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Choose the correct tag to finish the sentence.

1. Teresa is an accountant,___?

aren't she? doesn't she? isn't she? She isn't?

2. I am a good worker,___?

I am? do I? amn't I? aren't I?

3. Peirre is a grandfather,___?

he isn't? isn't he? he is? doesn't he?

4. Kate is a doctor, ___?

she is? is she? doesn't she? isn't she?

5. Jacques and Alicia are students, ___?

aren't they? are they? isn't he? isn't they?

6. Mario is at work right now, ___?

aren't they? isn't he? is he? isn't she?

7. I'm here, ___?

am I not? am not I? amn't I? aren't you?

8. You and I are busy right now, ___?

aren't I? aren't we? we aren't? aren't you?

9. It's windy today, ___?

am I? aren't they? isn't it? isn't he?

10. I am ready for the next exercise, ___?

isn't it? don't I? aren't you? aren't I?

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