib.) = 147.0 Upper limit 11.99 12.32 12.53 12.74 12.95 13.15 13.36 13.56 13.77 13.98 14.19 14.39 14.59 14.80 15.01 15.22 15.42 15.63
Ht./< Mid-point and 12.16 12.43 12.64 12.85 13.05 13.26 13.46 13.67 13.88 14.01 14.29 14.50 14.70 14.91 15.12 15.33 15.53
Lower limit below 12.00 12.33 12.54 m 1 2 . 9 6 13.16 13.37 13.56 13.78 13.99 14.20 14.40 14.60 14.81 15.02 15.23 15.43

5 1 1 % 2 @ 3 3H 4 4% 5 5% 6 6% 7 7% 8 8% 9


BY: c
Anthropometric Somatotype 4- 5- 3-92 -
Anthropometric plus
Photoscooic Somatotvoe RATER: ..................................................................
Figure 2

Distribution of somatotypes on the criterion of height/Vweight, for both sexes and all ages
Ratio Somatotypes

15.40 1-1-9
15.20 1-1-8 1-2-9
15.00 1-1-7 1-2-8, l-21/2-81/2
14.80 1-2-7,2-1-7
14.60 1-2-6 2-2-7,1-3-7
14.40 1-3-6,1%-3-6% 23-7,3-2-7
14.20 2-2-5 2-3-6,3-2-6
11/2-21/2-5 lV~3~h-6
14.00 2-3-5,3-2-5,2?~'!2-3-5?h 3-3-6,4-2-6
145,4-1-5 2% -3% -6
13.80 3-34> 31/3-24/~-5,2-4-5,4-2-5
13.60 4-2-4,3-3-4,21/2-31/2-4 21/2-41/2-5
1-54,244 3-4-5,5-2-5,4-3-5
13.40 1-5-3,11/2-5-3% 2-54,34-4,31/2-3%-4
4-2% -3?h 5-2-4,4-3-4,21/341/2-4
13.20 2-5-3,5-2-3,&3-3,2'h-5-3% 4-4-4
1M-5%-3,5-%-3,1-6-3,3-4-3 5-343-5-4
13.00 6-1-2,l-6-2 6-2-3,2-6-3
2-5-2,5-2-2 44-3,5-3-3
12.80 2-6-2,44-2 6-3-3,3-6-3
7-1-2,1-7-2,6-2-2 54-3,4-5-3
12.60 7-1-1,l-7-1,6-21
12.40 7-2-1,2-7-1,6-3-1
12.20 7-3-1,3-7-1
12.00 741,8-3-1,9-2-1,3-8-1

11.70 8-4-1,9-3-1,10-2-1

11.40 9-4-1,lO-3-1,114-1

11.00 104-1,11-3-1,1~5-1
10.50 11-4-1,12-3-1,1&5-1

10.00 12-4-1,13-3-1,11-5-1,lO-6-1

9.50 13-4-1,14-3-1,10-7-1,11-6-1

9.00 14-4-1,13-5-1,12-G1,11-7-1

Fig. 3 Mid-points of the total skinfold values for each first component rating unit on the F-scale.

height/Vweight ratios and third compo- reliability and percentage agreement are
nent ratings higher than seven. Table 2 high, and that the F-scale is an excellent
was constructed so that the intervals for tool for estimating the Heath rating for
height/Vweight ratios from 12.00 down- first component values ranging from one
ward increased in a somewhat geometric to seven and one-half. These values for
progression. For each one rating change component estimation are better than
the intervals increase from 0.20 through those reported in the literature as reviewed
0.30, 0.40, to 0.50. by Heath and Carter ('66).
Validation of the anthropometric scale Comment. Data on the obese females
(F-scale) for the first component. Heath (series no. 5) provide our only informa-
rerated 414 subjects (series nos. 1, 2, 3, tion about the F-scale and Heath ratings
4) using the Heath method ('63) together above seven and one-half. As seen from
with the readjusted height/Vweight table table 3 the correspondence between the
(table 2), and with knowledge of total ratings is not good. Considering the need
skinfolds. Carter independently established for estimating total skinfolds for this
the first component ratings from the F- series, the unknown reliability of the
scale. The mean difference between the skinfolds, the lack of muscle and bone
Heath rating and the F-scale rating, the measurements to estimate the second com-
reliability coefficient (rxy),the percentage ponent, and the increasing variability of
agreement plus or minus one-half, and the skinfolds at higher values, it is not sur-
component range of Heath's ratings are prising that the agreement with the Heath
presented for each series and for the mean rating is poorer than at lower levels on the
of the series in table 3. The data indicate first component scale. The percentage
that the mean differences are small, the agreement plus OT minus m e is 70%, and

