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, .wrn, •.,. <,rrntnt
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• Clict.1e. 11. phrri st dulled in 1.1.1l::..c.llllll(I

· .. __ . _.
.. JY re rie l1t10 1·1
n . Corrugated adj . wrinkled; ridged. She wi sl1 ed ,;; /1, ·
Synonyms: ~tereot . . . ::i . · •
. . ype, IJ, on 11cle Lnte saying could smooth away th e wrinkles frc,n I I ti s
rn21xm1, tr_u, sm, platitude, corn111oi'1place b~r~ality. '
Usage: l·l1gh h I .. ' marred ·· co rn1gated brow.
. sc oo compos1t1ons are often
/Jy such c/1ches as "strong as an ox ''. 14. Conviction n. strongly held belief. Nothing m 11kl
~hake his co nviclion that she wa s innocent.
L Buttress n. sup~ort or prop; source of I ielp ;
bolste,, Usage: (he lll!ge cathedral walls were l 5. Confound v. confuse. No myslery could confound
supported by fly111g buttresses. Sherlock Holmes for long.
16. Flagrant arlj . consrirnously wi cked. We r:annot
3. Censorious adj . severely critica l. Synonyms:
r:o nclone such flag rant violations of the rules.
censorious, rlisparag ing, clepreciatory, deprecatory ,
-. deprecative, deprecatin ~J, judgemental ; adverse . 17. Degradation n. humiliation; debasl~rn e11t ;
Usage: Censorious people delight 111 casting blame. degeneration . Some secretaries object to fetch i11<J
the boss a cup of coffee because they resen t tl w
4. Censure v. blarne ; criticize. Syn onyms: carp, cavil ,
degradation of being made to do such a ta sk.
co ndemn, denounce, impugn . Usage: He was
censured for his 1i1appropriate behavior. Hl . Dehydrate v. remove water frorn ; dry ou t .
l~unning under a hot sun quickly dehydratP.s t:hl:'
5. Languish n. lose animation ; lose strength .
body .
Synonyms : waste away, wither away, de~Jenerate,
decay, deteriorate, atrophy. Usage : 111 stories 19. Illusory adj . deoc: ptive; not real. Unfortll nal'ely,
lovelorn damsels used to languish and p111e arvay. the cos ts of runn ing the lemonade stand we rP s0
high that Tom 's pro fi ts proved illusory .
6. Certitude n. ce rtainly . Synonyms: surer1ess,
positiveness, co nfidence, assurance . Usage: 20. Invert v. turn upside down or inside out. When li t=:
Though there was no certitude of his getting the inverted his body in a handsta nd, he felt thr: bl0nrt
job1 Lou thought he had a good chance of doing ru sh to his head .
so. 21. Intrepid adj . fearless . For his intrepid conduct i11
7. Candor n. frankness . Synonyms: ca ndidness, battle, he was promoted .
openness, straightforwardness, ingenuousness, 22 . Impecunious adj. without money . Now !·hat hP
na ivety, forthrightness, honesty, truthfulness, was wealthy, he gladly contributed to fund s ln
sincerity . Usage : The candor and 'the simplicity of assist the impecunious and the disabled .
his speech ti npressed al( it was clear he held
nothing back. 23 . Impede v. hinder; block. The special proserntn 1
determined that the Attorney General , l ho11qh
d . Charlatan n. quack; pretender to knowledge. inept, had not intentionally set out to im pr'ril:' lh"
Syno nyms: swindler, mountebank, impostor, progress of the investigation.
pretender, trickste r, co n man. Usage: Because he
,vas unable to substantiate his cla1in that he had 24. Elated adj. overjoyed; in high spirits. C1 i11 11i11q
round a cure1 l1is colleagues called !urn a charlatan . . frorn ear to ea r, Janet Evans was clearly el,ll1~cl ''">'
her Olympic victory.
9. Conjecture n. surmise; guess . Synonym s:
hypothesis, speculation, assumrlio11. Usa ge : I wt!/ 25 . Elegy n. poern or· song expressi 11g larnenlatio,1. 0 11
end all your conjectures,· I adrmt I am guilty as the death of Edward Ki11g , Milton composP·cl !hr•
charged. elegy L_vcida5.

10. Aloof adj . apart; reservccJ . Syn onym s: dist,rnt, 2G. Elicit v. draw out by discussion. The cletectiv,~s
remote, unresrion sive, unden 1011 stral.ive , h2111~Jhly, tri ed lo elicit where he had hiclcl en his loot .
indifferent, unapproa chable, supercilio1 is,
27. Gratuitous aclj. given freely ; unwarrantPd . 1
antisocia l. Usa(J e: Shy by natun', s!,e remained
rese111' your yrr1tuito us remarks beu iuse nn nn•'
aloof w/11/e all the rest converv:•d
asked for tt1 e1n .
l l. Cajole v. wheedle; coax; dece ive by fl dltery. SI 1e
knows she ca n caj ole alrnost anything she wa11ls
:?.n. Gravity n. seriou sness . We could tell we VJf'rP i11
fron I her father. se rio11s trouble from the qravity of her expr ess io11

I 2. Tenacity n. firrnnt'.SS; persi•;lency; adhesiveness. 29. Gregarious adj . sociable. She wa s not grega riow;
It is extremely dirfirn lt l o ov1~1cu111(·1 ll1e t.ena cily or and preferred lo be alone 117 0s t of th e tirne.
a habit such as smoking.
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