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lum Homes September 9, 2010
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Potter Highlands • West Highland • Sunnyside • Sloan’s Lake • Berkeley

• a voice for the new North Denver •

After New York Times story, New direction for North

questions remain unanswered Denver public schools
by the North Denver News
about DPS pension scheme
by Guerin Lee Green and
entire deal much more volatile, subject
Christopher Scott
to weekly fluctuations in interest rates,
Last month, Denver Public Schools and creates as much as millions in
Superintendent Tom Boasberg appeared additional fees for the bankers in the
on two radio shows to defend a com- transactions.
plex finan- Our research shows that the total
cial deal Instead, DPS deal is unique in Colorado (in fact,
refinanc- made a bad bet Boasberg trumpeted their innovation
ing DPS’s on the direction of when selling it to the school board and
p e n s i o n interest rates that the public). Certificates of Participation
debt thatis currently costing are as common as dirt in munici-
had been taxpayers and pal finance in Colorado. Governments
subject to use them instead of other tools like
a exposé
bond issues because they avoid the
in the New money. voter approval element required by
York Times the TABOR provisions of the Colorado
( N o r t h Constitution. If DPS had only used the
Denver News Publisher Green appeared common Certificates of Participation
with Boasberg, and school board mem- financing tool, as had been done by
ber Jeanne Kaplin on the David Sirota DPS in the past, there would be no
show on 760 AM, and prior to Boasberg Michael Bennet’s official Senate portrait
on the Kaplis-Silverman show on 630
KHOW). On both shows Boasberg continued on page THREE
made claims that simply can’t be sus-
tained. This month
Most egregiously, Boasberg claimed Rails to the airport! The Regional Transportation District (RTD) broke
that over 100 government entities in
Colorado had done similar deals in North ground on the $1 billion East Corridor commuter rail line, the largest single
rail project in the voter-approved FasTracks program. The groundbreaking
Denver News
Colorado over the past decade. While
this contains a kernel of truth, the claim ceremony was held at the future site of the DIA rail station.
is much closer to an outright false-
hood. While the base element of the
DPS deal is a type of municipal finance
tool called certificates of participation
(much like taking out a second mort- Race to the
gage or home equity line of credit), the
unusual elements of the deal are a syn-
Bottom p. 2
thetic interest rate swap and the exotic
market maker/insurance agreement
with the Belgian financier Dexia. What Back to School
makes the deal entirely unusual is the immunizations p. 20
weekly auctions— which makes the

Getting Fit p. 8


Westminster staycation p.

Normand Latourelle, Founder and artistic director of Cavalia
New tires! p.19 Cavalia will have your heart racing
with the stallions
by Don Bain of mechanical “horsepower.”
It began in Latourelle’s mind almost
By the time you read this, a big
Photos by Mike McGill

20 years ago. He was participating in

white tent will have grown in the park-
his first show entitled We Reinvent the
ing lot of the Pepsi Center, but this year
Circus, after leaving Cirque du Soleil.
Valet Parking
Like the Highland neighborhood we call home, Sushi Hai is refined
with a funky bite to its elegance. Using only the freshest sushi-
quality seafood, prime aged beef, and top-notch ingredients.
it won’t be a full-blown production
from Cirque du Soleil. This time it is an
“I had created a show with a lot of
Coming in
Sushi Hai serves quality food and service.

We at Sushi Hai welcome you to indulge your senses.

even bigger tent and production from
performers and I needed one horse as
an extra,” Latourelle said. “When the
founding Cirque member Normand
Latourelle, artistic director for Cavalia.
horse came on stage I realized the audi-
North Denver News

ence was looking at the horse – not the

Tuesday thru Saturday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm

Cavalia is a spectacular equestrian

performers. It just rang a bell and hap-
Denver, CO 80212


Absolutely the best multimedia odyssey involving a 160-ft

Monday thru Friday 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
pened night after night. Everybody was
P.O. Box 12487

stage, a dreamlike display of massive

Happy Hour in North Denver looking at this horse crossing the stage.
multimedia backdrops and the symbi-
As the weeks went on I just added more
see our ad on page 15 otic interplay of man and horse.
horses and this show ran for 10 years.”
3600 West. 32nd Avenue • 720.855.0888 •

It is an exploration of the grand,

The next year he bought more hors-
epoch-spanning relationship between
es, called some performers he knew
humans and their equine partners, the
32nd & LOWELL bond that brought them together and
from Cirque du Soleil and just started
that still does today, despite the advent see CAVALIA on page 12
Page 2 North Denver News September 9, 2010

Opinion and Comment Despite the loss of $13 million Reform Now (ERN) actually meets
to change how teachers are evaluated, with regular classroom teachers or
Race to the Top... or promoted and rewarded, based partly
on student achievement, State Sen.
communicates with teachers’ unions.
Just what “reform” does ERN seek?