Comparisons of t h e criterion rating and scale rating f o r first and third somatotype components
First component Third component
rxy "u$ip Range N 1
rXy "/",zi:,ty"

17-37 years 162 -0.04 0.94 100 1 -437/2 155 -0.27 0.95 87.8 142-6
Males and females
18-52 years 131 0.00 0.97 97.7 11/2-5?h 128 -0.15 0.91 95.3 1-5
U. S. College
17-28 years 102 -0.09 0.97 96.1 1 -7?h 100 SO.11 0.93 90.0 1-6
San Diego State
28-59 years 19 -0.19 0.96 84.2 1%-6 14 $0.35 0.94 85.6 1-4
Mean of
above series
17-59 years 414 -0.04 0.98 97.6 1 -7% 397 -0.22 0.98 90.7 V2-6
17-69 years 102 Jr0.36 0.68 48.0 51/2-12 - - - - -
18-70+ years 42 1-0.21 0.90 95.2 1 4% 26 -0.12 0.64 85.0 1-3%
1 Subjects with height/+- ratios of 12.00 or more.

improves to 84% and 94% for plus OT those of others, Brozek ('65, p. 6 ) con-
minus one and one-half and two respec- cluded that skinfold compressibility de-
tively. Nevertheless, Heath found the skin- creases with age. In tall subjects (74
folds extremely valuable in assigning her inches or more) one obtains proportionally
rating. It would appear that greater re- larger skinfolds simply because the subject
liance must be placed on the photoscopic is large (Mayer, '59). Present data does
rating at ratings of eight to twelve in the not permit the F-scale to be used with
first component. small children but work is under way to
With reference to the Manus females develop scales for these groups. In this
(series no. 6), it is interesting to observe connection, consideration of Parnell's ('65)
that, although 48% of the group were ''total lean weight" with height corrections
pregnant, their total skinfolds (mean = seems to be appropriate. In practice, we
21.6mm) were very low for women, and find the F-scale satisfactory for most
that the reliability ( r = 0.90) and the per- heights from 60 inches and more. The
centage agreement plus or minus one-half limitations of very high skinfolds, com-
(95.2%) were high. This suggests that pressibility of skinfolds, and size of sub-
even under conditions of pregnancy the jects can be allowed for in the photoscopic
F-scale is still a useful indicator of endo- rating.
morphy. Conclusion. An objective and valid
Since the use of the three skinfolds had scale which meets acceptable criteria has
been well established by Parnell ('54, '58), been developed for estimating Heath's first
and many studies have used these meas- component rating.
urements there seemed to be no good rea-
son for changing the procedure. A question The Second component
does arise, however, as to the use of the In a previous article, Heath and Carter
F-scale values for the aged, very small and ('66) examined the relationships between
very tall persons. Based on his studies and Heath's ratings and Parnell's ratings based

