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Are You Willing To Take The ? FOLLOW WARNING SIGN (1). Where achesnical hazardous to health suse! in any area in ary manner thatis hazardous ta the health of ary person who mey bin that eres or who maybe aris Beely to beat skof being affected by chemicals hezardous to health he employer shal ensure that = (i). warning sign are posted at a conspicuous place at every entrance ofthe area to warn persans entering the area ofthe hazards: and (0). other relevant information ae given to person who may be or ae ikely tobe at rk of being aWeeted by the chemicals hazardeus to health, (2) The employer shall ensure thatthe waming signs required by these Regulations are Iuminated and cleaned as necessary s0 that the legend s really visible, For the purpore of subrequlations (1), the waming shall = (a) ofve warming of the hazard; ()) Be weitin in the u and and (fc) be printedin dark red against white background. Do You Use Chemicals at Work? Your Duty to Assess Risk to Health ! SANGAT TORSIK (VERY TOXIC) PARAMUAT Assessment of Risk to Health ‘Your duty as an employer a carry out assessment of the risks fo health ‘The assessment stiail contain the following {a) the potential risks to an employce as a result of exposure té chemicals hazardous to health, (b)the methods and procedure adopted in the use of the chemicals hazardous to health, (c) the nature of the hazard to health, (d) the degree of exposure to such chemicals. (e) the risk to health created by their use and theic release from work processes, {fy measures and procedures required to control the expasure of an employee to chemicals hazardous to health, (g) the measuras, procedures, and equipment necessary to contro! any accidental omission of a ‘chemical hazardaus to health as a result of leakage, spillage, or process or equipment failure, ih) the necessity for an employee expostire monitoring programme. (i) the necessity for health surveillance programme; and, {j) the requirement for the training and retraining of employees. afcon who contravenes any ptwsion of thawe mculions stall beguily ofan éfnce and, on conviction, be liebe Ila fine exceeding RIMT(,000 Ten Thouscind nag) ofboth am the cas of cnering offence, wire noe axcneding RM.O0O. {Ore Thanet RIGGS: Kt ach cy oF pa of din cing WSGH the EN Ealines Wer cock Souron’ Raputation 9, Occupational Say are Meals (Use and Standards of Expeaumf Cherie Kazardouarto Haan) Regulators 2000

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