Michael Johnston, author of SB 191, True reform must begin in local
remains upbeat , and stated that the communities and with the recogni-
“Weak finish” blared the headline consideration has been given to the loss of funding will not be a problem. tion that some students begin school
of The Denver Post’s lead story that decline in state financial support for its However, he has not identified where already with the ability to read and
revealed Colorado had lost its bid for public schools? the necessary funding will come from write while others lack the necessary
Race to the Top funding. That typified Colorado has allowed its educa- for teacher evaluations, promotions vocabulary to progress at a compa-
the predictable reaction of local elected tional infrastructure to deteriorate as is and rewards given current budget rable rate.
and appointed officials. There was the evidenced by the decline in Colorado’s restrictions and shortfalls. To this retired public school
usual finger pointing and scapegoating state ranking in per pupil expendi- Arne Duncan, Secretary of teacher, Race to theTop also appears
rather than study and analysis of the ture. Yet, Lt.Gov. Barbara O’Brien, Education, discounted lack of support to be discriminatory. Rich states hired
fiscal predicament that Colorado’s pub- remains “…convinced we have the by the state’s largest teachers’ union, professional grant writers while small-
lic schools have been suffering through right platform.” What that platform the Colorado Education Association er, poorer states used teachers and
since the 1970s. During that decisive is, exactly, she has yet to explain. How (CEA), as a significant factor in volunteers. States who didn’t apply
decade, Colorado began its slide in per does Colorado’s infrastructure com- Colorado’s “weak finish”. However, or failed in the process will not receive
pupil funding from the top ten states pare to Massachusetts’, the state that local leaders such as Van Schoales, funds from Race to the Top. Isn’t
to the bottom ten. Colorado remains scored highest among those apply- director of Education Reform Now, an that blatant discrimination against the
in the bottom one-third of states in ing? Massachusetts spends $9856 per educational advisory organized based poor? If this is part of public school
per pupil funding. Have the state’s pupil and ranks fifth in state fund- in Denver, complained that CEA’s lack reform, it seems to be a return to earlier
elected and appointed leaders tracked ing. Colorado spends $6,864 and ranks of support was a major factor. The times when treating certain students
student achievement since the 1970s 37th. Of the states who won funding, deteriorating condition of the state’s better than others was common prac-
to determine if it has declined accord- only Florida and North Carolina spend educational infrastructure suggests tice. Such a formula is certain to be
ingly? Teachers are blamed for the lack less per pupil and rank lower than otherwise. It should also be noted protested and challenged in court. It
of student achievement and students this state. It appears that those states that Education Reform Now’s board should be.-
in so-called “failing schools” are ste- awarded Race to the Top funds are of directors appears to include only ­—Ed Augden is a long-time North
reotyped as failing students regardless those who have, generally, maintained corporate types. Not a single educa- Denver resident
of individual students’ progress. What their states’ infrastructure. tor is listed on its web site as a board
member. Among staff members, only
What They Do in Our Name Schoales appears to have any teaching
experience. One wonders if Education
Thanks to Wikileaks and heroic leak- pain killers, subjected to what can only
ers inside the military, we now know
the U.S. government has killed many
be called torture, and forced to do
hard work, aggravating his wounds. It Don’t sell off our Parks-
Doug Linkhart
more innocent Afghan civilians than was only after this torture that he said
we were aware of heretofore. We also he had helped the militants because
know that American military and intel- America was at war with Islam. Despite Denver residents treasure our to governmental jurisdictions.” In
ligence personnel roam Afghanistan Canada’s request, Khadr was trans- parks. We get protective when peo- my mind this does not allow for-
assassinating suspected bad guys. ferred to the prison at Guantanamo ple, including the City, does any- profit organizations to use parks for
Sometimes they kill people they later Bay, Cuba, where he was again tortured thing to harm our enjoyment of a admission-based events.
acknowledge weren’t bad guys at all. and kept in solitary confinement for system created nearly 100 years ago Nonetheless, Parks and Recreation
“Bad guys,” like “Taliban,” is implicitly long spells. He claims that because of for all of our use and enjoyment. is proposing that admission-based
defined as anyone who resists the U.S. the torture he gave false confessions, Now the City’s Parks and events be allowed in eight “festival”
occupation force and the corrupt pup- including that he threw a grenade. Recreation Department is poised parks on up to four days per month,
pet government it keeps in power. Later he said he had no recollection
to start renting out parks for com- with up to 7,500 people attending per
What other atrocities are our mis- of throwing a grenade and was in fact
mercial events; events that charge day. These parks include City Park,
leaders and misrepresentatives com- rendered unconscious by an American-
admission for attendance and keep Civic Center, Confluence, Skyline,
mitting in our name? caused explosion.
Sloan’s Lake, Parkfield, Central Park
Let’s get something straight: to be Unfortunately, the presiding judge
in Stapleton and Ruby Hill.
an enemy of American occupation, has refused to exclude Khadr’s state-
One potential scenario under the
bombing, and “nation building” is not ments made under torture and other
current proposal is for a company to
the same thing as being an enemy cruel treatment, such as threats of gang
reserve an area in these parks virtu-
of America or its people. It’s time rape. Militarily commissions are as
ally every Saturday of the year for
Americans understood that. When you much the travesty of justice that candi-
an admission-based event, making
invade another country and people date Obama said they were in 2008. But
this area off-limits to the public on
there object, even forcibly, they are now he’s in charge.
those days.
not aggressors. You are. To understand Even if Khadr threw the grenade
On a recent hike in a state park
this, imagine our being invaded by a and killed an American, how can that
I thought about how people would
foreign military force. Would resistance be a war crime? At worst his actions
be aggression? look like self-defense but at any rate,
react if businesses could rent a trail
The U.S. government goes to appall- fighters in combat aren’t typically
and charge admission for people
ing lengths to deny this truth. It is charged with murder.
participating in events on that trail
about to try before a military commis- Is the American military to be per- every Saturday. Shouldn’t our
sion a young Canadian, Omar Ahmed mitted to go anywhere the politicians city parks be treated with as much
Khadr, who was taken into custody wish and expect the people of the respect as we give our state and
in Afghanistan eight years ago when invaded countries meekly to accept out the general public. I think it’s a national parks?
he was 15 years old. The charge? War their fate and pledge allegiance to the bad idea. Doug Linkhart is City Councilman
crimes, among them “murder in viola- United States? Would we receive an I was walking in City Park a at-large
tion of the rules of war,” which lawyer invader that way? while back and came across a yellow
Chase Madar calls “a newly minted The U.S. government and its well- police tape set up to keep people out
war crime novel to the history of armed paid military contractors have an agen- for some kind of special event later
conflict.” da in the Middle East and South Central that day. Indignant, I stepped over
Khadr was captured after a four- Asia that has nothing to do with the the tape, thinking “this is my park.
hour firefight between American forces welfare or safety of average Americans. You can’t keep me out.”
and so-called militants in the village of On the contrary, it is bankrupting them Next summer a private company
Ayub Kheyl near Kabul, during which and has made them targets of revenge. will fence off a large section of City
the Afghans’ homes were flattened by There’s a simple way to keep American Park for two months, erect grand-
500-pound bombs. One American died military personnel safe: bring them stands and show movies every night
later from wounds inflicted by a gre- home. for 30 days for patrons who pay $15
nade. Reports conflict, but Khadr was Obama has shown himself to be or more to attend. The general public Additions & Renovations
shot several times in the chest and back, worse than his predecessor and the will be kept out, with a small walk- Kitchens
then later was found under the rubble, neoconservative empire enthusi- way around the site to direct people Bathrooms
unconscious and seriously wounded — asts. His promises to leave Iraq and around the area. Basements
he lost an eye from shrapnel. Afghanistan are hedged so thick that Is this why we pay taxes, to allow
companies to use our public parks
Porches / Pergolas / Decks
Taken to Bagram Airbase, where the we can expect the occupations to con-
U.S. government maintains a prison, tinue for many years ... all in our name. for profit? The City’s Charter says
Khadr received some medical treat- Despite Obama’s words, the death and that “no park or portion of any 303-250-5911
ment and was interrogated about his destruction at America’s hands are not park…shall be sold or leased at any
role that day. He was thought to have nearing an end. time…provided, however, that prop-
information about al-Qaeda, since his Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The erty in parks may be leased for park Owned & operated in North
father was a jihadist and knew Osama Future of Freedom Foundation purposes to concessionaires, to char- Denver
bin Laden. Khadr says he was denied itable or nonprofit organizations, or
September 9, 2010 North Denver News Page 3

New pick-up location Highland

United Methodist Church
3131 Osceola

Celebrating Summer?
Bring the Happy!