on the M.4 deviation chart. The authors The first modification was the moving
found poorer relationships on the second of the height values one column to the left,
than on the first and third components, thus effecting a one-half increase in the
and they also noted that with older sub- second component. The second modifica-
jects the differences would likely be greater tion was a direct skinfold correction to the
as Parnell‘s scales are age corrected. Since limb circumferences. The t skinfold, but
there were different patterns between the not the c skinfold, has been included in
males and females on the second compo- the M.4 measurements in the past. In our
nent and since the initial M.4 mesomorphy modificatoin a medial c skinfold, as sug-
estimate is corrected for neither age, sex, gested by Brozek (’60) is used for the cor-
nor fat, the addition of older subjects and rection of c girth. The simplest and most
a comparison of initial and final M.4 rat- practical correction appears to be that of
subtracting the skinfold value from the
ings with Heath ratings was suggested. related limb girth before circling the ap-
Initial and final M.4 data and Heath propriate value in the muscularity table
ratings were available on series nos. 2 and (see center of figure 2 ) . Although this is
4. Comparisons were made among three not claimed to be a “perfect” correction
groups, N.Z. males, N.Z. females, and it is at least in the right direction and is
S.D.S. males. In five of the six compari- applied only to the measurements which
sons the mean Heath rating was higher by encompass skinfolds. This procedure also
0.10 to 0.54; percentage ratings plus or eliminates the age correction incorporated
m i n u s one-half ranged from 58-89% ; the in Parnell’s M.4 chart.
correlations ranged from r = 0.69 to r = Validation of t h e anthropometric scale
0.92; the percentage of high over low rat- (M-scale) for the second component. Al-
ings ranged from 9-76%. Furthermore, though the adjusted scale (M-scale) for
Heaths ratings on the second component the second component was available, indi-
were approximately one unit higher than vidual validation against the Heath scale
the M.4 rating in series no. 3. An individ- was limited by the absence of c skinfolds
ual analysis of selected photographs in on the rated series. However, with ade-
each series indicated that the correction quate estimates for c skinfolds available
for high total skinfolds had forced ambigu- from other samples the M-scale was ap-
ously low second component ratings for plied to the means for series number 2
many of these physiques. (male and female), series number 3, and
Since the above observations showed on an individual basis to series number 4.
that there were considerable discrepancies, Estimates for the c skinfolds for the fe-
a solution was attempted by readjusting males were taken from measurements on
the mesomorphy scale and changing the series number 7b, while those for the males
method of skinfold correction. We ac- were taken from measurements on series
cept Parnell’s general principle that given number 7c. As the means for the sum of
amounts of mesomorphy will be propor- three skinfolds of the subjects in series
tional to height, since somatotype is a numbers 7b and 7c differed slightly from
measure of shape, not size - the taller the the means of series numbers 2 and 3, a
person the larger the musculoskeletal di- percentage correction was applied to the
mensions must be to maintain the same mean c skinfold before calculating the sec-
level of the second component. Although ond component.
certain limitations have been cited, the In each of four comparisons, between
anthropometric measures (humerus and the Heath rating and the M.4 rating and
femur biepicondylar diameters, flexed arm the Heath rating and the M-scale, the
and calf girths) and scale adopted seem mean differences were reduced consider-
to be the best simple indicator of meso- ably. The Heath ratings were still slightly
morphy which we have (apart from the high in three of the comparisons - 0.1 1
photograph). Keeping the basic structure for the N.Z. females, 0.16 for the N.Z.
of the M.4 chart for the second component males, and 0.52 for series number 3. How-
intact, the following - modifications were ever, for series number 4 the mean differ-
made. ence. was reduced from 0.35 to zero, with

