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.t English Guide Book 3


t. \Vhcn an d why did the narrator receive the call'! \Vhat were the
narrator's fe elings after receiving the call?
Ans : The author received the call at seven o'clock on Saturday morning from
David ' s father. David had passed away the previou s ni ght.
The narrator \Vas feeling nun1b with pain and her n1othcr consoled her
while she cried softly.
2. Who was David'! Ho,v had he become the narrator's best fri end'!
Ans : David was the author's best friend. He studied in the sch001 th {: :.: .::h~r 0

had joined in the tenth class. On the first day of school, he found a
place for her to sit when she could not find a place to sit in the packed
classroom. r◄ ron1 that day he became her best friend.
3. How did David contract the fatal disease?
Ans : David had gone to his grandparent's home for the stnnmer ho1ichys. Tlv:.-1·c
he dated a girl for a coupic of wc,.:ks and crashed intu a fr1 l ' i 1cr :::, hin l-,:..\ .
party one night. Drinks were passed around and David also drank though
he hesitated at first. He spent the night with his girlfrienq. In this 1nanner
he contracted the fatal disease. ~

4. What was David's advice about life? IIow can ,ve love ourselves?
Ans : David's advice was that life is beautiful and precious and should not
be taken for granted.
vVe can love ourselves by realizing that there is only on e life- tF' : · -
one can give us a second chance. It is precious therefore we ..hew i ,_i
respect it and take care of it.
5. What promise did the narrator make to David?
Ans : The narrator, Tetei promised that she will value her life and know that
it is precious. She . would always weigh her decisions. She would not be
afraid to say no to ·friends pressurizing her to do .things she knew s! 1 c
should not be doing.
· 6. \Vhat were the narrator's feelings as she stood beside David's grav,--?
What was she sure of as she walked back hon-ae?
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Ans : She .was filled with a deep sen so of cuhn, peace nnd wcl I being. She;
ch,;ri~hed the 1non1ents spent with D~tvid and she reflected 011 lllc advkc
he had given her.
As she walked home, she was sure that David was watch in g her with
love and concern. She knew that she was not alone.
7. David's story is full of courage. Explain. . ,
Ans : David's story is one of courage because he refused to give up. 1 hough
he was diagnosed with HIV, he did not quit his football team. He played
the game despite the pain, enduring n1a11y hospitalizations. He knew
that his health was deteriorii1g, but was always filled with a sense of
hu111ours, wearing a happy for l1is friends and fan1i1y. Though he was a
broken boy with a broken dream with deep regrets, he had the wil1 to
pour out his heart and confessed his n1istakcs so that others will learn
fron1 hin1. He tried to be an example by dropping nicaningful comments
about Ii fe every now and then.
8. The poe1n at the end of the story is a prornisc that each person should
n1ake to himself'lherself. Discuss its relevance.
Ans : ~:X.eryone of can relate to what the poen1 talks about. We should have
confidence in everything that we do. We should respect and value our
Jife and n1ake careful choices. Whatever conies our way, we should
L, ,. e everything with courage and confidence.

Given below in column A is a list of idioms with the word catch. Match the
idio,ns ·with their n1eanings in column B.

A n
Catch so111ebody's eye to attract somebody ' s attention
Catch your breath to st0P brea th ing for a n1on1c1lt because
of fear, shock etc.
Catch somebody napping to ~et an adva~tage over son1cbody by
doing _son:ething when they are not
expecting 1t
Catch your death of cold to catch a very bad cold
Catch it to be punished or spoken, to an gri ly
about son1ething .
English Guide Book . 5
Catch somebody with their pants down to do something when somebody is not
expecting it and not ready, especially
when they are in an en1barrassing situation
Unscrainble the letters to form the word whose meaning is ,vritten against
it. One has been done for you.
1. FIEDRITER - Very frightened: terrified
2. LYUNRU - Very difficult to control: unruly
3. BBYSHA - in poor condition: shabby
4. INGROUNDSUR- everything that is around or near something or
· somebody: surrounding
5. RA TERAN - tell a story: naiTate
6. PRESSil\llON - the effect that an experience has on soinebqdy:
. .
7. EERARC - the series of jobs that a person has in an area of work:
8. TERENERTAIN - a person whose job is aJ!1using people by singing,
telling jokes, etc: entertainer
9. TUMCOSES - the clothes worn by actors in a play or film: costumes·
10. STITUTIONIN - a building where people with special needs are taken
care of: institution

Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense.
I. The minister's entourage starts (start) from his residence.
2. The police pilot vehicle is (be) in front.
( -.
3. The escort vehicle follows (follow) the n1inister's car.
4. The cars stop (stop) when th~y reach (reach) the red light junction.
5. When the traffic light turns (tum) green, all the vehicles start (start) to move.

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