DPS pension faces “true-up” Gourmet cupcakes, cookies, and more. Great new location, great new menu!
continued from page 1 funding, coupled with the massive refi-
Times article, and no basis for criticism. nancing undertaken by DPS, is the
Instead, DPS made a bad bet on the basis for Boasberg’s contention that
direction of interest rates that is cur- the DPS division of PERA is in better
shape than PERA as a whole. But that,
303.477.3556 . . 3434 W. 32 ND Ave.
rently costing taxpayers and schoolchil-
dren money. in itself, is misleading when the whole
The second contention made by picture is taken into account.
Boasberg is that a savings of $20 million continued on page 4
has been realized by the district on the
deal. We can find no evidence of this in
any of DPS’ documentation of the 2008
financing deal. What is known is this:
Visit Our
Nature’s Gallery
David Suppes, DPS’ Chief Operating
Officer, provided a spreadsheet to the
School Board on April 14 on this year. It
is the most thorough accounting of DPS’ New Kid’s
costs for the transactions to date. No
combination of totals from that spread-
sheet can be figured to produce the
savings that Boasberg touts. Without an
independent financial audit of the full A Home & Garden Store
transaction, including interest and all
of the fees, paid to consultants, banks, 49th & Lowell Science, Art &
and Belgians, no one knows for sure
what this has cost DPS or what might More
have been “saved.”. What is know is, in
its last, audited annual financial report,
DPS states that $24.9 million has been Great Stuff from
lost on the deal.
Worse yet, the entire 2008 transac-
tion has a perverse element of kicking
Green Science
the can down the road for DPS, an
element that is sure to cost taxpayers & Backyard
money with no gain. The DPS pension
finance was cobbled together in antici- Exploration
pation of DPS’ pension fund merging
with the state pension fund, called
PERA. This merger occurred January
1 of this year. This means DPS now
contributes a a percentage of its payroll Summer fun!
to the state each year for its teachers
Under Senate Bill 10-001,, all of
PERA, including the DPS portion, must
be fully funded by 2040 (PERA, like all
big pension funds, has been horribly
battered by the last decade’s losses
Nature’s Gallery • 4901 Lowell Blvd. • 303-477-4400
in the stock market, and is currently
underfunded). The poor state of PERA’s

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Page 4 North Denver News September 9, 2010

to state pension
fund, leaving gap
continued from page 2
Under legislation that forced PERA
to accept DPS (PERA refused an earlier
voluntary merger with the DPS pen-
sion fund, which occasioned this entire
mess), DPS is underfunding its con-
tribution to PERA, on the basis of its
refinancing. Colorado Revised Statutes
(CRS) 24-51-412(d), states:
This allows DPS to realize a sav-
ings, but means the District is not
making the full contribution to PERA
would otherwise be required to fully
fund the pension.
No evidence exists that the 2009
merger required DPS’s pension to be
fully funded. Because of this, rather
than contribute at par value of the
DPS’ payroll (about 16%), DPS will
send about 1% of its payroll to PERA
in 2010. Boasberg’s claim that DPS’
portion of PERA is better funded than
other school districts is, thus, mislead-
ing. The level of pension funding for
Colorado’s other school districts is
improving, while DPS’ level of fund-
ing is getting worse.
However, the legislation requires a
2015 “true-up,” in which the chickens
come home to roost in which PERA
must be made whole for DPS’ under-
contributions. No where has DPS bud-
geted to deal with this eventuality.
Here’s what the law says:
24-51-401(e) IN RECOGNITION
GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADJUST THE The matter is yet more complicated.
DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS TOTAL A review of the bond documents from
EMPLOYER RATE TO ASSURE THE 2008 shows that Denver Public Schools
EQUALIZATION OF THE DENVER won’t pay a dime of principal on the
PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION’S Certificates of Participation until 2018.
RATIO OF UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL Taxpayers won’t even begin to pay
ACCRUED LIABILITY OVER down the debt for 10 years — essen-
PAYROLL TO THE ASSOCIATION’S tially, taxpayers have an interest-only
SCHOOL DIVISION’S RATIO OF mortgage for a decade (from the origi-
UNFUNDED ACTUARIALACCRUED nal sale of the bonds). The current DPS
LIABILITY OVER PAYROLL AT budget for school year 2010/2011 sets
THE END OF THE THIRTY-YEAR aside $64 million for servicing the debt
PERIOD. THE TRUE-UP SHALL BE (and fees). That’s a big chunk of money
BASED ON AUDITED RESULTS in the DPS budget that gets Denver’s
OF THE ASSOCIATION’S SCHOOL taxpayers no closer to paying off Bennet
DIVISION’S AND THE DENVER and Boasberg’s Wall Street debt.
September 9, 2010 North Denver News Page 5

Fran Schroeder
Denver Icons
purchased from Friends
the bank by L.
Douglas Hoyt, Foes
an attorney in Neighbors
Denver. The
Mansion and the Community
Carriage House
were restored Clients
by Mr. Hoyt in Established and New
compliance with
the United States FOR ALL MY
Department of
Interior regula-
tions relating to And for contributing to my
the restoration
of historic build- “Grand Tour”
ings. The prop-
erty is now listed
As I turn 50: You all are
on the National simply the best
Register of
Historic Places “Time goes by like hurri-
and is also desig- canes and other things”
nated as a Denver
Landmark —HNG

The distinguished Smith Mansion ity and a prestigious gathering place

and Carriage House on the north- for Denver’s elite during the early
west corner of East 18th Avenue and 1900’s. John Crook became the found-
York Street was constructed in 1902. er of the Denver Steel & Iron Works
The buildings are significant for their Company. Minnie was instrumental
French neo-classical revival design by in the restoration of the Central City
one of Denver’s most Opera House and the
notable architects, creation of the summer
William E. Fisher, and SMITH MANSION music festival there.
his partner, David on York Street After Crookʼs death
R. Huntington. This and for the for the next
important visual half century, the man-
Denver landmark is sion was occupied by a
also noteworthy for its association number of owners who made numer-
with several prominent figures of ous transformations. It is now the
great influence in Colorado’s econom- offices of Silver and DeBoskey P.C.
ic development and cultural growth, whose website contains interior pho-
especially the first owner, Frank L. tos and extensive historical informa-
Smith. tion. dr amy rupp fuller
The mansion’s third owners, John In 1984 a Denver bank foreclosed dr naomi weber
and Minnie Crook, made this magnif- upon the property and that year the dr kate andreae
icent home a center for cultural activ- Mansion and Carriage House were