an r = 0.94, and 90% agreement within were plotted (fig. 4). For the 121 somato-
one-half. The Heath ratings on the second types the correlation was r = 0.97, and the
component ranged from two to seven. regression equation for predicting Y from
Comment. When Heath and Carter X is:
('66) used the Heath method for rating Y = 2.42 X - 28.58
the second component, they reported bet- The majority of the somatotypes are with-
ter agreements than different raters using in a half unit of the regression line and
other methods. The difficulty then seems all are within the one unit boundaries.
to stem from the anthropometric measures Using the above equation a scale (L-scale)
and the scales of their values, Another was constructed for estimating the Heath
limitation in the M-scale is that, since fat
is not distributed evenly around a limb, rating (see bottom of figure 2).
the double skinfold is at best an estimated Validation of the anthropometric scale
correction. The alternatives of multiple (L-scale) for the third component. Ratings
skinfolds or cross-sectional analysis appear made by Heath, prior to the development
to be impractical for the limited gains pos- of the L-scale, for the 397 subjects in se-
sible. Empirically, the present M-scale ap- ries numbers 1, 2, 3 , and 4, whose height/
pears to be more satisfactory for obtaining Vweight ratios were 12.00 or more were
a Heath rating than the M.4 chart. used in the validation. Carter indepen-
Conclusions. 1. The Parnell M.4 as- dently determined the third component
sessment of the second component is not ratings from the L-scale. The mean differ-
a satisfactory estimate of the Heath rating. ence between the Heath rating and the
2. The present M-scale is the preferred L-scale rating, the reliability coefficient
method for estimating the Heath rating for (rxy ), the percentage agreement plus or
the second component in group studies, minus one-half, and the component range
until the method can be further refined. of Heath's ratings are presented for each
3. More reliance on the photograph series and for the mean of the series in
and height/Vweight ratio table is indi- table 3. Although the mean difference of
- 0.22 shows that Heath rated slightly
cated for the second component rating
than for the other two components over lower than the L-scale, the reliability (r =
the same range. 0.98) and percentage agreement (91% )
are high for the range of me-half to six on
The Third component the third component.
Heath's revised distribution of somato- Comment. The lower Heath rating of
approximately me-fifth on the third com-
types for h e i g h t / V w w t ratios (table 2) ponent is attributed to the ratings on the
shows two important features. To begin series of athletes as the mean difference
with, for the ratio 12.00 and above, the before adding this series was zero. It a p
third component values appear to rise with peared that an unconscious rater bias
the ratio in a linear fashion with no more favoring the lower of the possible ratings
than two rating values appearing at each in table 2 was operating at the time of
ratio. Secondly, for height/Vweight ratios rating.
below 12.00 there seems to be an even Although there are no subjects with rat-
chance of the third component value being ings of seven or above in the third compo-
either one-half or one. Hence it can be nent in our present series, observation of
seen that table 2 alone cannot be used to other data indicates that the L-scale is an
give the third component rating. adequate estimator of the Heath rating at
Since the distribution of somatotypes in these high levels. When compared to the
table 2 represent a well established empiri- L-scale, the height/vweight ratio points
cal population, the use of a regression established by Roberts and Bainbridge ('63)
equation to predict the third component for somatotypes 1-2-8 (14.70), 1-1-8
value from the height/Vweight ratio sug- (15.00), and 1-1-9 (15.20) are slightly
gested itself. Accordingly, the third com- low.
ponent values (Y) associated with given Since no further data to improve the
height/Vweight ratios from 12.00 to 15.00 prediction is available from table 2 or

Fig. 4 Height/q- ratios versus third component ratings by Heath. The half unit and one
unit boundaries from the regression line are shown.

the L-scale, those subjects with height/ the rater, and appears to account for the
Vweight ratios below 12.00 are rated m e - lower reliability and percentage agreement
half. When the somatotype photograph is than in the other samples. No data is pre-
available the following rule should be ap- sented on the obese females (series no. 5 )
plied : as 90% of the subjects had height/
If the L-scale rating is one-half, but Vweight ratios of 12.00 or less.
the subject shows slight tendencies Conclusions. 1. An objective and valid
towards linearity or elongation of the scale which meets acceptable criteria has
limbs or their segments, a rating of been developed for estimating Heath’s
one should be assigned. third component rating.
The data on the 26 Manus women (se- 2. Better differentiation between a cme-
ries no. 6) who had height/Vweight ratios half and m e rating can be obtained with
of 12.00 or greater is included to illustrate the aid of the photograph.
a dilemma in rating the third component. The foregoing material has described
Fourteen of the 26 (54% ) were in vary- the development of anthropometric scales
ing stages or pregnancy. Since all had low for estimating the Heath rating. The scales
skinfold totals the only evidence of excess are considered highly satisfactory for the
weight was the localized abdominal pro- first and third components, and satisfac-
tuberance. This leads to a conflict between tory for the second component. The only
the photoscopic impression and the height/ exception appears to be that the scales are
Vweight ratio which must be resolved by less reliable for subjects very high in the

