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Shop around: Buscar el mejor precio, calidad, Look around for the best price, quality, If you
SHOP AROUND, you can find some real bargains for air tickets.
comparar el precio y la calidad del mismo objeto o similar en diferentes tiendas antes de decidir
cuál comprar, to compare the price and quality of the same or a similar object in
different shops before you decide which one to buy.
Switch off: Detener o apagar una maquina o algo de trabajo electric. Stop a machine or
something electrical working. I SWITCHED OFF the lights, locked the door and left.
Dejar de prestar atención. Stop paying attention. I was bored and SWITCHED OFF during the
Take off: hacer grandes progresos. Make great progress. The software house really TOOK
OFF when they produced the latest version of their DTP package.
Reducir el precio de un articulo. Reduce the price of an ítem, They've TAKEN ten percent OFF
designer frames for glasses.
Cuando un avion se aleja o se separa del suelo. When a plane departs or leaves the ground,
The flight for Dublin TOOK OFF on time.
Remover. Remove. It was hot, so I TOOK my jacket OFF.
Empezar a ser exitoso o popular. to suddenly start to be successful or popular.
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
De repente salir de algún lugar, por lo general sin decirle a nadie que se va. suddenly leave
somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going. When he saw me, he took off in
the other direction.
Take out: Pedir prestado un libro a la biblioteca, Borrow a library book. I TOOK OUT all the
books I needed for my essay from the library.

Pedir dinero prestado al banco u otro prestamista oficial. Borrow money from a bank or other
official lender. Jackie and Anil TOOK OUT a mortgage to buy a bigger flat.
Extraer o eliminar. Extract or remove. The dentist TOOK OUT all of my wisdom teeth before
they started causing any problems.
Salir socialmente con alguien, especialmente una fecha. Go out socially with someone,
especially a date. He TOOK her OUT to a restaurant last Friday night.
Obtener un seguro. Obtain insurance. I TOOK OUT some health insurance before I went
backpacking around Latin America.
Asesinar. Kill, murder. The gang TOOK him OUT after he spoke to the police.
Think back: Recordar algo que paso en el pasado. to remember something that happened in
the past:It might help you to understand Julia if you think back towhen you were her age.
Turn on: hacer que alguien sienta atracción o placer. Cause someone to feel attraction or
pleasure. He really TURNS me ON.
Encender una maquina. Start a machine. I TURNED the radio ON to get the weather forecast.

Atacar. Attack. The neighbour's dog TURNED ON me when I tried to stroke it.

Turn off: detener o apagar una maquina. Stop a machine. I TURNED the TV OFF and went to

Turn up: Aparecer. Appear. She didn't TURN UP for class today.

Aumento de volume, temperature, etc. Increase volume, temperature, etc. I TURNED the music
UP full blast.

Wake up: Terminar de dormer. Stop sleeping. I WOKE UP at half past six this morning.

Reaccionar ante una situación después de un periodo en el que se ha hecho muy poco, o hacer
que alguien comience a reaccionar ante una situación. to start to react to a situation after a
period in which you have done very little, or to make someone start to react to a
situation.Companies need to wake up and pay attention to the public's increasing concern about
the environment.

Work out: Terminar muy bien. End nicely. Things were going wrong for them but fortunately it
all WORKED OUT in the end.

Buscar la respuesta o solución. Find the answer or solution. I couldn't WORK OUT all the
answers to the crossword puzzle.

Ask out: invitar a alguien a una cita. To invite someone for a date. He wanted to ASK her OUT
but was too shy.

Add up to: Tener un cierto resultado. Have a certain result.. Trains delays are getting worse
and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters.

Llegar a un cirta cantidad o figura. Come to a certain amount or figure. The total costs ADD UP
TO several million euros.

Break up: romperse en muchos pedazos. Break into many pieces. The plate BROKE UP when
he dropped it on the floor.

Cerrar una institucion educativa por vacaciones. Close an educational institution for the
holidays. Schools BREAK UP at the end of June for the summer holidays.
Terminar una relación. Finish a relationship. They had been going out for a couple of years
before they BROKE UP.

No se escucha el telefono debido a la interferencia. Become inaudible over the telephone

because of interference. You're BREAKING UP; I'll call you back in a minute and see if we get a
better connection.

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