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Page 6 North Denver News September 9, 2010

Competion or Companionship
by Natalie Cutsforth a conscious decision to prioritize
Sharing time with friends doing the friendships rather than get his

Democrats For Excellent

non-team sports such as hiking, bik- adrenalin-fix when doing athletic
ing and skiing contributes to our activities with friends not interested

Neighborhood School Education

enjoyment, but it presents its own in the competition.
challenges. We all move at dif- Competition can be fun when you

ferent speeds and levels of exper- want to engage in it and frustrating
tise. When engaging in activity with if your companion is driving you
a companion we usually have to to perform in a way that prevents
PRESENTS you from
ing the
!"#$%&'$%()& moment.
B e i n g
How Corporate Media Shapes the School Reform Debate
a little
(and what Progressives can do about it) harder
than you
*+,-+.,/0&(+123&45267&8949 w o u l d
:)991;!<)991; p u s h
=>?..>?/,.&@6+/2+>&A&BCD+&E?C-2. yourself
helps ele-
2590 Washington Street (26th & Welton) vate your
Community members, grassroots journalists and social media activists will shine the spotlight g a m e .
Yet, if
where the mainstream media refuses to go, including:
you are
• The myth of objectivity in a one-newspaper city • Casting teachers as villains and administrators as heroes regard to
Mike and Philippe at the top of Green Mountain the reality
• Corporate media & the Charter School Industrial
• “Civil Rights”as a corporate slogan of your ability or feel-
Complex adjust our performance and mind- ing your companion’s impatience, it
• Strong women facing the Goliath political machine set. My best friend is stronger and distracts from the pleasure of being
• School privatization, gentrification & corporate
interests faster than I am as an athlete, but out in nature, moving your body.
• Community engagement: the missing link he has a great degree of patience. My friend’s insight helped me
• Critique of pro-reform infomercials like “The Lottery” For a dozen years of friendship realize a principle that I have applied
• Power to the people through grassroots story telling
and “Waiting for Superman” I’ve always noticed how patient and to other areas of my life when I’ve
• Grassroots “trouble-makers” vs. corporate saviors completely at peace he is with my felt impatient, had to hold myself
Supporting Organizations: Northeast Community Congress for Education, Colorado Black Round Table, Colorado pace. This spring, as we climbed back or tone my energy down for
Progressive Coalition, Black Education Advisory Council, and the Diverse Neighborhood Collective a mountain, I mentioned my grati- others. In the course of a day on the
For more information or to join the DeFENSE coalition, please contact: tude for his consistent acceptance of slopes, these needs for companion- my rhythm. Many friends he par- ship, friendly competition and inner
ticipates in sports with require him peace can all be achieved with a lit-
to slow down. He told me how he tle communication. There is a point
came to this point of peace. of balance that makes any group
Years ago, as a marathon runner, endeavor more fun for everyone.
he was always leaving his friends Having someone there to appreciate
behind or feeling impatient. His the beauty, intensity and mystery on
inner competitive drive and capa- the trail adds to the pleasure. It can
bility to move fast was the prior- also be a lesson on patience, pace
ity. He frequently found himself and practicing intention.
alone doing his favorite things, even Natalie Cutsforth is a freelance
if he had begun in the company writer, entrepreneur and clairvoyant
of friends. In a moment of self- reader and healer. Follow her on twit-
reflection, he realized there were ter at URintuitive and read her blog
plenty of opportunities to run or on accessing your intuition at http://
bike solo, but sometimes he’d rather
slow down to enjoy companion-
ship. From that point on, he made

Services provided include conventional braces, esthetic braces, and invisalign.

Patients of all ages welcome

“Accepting most insurance and a Medicaid provider”

September 9, 2010 North Denver News Page 7

Betting the Farm on Urban tems and urban growing techniques

including aquaponics and soil build-
had access and who didn’t, and they
looked at industrial agriculture vs.
Agriculture — the reality of an ing. Aquaponics is the symbiotic cul-
tivation of plants and aquatic animals
local agricultural, and were responsi-
ble for completing individual projects
arid Denver
By Angelle C. Fouther makes a
in an underwater recirculating closed at the end of the class. Gould says that
one student took on
Denver is a desert. It’s not a better city. developing a com-
descriptor one normally hears in refer- F e e d munity garden.
ence to the Mile High City, but the rel- Denver uti- GrowHaus’
ative amount of food produced in the lizes sev- major goals include
Metropolitan area does, indeed, make eral urban offering jobs to com-
it a “food desert.” The term also refers agricul- munity members
to the fact that some Metro neighbor- ture mod- and selling food for
hoods don’t even have access to a local els includ- which they allow the
grocery store and thus residents are ing home use of food stamps.
forced to travel long distances, often gardens, “We are going to
by public transportation, to purchase communi- be signing people
healthy food unless they wish to live ty-based up here onsite,”
off of sugar- and preservative- laden gardens, says Gould. “The
convenience store food. and com- food stamp process
Several organizations are working mercial is really confusing
to address this scarcity by highlighting gardens for a lot of people,
the multiple benefits of urban agricul- and small so we want to help
ture, the most significant of which are f a r m s . them through it.”
improved health due to access to fresh T h e y The organization
produce and vegetables, lessening the recently would like to con-
use of fossil fuels and other environ- engaged tinue development
mental toxins, and community-build- e i g h t of the program to
ing that comes along with the econom- Bhutanese offer a communi-
ic opportunities and shared experience refugees ty space that will
of growing and selling food locally. through allow for growing
The Denver Foundations’ a work food as well as a
Strengthening Neighborhoods experience Worm farming part of the fun, Grow Haus Worm bin teaching space for
Program has recently made grants to program, and have turned the park- tank environment. The system has community members to learn how to
ing lot at 42nd been successfully used to simultane- do it.
& Steele into a ously cultivate fresh fish, such as “We are one of many organizations
Farm Market Tilapia and Yellow Perch, along with that are seeking to bring agriculture
Fiesta on vegetation without having to dis- into our urban communities. Our goal
Thursday eve- charge or exchange water. isn’t to be the expert in everything but
nings from 6-8 Students kept a food journal and to be a space where experts come – an
pm through recorded what they were eating daily incubation space,” Gould says.
S e p t e m b e r and how it made them feel. They
16th. Also, the looked is Everything
at Denver food system – who Experience our Vision
Urban Farm
at Stapleton
(TUF) is a host
site for Feed