first component (8-22) and very low in of total body fat, total body water, and lean
the third component. body weight (Behnke, '53, '59, '61, '63;
The following material is a description Keys and Brozek, '53).
of the currently used Heath-Carter somato- We emphasize that extremes in each
type rating method, giving definitions, data component are found at both ends of con-
required, and the rating procedures. tinua. That is, low first component ratings
signify physiques with little nonessential
THE HEATH-CARTER SOMATOTYPE fat, while high ratings signify high degrees
RATING METHOD of nonessential fat. Low second compo-
Definitions nent ratings signify light skeletal frames
and little muscle relief, while high ratings
1. A somatotype is a description of pres- signify marked musculoskeletal develop-
ent morphological conformation. It is ex- ment, as in many athletes. Low third com-
pressed in a three-numeral rating, consist- ponent ratings signify short extremities
ing of three sequential numerals, always and low height/+- ratios, while high
recorded in the same order. Each numeral ratings signify linearity of body segments
represents evaluation of one of the three and of the body as a whole, together with
primary components of physique which de- high height/$'- ratios. Extremes at
scribe individual variations in human mor- both ends of all three somatotype compo-
phology and composition. nent ranges connote rarity of occurrence.
2. First component (or endomorphy) In the majority of cases ratings of all three
refers to relative fatness in individual components tend to be nearer to the mid-
physiques; it also refers to relative Zean- range than at the extremes.
ness. That is, first component ratings are
evaluations of degrees of fatness which lie The rating scales
on a continuum from the lowest recorded Ratings of each component theoretically
values to the highest recorded values. begin at zero and have no arbitrary end
3. Second component (or mesomorphy) point. In practice, no ratings less than
refers to relative musculoskeletal develop- one-half are given. One-half intervals are
ment. Second component ratings are eval- rated when appropriate in reconciling of
uations of musculoskeletal development inspectional criteria, anthropometric data,
which lie on a continuum from lowest to
highest degrees recorded. The second com- and height/+- ratios. The same rat-
ponent can be thought of as Lean Body ing scales, height/#- ratio criteria,
Mass - an in v i m entity consisting of the scale of skinfold values, and scaIe of values
musculoskeletal system, the soft organs, for bone diameters and muscle girths are
and total body fluids, or the whole body applied, with limited reservations only, to
less nonessential fat (Behnke, '53). both sexes at all ages.
4. Third component (or ectomorphy) The data
refers to relative linearity of individual
physiques. Third component ratings are 1. Standard 5 X 7 in somatotype photo-
based largely, but not entirely, on height/ graph (Sheldon, '54, Appendix pp. 345-
Vweight ratios. Height/Vweight ratios and 349; Tanner, '49; Dupertius, '63).
third component ratings are closely re- 2. Measurements: (see Parnell, '58)
Age - years and months
lated, so that at the low ends of their dis- Height-in millimeters, or in inches
tributions both connote relative shortness and tenths
of the several body segments, and the high Weight-in kilograms and tenths, or
ends connote elongation or linearity of the i n pounds and half-pounds
Skinfolds - triceps ( t ) , subscapular
several body segments. Ratings evaluate (ss), suprailiac (si), calf ( c ) (meas-
the form and degree of longitudinal distri- ured on the right side, preferably
bution of the first and second components. with Harpenden caliper) i n milli-
Our definitions and concepts of the meters and tenths
Bone diameters -humerus and femur,
three somatotype components are derived in millimeters
in part from interpretations of studies of Muscle girths- flexed arm, c, in milli-
body composition. These include estimates meters






1 I5





Fig. 5 Nomograph for determining height over cube root of weight when height is known
in inches and weight in pounds.

Procedures for obtaining are required for obtaining reliable somato-

somatotype ratings type ratings when the data do not include
Essentially there are three ways of ob- the recommended anthropometric meas-
taining the somatotype rating. First, one urements. Inexperienced investigators find
that the lack of a handbook of somatotype
can obtain an anthropometric somatotype method makes accurate rating difficult.
rating, without having a somatotype pho- The Heath (‘63) method depends primarily
tograph, when all of the recommended upon reference to table 2, the distribution
measurements have been taken. Second, of somatotypes and height/V- ratios,
it is possible for experienced somatotypers and upon wide experience with recogniz-
to make reliable photoscopic or inspec- ing the approximate rating values appro-
tional ratings, when age, height, weight, priate for each component. The final
and a standard somatotype photograph are rating is given after reconciling height/
available. The third method is the Heath- V w criteria and inspectional criteria.
Carter somatotype rating which combines When the subjects are adult males it is
the previous two procedures. useful to compare photographs with ap-
The a n t h r q m e t r i c somatotype (fig. 2). parent prototypes at about age 18 as shown
Record the subject information and the in ATLAS OF MEN (Sheldon, ’54).
measurements in the spaces provided on The Heath-Curter somatotype. In order
the somatotype rating form.a To obtain the to give a Heath-Carter somatotype rating
first component rating, sum the three skin- the following are needed:
folds (t, ss, si), circle the closest value in 1. The somatotype photograph.
the F-scale, and then circle the rating 2. The Heath-Carter Somatotype Rating
value for that column. To obtain the sec- Form (fig. 2), upon which the data for the
ond component rating, mark the point of subject have been recorded.
the subject’s height on the height scale. 3. Table 2, the distribution of height/
For each bone diameter circle the figure -‘3 ratios and somatotype ratings.
in the proper row which is nearest the In order to arrive at a final somatotype
exact measurement. Subtract the t skin- rating one must keep in mind that the so-
fold from the biceps girth, and the c skin- matotype photograph is a record of all the
fold from the c girth, before circling the morphological characteristics which have
figure in the proper row which is nearest been sampled by the anthropometric meas-
the measurement. Dealing only with col- urements. The objective is to reconcile the
umns, mark the point that is the average criteria of the height/+- ratio, the
of the circled figures for the diameters and criteria of photographic inspection, and
girths only. Count the number of columns the estimated anthropometric somatotype.
(and fractions) by which this average de- The number of steps and the length of
viates right or left from the marked height, time required for obtaining the objective
then move this number of columns right vary from subject to subject and from rater
or left from the four in the second compo- to rater.
nent rating and circle the closest rating When one somatotype component is
value. The third component rating is ob- clearly dominant, the table of somatotypes
tained by finding the height/V= from and height/Vweight ratios alone narrows
the nomograph (fig. 5) and recording it, the possible choice of ratings. Height/
circling the closest value in the L-scale, 7
f- ratios identify extremes in the
and circling the rating value for that col- first and third components. It is therefore
umn. Finally, the values for each compo- clear that the greatest difficulties are en-
nent rating scale are recorded after “An- countered in arriving at final ratings of
thropometric Somatotype” at the bottom of the second component for midrange so-
the form (fig. 2). An example using the matotypes, whose height/- ratios
above procedure is shown on the rating are also midrange. In most cases it is best
The photoscqic somutotype. As men- 2 Printed copies of the somatotype rating form may
be ordered from Dr. J. E. L. Carter, San Diego State,
tioned above, long training and experience San Diego, California. 92115.

to compare inspectional impressions and ferred method in most sciences is to meas-

first component estimates obtained from ure exactly what the data are at that time.
the F-scale, then do the same for the L- For example, although the genetic basis
scale. Using table 2 and the reconciled for stature is recognized and prediction of
ratings for the first and third components adult stature from certain ages is reason-
identify the physiques at (or close to) the ably accurate, one still measures stature
subject’s height/Vweight ratio which have periodically against the same scale and cer-
similar first and third component ratings. tainly does not use the age-nonned scales
Check the inspectional inipressions of the as the measuring scale. Furthermore, as
second component with the M-scale, and the word “phenotype” is not specifk to so-
finally, reconcile the photoscopic impres- matotyping but has general use in biology,
sions, the anthropometric somatotype, and we suggest that its use as a noun be dis-
table 2, then assign the final rating. continued. Sheldon’s age-weight corrected
For many physiques there are no differ- scales were designed primarily to support
ences between the anthropometric somato-
type and the final combined rating. When the premise that the somatotype is perma-
there are differences, these are most likely nent. The validity of these age-weight cor-
to be one-half differences, except for sub- rected tables is questionable because they
jects high in endomorphy where the differ- were constructed by interpolation and ex-
ence may sometimes be as large as m e . trapolation of weight histories which in
themselves are often unreliable (see Da-
CONCLUSION mon, ’65). The data also were drawn al-
A new and improved somatotype method most entirely from cross-sectional studies,
which is reproducible has been justified, which with secular changes in height
validated, and described. and weight are by now far outdated.
Such scales as Sheldon’s are to be re-
garded purely as percentile or standard
The preceding operational definitions scales which slide to match each other at
and procedures have evolved over many different age levels and are not suitable
years of experience with both anthropo- for observing change.
metric and photoscopic ratings. The system
as it is now applied is useful and logical. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Over the years it has become increasingly The authors express their appreciation
obvious to those attempting to use somato- to Drs. Margaret Mead, James Tanner,
typing as a sound tool of investigation that Carl Seltzer, Frank Haronian, and Arthur
it is more important to record what the Sugarman for use of some of their ma-
somatotype is at a given time than to pre- terials. Thanks also is extended to Carolyn
dict what the subject will be or might be. McLure, Sheila DeWoskin, Joan Westlake,
We unequivocally state that the opera- and Joanne Climie for assistance in gath-
tional definition of somatotype as given ering data on some of the female subjects.
above is a descriptive device for recording
present and future status (i.e., change), LITERATURE CITED
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