2 are better
Denver, used
to introduce
and engage

than 1
youth to
horses, cows,
sheep, goats,
llama, alpaca,
An urban farm at work chickens, tur-
two urban agriculture organizations: keys and a few guinea fowl on its
Feed Denver, located in Sunnyside; 23-acre education center.
and GrowHaus, located in Elyria The GrowHaus is an indoor farm,
Swansea, both working to grow and marketplace, and educational center
harvest these benefits in cooperation in Denver’s Elyria Swansea neighbor-
with the community. hood. Its goal is to provide healthy,
Feed Denver is a nonprofit organi- affordable food for the surrounding
zation that builds community-based community and raise awareness about
urban greenhouse farms and mar- issues of food justice and sustainabil-
kets and empowers people to sustain ity.
themselves and their communities by “We are an education and com- BOTOX®, Juvederm®, Latisse®
improving year-round access to fresh munity space, first of all,” says Coby Laser Hair Removal, Skin Resurfacing, Skin Tightening
food, creating training opportunities Gould, Program Director. “We offer
and jobs for youth and adults, and sup- education for the community around
porting food production. According to
data presented by Feed Denver, only
nutrition, healthy eating, and where
your food comes from with an empha-
2 for the Price of 1
.2% of food consumed in our region is
produced in Colorado. While $5.7 bil-
sis on urban gardening techniques.”
The organization, which celebrates
Laser Hair Removal Services
Offer expires September 30th, 2010
lion is the amount we spend on food its one year anniversary this September,
annually, only $4.9 million is spent pur- offered a program last summer to high
chasing food directly from Colorado school students called “Seed to Seed.”
farmers. Besides creating green jobs, The program took teens from across
Feed Denver also works to train indi- the Denver Metro area through an
viduals to grow their own food with eight-week course covering nutrition,
the philosophy that urban agriculture food access, and agricultural sys- LASIK, PRK, Contact Lens, Unique Eyewear
Cataract and IOLs for Unique People.
Blepharoplasty, Dry Eye,
Glaucoma, 303.291.0202
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Page 8 North Denver News September 9, 2010

We’ve Moved Getting fit in 2010: Fitness,

to 5883 W. 38th Ave. adaption and competition
North on 38th by Guerin Lee Green masks symptoms and pain. Localized
just East of Harlan In 2010, Guerin Green, editor of steroid injections. Can work, can be
the North Denver News has been painful, and wears off in a month

Stop by to see our local artists!

j writing a monthly column on pursu-
ing fitness goals and following the
or three. Surgery. Expensive, dras-
tic, and can be overkill for many
problems. And a long road back to
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it has helped me overcome inju-
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CLEAR VIEW SEWER & DRAIN massage and stretching has pretty
much fixed the issue, but it took a
while to figure out what was going
The other element in getting over
my wacky arm issue was getting a
good massage. For me, I headed to
We are now offering full service drain cleaning, on, and how to address it.
Poking A New Spirit Spa on 29th Avenue.
sewer camera & inspection & sewer line locate. The heavy lifting was done For the massage to work, it actually
All services will be performed by a licensed plumber. Yearly maintanance programs available. Rachael Rose at Full Circle had to be a fairly serious effort. Luis
Wellness(, at New Spirit was strong enough to
OFF YOUR FIRST JOB. an acupuncturist with a great sense
of identifying what is going on and
actually get my trigger point, buried
deep in my chest, to release. Massage,
what is going wrong. Acupuncture these days, whether provided by a
has a long history-- longer than west- physical therapist or a massage thera-
ern medicine as an intellectual tra- pist, is part of every major sports
dition. While it does not have such team’s training regime. It really came
strong scientific antecedents, it is home to me when I was watching
amazingly effective for many indi- the Boulder Open last month, and
viduals, and many maladies. And the massage table and tent was set
increasingly, acupuncture is prov- up right next to where players were
ing itself out as not only a compli- checking in. Athletes, both men and
ment to western treatment in clinical women, are stronger, bigger and fast-
environments, but with research as er than ever before. That means more
well. Interestingly, the map of the stress on soft tissue, and massage is
body’s trigger points, locations where a critical means of injury prevention
muscles and fascia knot and interfer- and treatment.
ence with range of motion, nerve and Keeping it personal


circulatory function, overlies almost Not a good month for progress
exactly with ancient acupuncture on the goals. Yoga has continued to
locations. help my flexibility, but injuries have
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(1/2 Block West of Sheridan) soft tissue complaints, your options Check back next month.
can be limited. Drugs. Usually just
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September 9, 2010 North Denver News Page 9

Dramatic climate change is 3ȢMǣӰǑOȠ3ȪOȪӮ

unpredictable ӭ̢ƯΝOȺέ
The fear that global temperature
can change very quickly and cause dra-
been published in Geophysical Research
matic climate changes that may have a -BȜJɚǑOӲNΝSȺ
)ͽ͝JEBӲT)ͽ͝JEBӲT M[bbd[ii9[dj[hIfW
disastrous impact on many countries For millions of years the Earth’s
and populations is great around the climate has alternated between about 4QɂJǑ͡1BD͕BHɚǑOȠ
world. But what causes climate change 100,000 years of ice age and approxi- $̙ɂ͛ΝӅӂΝӅSǑNǣ[̢OH
mately 10-15,000
years of a warm cli- ˪ΝS'ǑU̙ȪST%BZ̉PǑUǑҿJΝ͸DȪͩUȪS
mate like we have
today. The climate  

change is controlled ǑOȪXTѵ̢̢҅ӂD΍ͨ

by the Earth’s orbit 8Ư"WȺ
in space, that is to
say the Earth’s tilt ȒMΕD͕TFǚґӂέ4̙Ȫ҅JEǑ͸


and distance from ȒMΕD͕TFǚґӂέ4̙Ȫ҅JEǑ͸

the sun. But there

are also other cli-
matic shifts in the

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the ice cores that PaulAllen Antiques!
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This is a schematic picture of the climate represented by the red ball. The climate are drilled through

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and is it possible to predict future cli- around 140,000 years. shopping! 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard
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At 44th and Wadsworth

to an accumulation of different chaotic where the temperature suddenly rose in Wheat Ridge just
in Wheat Ridge just

influences and as a result would be dif- 10-15 degrees in less than 10 years. The north of Red Lobster
south of Red Lobster X
ficult to predict. The results have just climate change lasted perhaps 1000 44th Ave

continued on page 10
Feeling On Edge from
Chronic Stress
Written by licensed psychotherapist becoming harder to avoid those pain-
Angela Sasseville, MA, LPC, NCC ful memories for some reason.
Holly wasn’t sure how many times Regardless of the cause, stress from
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sion; she just knew it happened a lot.
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one’s life. Work problems, relation-
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Things between her and her part- during the developmental years of
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thought she was letting her partner in life. One of the reasons for this
down. It’s hard to endure the vulnera- predisposition is the existence of well

bility she feels when they’re physically worn neurological pathways that were
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further and further away from him. and anxiety on a frequent basis. The
That only seems to magnify their prob- mind and body has so much practice
lems, though, and the couple seems to feeling these negative ways that being
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lately, with her stress escalating, it’s Unprocessed data often lies dormant
Page 10 North Denver News September 9, 2010

Beverly Newton Adam DeGraff

North Denver Notions North Denver Notions
Now is the time to check your Water all bulbs this winter for vig- Brother Matthew and I were in the in there, but anyway. So then I took off
garden (both flowers and vegetables) orous growth next spring. D Note basement recently and he began the gloves to try get the sand out, but my
to see what worked and what didn’t. Some Iris specific tips from the to tell some of the kitchen staff about an hands were full of dust. How am I going
My tomatoes were all medium sized North Carolina Ag Extension Service incident he had while sandblasting the to get my eyes clean with my dusty
this year. I usually try to get one that Fertilization of iris is important to paint off the walls eight years ago when hands? So I finally found my water bottle
we were building out the D Note. After he and poured it in my eyes, glug glug
produces late with large tomatoes for obtain best results, but must be done in
moderation. Nitrogen, potash, told the story I secretly turned glug. That whole thing
salad. This year I’ll make do
the voice recorder on the smart was evil. Sandblasting in
with what I’ve got. Down the and phosphorus are essential phone and began to record. The D Note general was evil, fourteen
Making a tea with com- for iris, but excessive nitrogen
post and letting it sit for sev- garden promotes lush growth that is following is a transcription of Chronicles days of it. We rented this
more susceptible to rot diseas- what happened next. sandblaster for a week
eral days path Adam: “So that was the #60 and we kept paying late
was a huge success. I rec- es. At planting, incorporate ½
lb of a low-nitrogen fertilizer worst it, while you were sand- fees because we thought
ommend it. blasting?” we’d be done the next
At this time of year my butterfly such as 5-10-10 per 50 ft2 (1 ½ oz per Matthew: “Whatever! That was a day. Then after buying 10,000 lbs of sand
bush is blooming. This is too late as 10 ft2). nightmare! I still have nightmares about we had to re-use 200 lbs of it and so it is
most of the butterflies are gone. My Planting
The best time to plant bearded iris is it. The worst it got?! It was 14 days of extra super fine in the air. We had Regina
garden is cold in the spring which sandblasting. It was the summer time at the Picking Parlour next door hopping
July through September. This will allow
delays my plant. If you plant this and we had to wear extra clothing. We mad at us. All the neighbors were mad
them to become well established before
shrub be sure you place it in a warm opened up the doors and people were at us because we were dusting the whole
winter. Container-grown iris can be
sunny spot so it blooms early enough complaining because there was a big neighborhood. And then there was the
planted in the spring. In a well-prepared
for butterflies. bed, dig a shallow hole large enough plume of lead paint coming out the fact that it was lead paint, which is still
Chrysanthemums are blooming to accommodate the rhizome or clump door. Oh God that was evil. The worst probably in our lungs. We had lead
now. If yours are small as mine are of rhizomes. Form a mound of soil in it got?!” paint that covered up soot from when
this year it means you didn’t pinch the center for the planting base. Make Adam: “So tell me again what hap- this place was a blacksmith and then
them back to one bud in June. I forgot, the mound high enough so the top of pened?” whatever four-cylinder engine model Ts
as I was busy with something else. the rhizome is slightly above soil level. Matthew: “Remember the hood we were in here when it was a Ford dealer-
Next year I promise myself I’ll be Spread the roots around the mound, fill wore? Remember the glasses, you put ship. So right after the gray paint, which
more alert. However I promise myself with soil, and water. For a mass of color, the lens in and out? You pull it out and would be lead, then there would be like
that every year. I guess as long as they plant at least three rhizomes (spaced 8-10 put a new heavy glass lens in? I was an octopus-in-the-ocean blackness that
bloom I won’t care. in. apart) or plant undivided clumps; like this (tilts head to side) and the glass would hit us. You remember that?”
The annuals that are still blooming point each fan of leaves away from the started coming out of the hood, without Adam: “Yeah. So then when you
this time of year are morning glories, center of the group. Clumps should be me doing it, I’m holding the thing. I’m threw the sandblaster hose down it just
cosmos, calendula, moss rose, and spaced 18 inches apart. Mulch should looking at it and thinking ‘Oh, that’s not went onto the floor?”
nasturtiums to name a few. These be applied to fall-planted iris to reduce good.’ All the sudden the sand started Matthew: “So it was doing like the
annuals self-sow easily. Zinnias and heaving during the winter. hitting my eyes and oh, that’s not good. snake thing until it got stuck in the scaf-
marigolds will keep blooming if dead- Care and Maintenance I don’t know what I did, but it was pelt- folding, because it hit me once or twice
headed. This time of year I stop dead- Before flowering, water plants often ing my eyes. And you know how when when I was blind. I’m trying to get to
enough to keep the soil moist but not you have dry mouth, and they throw the sound. I know it’s over there, so I’m
heading because I’m busy canning
wet. Reblooming iris should be watered sand in your dry mouth? Like oohg, going to shut it off. Okay, it’s off. I still
and freezing fruit.
ick, ick, ick. So my eyes are dusted and can’t see. I’m going to make it to the
If you haven’t fertilized your iris during the summer, while spring-flow-
I can’t do anything and, like, I’m on the door. Oh, that sucked.”
do it now. Better late than not at all. ering iris will tolerate drought. After
scaffolding with the stupid hose in my Adam: “But, because the sand blew
There are also many annual poppies flowers fade, cut flower stalks back to hand. Okay here it goes, I’m dropping a hole in the carpet, that’s how we knew
that you can scratch into the dirt now an inch or two above the rhizome to it! You were supposed to be right there we had a wood floor?”
for early spring growth. prevent seed formation. Plants that are
helping, I don’t know where you went, Matthew: “No, the carpet was always
Order and buy all bulbs. Here bulbs growing well (good green foliage) may and I’m yelling ‘Adam, where are you!’ missing. It was just glue. But the sand
can be planted in our soil anytime it’s not need fertilizing. If you fertilize, apply So I drop the hose. Okay, where’s the side actually blew through the glue. But yeah,
not frozen. ½ cup of 5-10-10 fertilizer per iris clump
of the scaffolding I need to come down it was such thick glue that we would
This fall when cleaning your gar- after flowering. Fertilizer can burn the on? AH THOONK! Uh, I’m down. Okay have never seen the blond, hundred
den don’t put weeds in your compost rhizomes; it should be applied around I’m gonna go toward the sound. Okay, I year-old red oak underneath.”
pile. Their seeds don’t rot and when but not directly on them. Iris respond hope I don’t put my finger in the wrong Adam: “So that was the silver lining
to shallow cultivation and should not
you use that soil they’ll spout wher- area here! Okay, it’s off. I make it outside. to your ordeal since the wood floor led to
be mulched.
ever you use it. THUNK! Oh, there’s a wall. Oh there’s us having a salsa night. The D Note prob-
a box or something. I’m finally outside. ably wouldn’t have survived without
increase in the atmospheric content of
CO2 triggering a shift in the climate. What do I do now? My eyes are gone. I salsa during the early years. The wood
In the second scenario the climate is took off the hat and I was sweating.” floor has been the biggest attraction for

change no like a ball in a trench, which represents

one climate state. The ball will be con-
Adam: “Did you think your eyes
were screwed up?”
the salsa night.”
Matthew: “Yeah, and also the biggest
Matthew: “Yeah, I thought I lost my distraction on the salsa night when the
simple matter tinuously pushed by chaos-dynamical
fluctuations such as storms, heat waves, eyes. When you are sandblasting and
you are seeing sand take paint of bricks?
old wood has popped through leaving
holes. I mean give and take. Yeah, but we
heavy rainfall and the melting of ice
continued from page 9 sheets, which affect ocean currents and Yeah, your eyes don’t really stand a wouldn’t have had the salsa night, that’s
years, then - bang – the temperature so on. The turmoil in the climate system chance against sandblast. So I thought true. But, Oh God, that sandblasting was
fell drastically and the climate changed may finally push the ball over into the my eyes were completely gone. Who evil.”
again. This happened several times dur- other trench, which represents a different knows, there’s probably pelts from it still
ing the ice age and these climate shifts are climate state.
called the Dansgaard-Oeschger events Peter Ditlevsen’s research shows that
after the researchers who discovered and you can actually distinguish between
described them. Such a sudden, dramatic the two scenarios and it was the chaos-
shift in climate from one state to another dynamical fluctuations that were the
is called a tipping point. However, the triggering cause of the dramatic climate
cause of the rapid climate change is not changes during the ice age. This means
known and researchers have been unable that they are very difficult to predict.
to reproduce them in modern climate Warm future climate
models. But what about today – what can hap-
“We have made a theoretical modelling pen to the climate of the future? “Today
of two different scenarios that might trig- we have a different situation than during
ger climate change. We wanted to inves- the ice age. The Earth has not had such
tigate if it could be determined wheth- a high CO2 content in the atmosphere
er there was an external factor which since more than 15 million years ago,
caused the climate change or whether when the climate was very warm and
the shift was due to an accumulation alligators lived in England. So we have
of small, chaotic fluctuations”, explains already started tilting the seesaw and at
Peter Ditlevsen, a climate researcher at the same time the ball is perhaps getting
the Niels Bohr Institute. kicked more and could jump over into
He explains that in one scenario the the other trench. This could mean that
climate is like a seesaw that has tipped the climate might not just slowly gets
to one side. If sufficient weight is placed warmer over the next 1000 years, but
on the other side the seesaw will tip – the that major climate changes theoretically
climate will change from one state to could happen within a few decades”,
another. This could be, for example, an estimates Peter Ditlevsen.
September 9, 2010 North Denver News Page 11

Westminster Westin another Westminster Westin O’s dining experience mid-

week, make reservations for the Community
rebate from Xcel Energy, making it the first
hotel in Colorado to take advantage of these

take at staycation
Table event held every Tuesday night. For a programs.
just $22 per person, indulge in a four course  The 32 kilowatt solar system features 139
by Renée Fajardo daily appetizer Happy Hour from 4pm-6pm food extravaganza with wine pairings from panels that are were installed by IES Solar of
If you thought that the fun of summer was with spicy shrimp, mushroom grilled flat bread, around the nation.   For those green at heart, Golden. The solar system is projected to save
gone, think again. There is still plenty time to tapas, and blue lump crab cakes, while children a special note of interest as this is the first the hotel more than $75,000 in averted energy
sneak in one last big hurrah and the Westminster can dine on homemade macaroni and cheese hotel in Colorado to invest in state-of-the-art costs over the next 20 years.  
Westin located at 10600 Westminster Blvd, this and to die for cheese burgers. Breakfast, lunch solar panels. Capitalizing on our 300+ days This is one staycation worth every penny.
is the perfect place to enjoy a weekend for and dinner offer the freshest most innovative of annual sunshine the installation of this Leaving home was never so easy or reasonably
couples or family staycation before a hectic fall dishes featuring everything from blueberry solar panel system   helps provide power to priced. The Promenade Experience is available
season kicks off.  orange pancakes, chorizo omelets, buttermilk the 369-room hotel and is the equivalent to on Friday and Saturday nights on an ongoing
The breathtaking, highly-rated and pet fried chicken, flat iron steak , shrimp tempura, planting more than 192 trees annually. The basis, based on availability. For room or dining
friendly hotel is located half way between root vegetable pot pie and beef tenderloin.   Westminster Westin   has applied to receive a reservations, please call 303.410.5000 or visit 
Denver and Boulder and twenty minute drive For any one just wanting to enjoy a grant from the Federal government and a solar
from downtown. Surrounded by spectacu-
lar views of the Rocky Mountains and the
Westminster Promenade Lake to the west and
the open space of Westminster’s city parks to
the east, no room in the hotel has a bad view.  
Down home friendly luxury is the byword
at the property. Guests are greeted upon arriv-
al  with a warm welcome by hotel doormen and
the house dog Westy, a ball bouncing rescued
chocolate lab who loves children. The lobby is
filled with oversized western style leather arm
chairs and couches, a central fireplace, open
air views of the surrounding gardens, marbled
walk ways, an  outdoor patio and fire pit. The
adventure begins even before check in.    
  The plush room accommodations at the
Westminster Westin are designed to pamper IF YOU LIVE IN….
and rejuvenate. Guest can anticipate   a soak
with the Westin’s signature Heavenly Bath, HIGHLANDS - WEST HIGHLANDS - REGIS -
which offers a custom designed Speakman
shower and luxurious bath amenities or slip SUNNYSIDE - SLOAN’S LAKE- BERKELEY
into a restful slumber with the signature 10-lay-
er Heavenly Bed. Rooms are large and can You most likely have HAIL DAMAGE and may
comfortably sleep mom, dad and two kids.
Add in a 37'’ HD flat screen television, in room
be eligible for a FREE ROOF but you may be
movies, oversized desk, refreshment center running out of time to make your claim
and fireside S’mores for the family at O’s and
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Page 12
North Denver News September 9, 2010

Don Bain
North Denver Notions
We are nearing that special time Mark Simon and Paul Romaine.
of year after the first cold snap, when The striking Ellyn Rucker is a
some years we get that extra three remarkable vocalist
weeks of the best weath- and pianist well wor-
er of the year – not too Indian thy of your notice. She
hot and not too cold – Summer and will perform two shows
just perfect. Sept. 18, along with
Indian Summer is drums along tenor saxman Peter
a great time of year to Lincoln Blvd Christlieb and David
be out and about and Young. Tickets are $15
Dazzle has a number of for what promises to be
tantalizing treats in store an especially scintillat-
for those pleasantly cool ing show.
late summer evenings. Sept. 23 will usher in the think-
Kick things off Sept. 9 with a ing man’s sax player in the guise of
performance by the J.D. Allen
Rene Marie, below
the Jeff Hamilton Trio featur-
Normand Latourelle, Founder and artistic director of Cavalia Trio. Hamilton ing Ron Miles.

Cavalia more than horsing is an in-demand

drummer, com-
Allen is one of
the more dis-
poser, arrang- tinctive new
around er and teacher
who plays with
tenor saxmen
around and
continued from page ONE vociferously superlative reviews by the
a number of will be per-
working with them. He was not a horse media worldwide.
talented musi- forming with
person – yet. The various 35 artists, acrobats,
cians, includ- Greg August
“I found out they were the most dancers and riders hail from Canada,
ing the members on bass and
beautiful performers in the world. You France, the U.S., Morocco, Kyrgyzstan,
of his trio – Ray Rudy Royston
don’t need a costume or makeup – just Russia and Austria.
Brown and Oscar on drums.
a bare horse and everyone will look at The 50 horses represent 12 distinct
Peterson. Catch This $20 show
it.” breeds and come from France, Spain,
their show at 7 or is the pick of
It also struck him that by telling the Portugal, Canada, the Netherlands and
9 p.m. the month for
story of the horse you are telling the the U.S. The horses annually consume
On September saxophone
story of humanity, for they have been 17,500 bales of hay, 36,500 lbs of grain
11, Hollywood aficionados.
with us since the very beginning. and 1,750 lbs of carrots.
Contemporary Shows at 7 and
“The horse gave us the modern The main tent is over 10 stories high
Jazz artist Rob 9 p.m.
world, all the freedom we needed,” he at 110 feet and eight other tents are nec-
Mullins will grace The final
said. “First to cover greater distances essary to stage the show. Over 71,000 sq.
the stage in the Friday of
quicker and then for labor and also ft of canvas was needed to create the Big
considerable presence of Denver’s the month brings back the musical
for war. The armies with the greatest Top, which spans an area of more than
own dazzling vocalist Hazel Miller. changes of the Ken Walker Sextet,
number of horses were the winners. The 26,000 sq. ft.
The Grammy-nominated artist only always a pleasant way to end up your
horses gave us everything!” The stage is 160-ft. wide and over
comes around once in awhile, so month. Tickets are only $12 for this
In the telling of this story, however, 2,500 tons of sand and dirt were required
don’t miss your chance to see the show that comes with the phase of
it was difficult to find an ending since to build it.
composer of Soulscape. the New Moon.
technology has replaced the horse in the Performances begin Sept. 22 and
Sept. 12 offers the rare opportu- Trumpeter Nate Birkey is a rare
lives of most people. tickets went on sale weeks ago, ranging
nity to see a solo tabla performance jazz animal – a trumpet player who
“I wanted to create a tribute to what from $54 to $99. Custom packages for
they have achieved for us – that became
by Aloke Dutta who spends his time sings as well. Fans of male jazz vocals
true horse-lovers are available for $129
teaching, writing, recording, conduct- will not want to miss this show.
to $189.
The show has thus far been seen by
ing workshops and performing with Birkey will perform twice at 7 and 9
For more information call 866-999-
over 2.5 million people and has received
SWATI, a popular L.A. percussion p.m. Sept. 25.
8111 or visit
band. Tickets to the 7 p.m. only per- The month wraps up on Sept. 30
formance are $12. with two shows from the not-to-be-la-
At 9 p.m. a show dubbed The beled Blu7, comprised of James Barela
Orchid Set is slated and will feature on trumpet/flugelhorn, EJ Delgado
4022 Lowell Boulevard • Highlands Dazzle regulars David Miller, Matt at the guitar, Rachel Delgado piano/
Offered at $300,000 Skellenger and Glenn Taylor. This organ/synthesizer, Mitchell Anthony
Perfectly situated near Highlands Square and too could be a very interesting set. on drums) and Justin Vogel plucking
the Tennyson shopping district, this 4bed/4bath Tickets are $10. the bass. This band mixes jazz with
Rene Marie is a vocalist whose multiple contemporary genres in a
duplex offers over 2300 finished square feet.
life has put her through a musical musical smoothie that’s good for you
It is rare to find a home in this area with such pressure cooker, resulting in music and what ails you. Tickets are $15 for
a spacious and open floorplan without the high that runs very deep within her. She shows at the usual times.
price tag. Features include wood floors, stylish will perform two shows on Sept. Make Dazzle your oasis in the
finishes, and a finished basement. 17 with a band dubbed her Denver city as summer winds down and the
Boys, including saxman extraordi- holidays loom on the horizon. See ya
Brooke Franklin Burgamy • Coldwell Banker Devonshire naire Dexter Payne, in a rare Dazzle there!
720-209-9677 appearance, along with Bill Kopper,



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