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1. Wishes about the present -wish is 2.

Wishes about events in the past and

followed by a verb in the past simple regrets – wish is followed by the past
He wishes he had more money. (but he
doesn´t) We wish we had moved to the country.
(we didn´t and now we think it was a
Sometimes I wish I was/were a child.
( but I am not)

3. Wishes about future or a desire for sb

or sth to act differently – often a
complaint with would.

I wish she would visit more often.

(complaint or regret)



One day a poor woodcutter was given three wishes by a tree elf. When his hungry wife heard the
news, she said „ I wish I had some sausages“. At once five sausages appeared on a plate. The
woodcutter was furious about wasting a wish. „I wish those sausages were hanging from your
nose“, he shouted. At once the sausages hung from her nose. The two struggled to get them
loose but they could not. „I wish I hadn´t made that wish“, the woodcutter said. At once the
sausages were on the plate again. The couple happily ate the sausages and wished for nothing
more. (abbreviated from „Grammar Express“, Longman 2001

Complete the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. I wish we ------------------------- (have) a bigger house. The one we live in is too small.

2. She wishes her boyfriend --------------------------- (ring) more often. He rings only twice a week.

3. If only I ------------------------- (can) travel more often. But I don´t have enough holiday.

4. We wish the weather ---------------------------- (be) better. We want to go for a walk.

5. I wish I ------------------------ (be) an actor. My life would be different.

6. My father wishes I ------------------------------ (not/play) computer games. He wants me to stop.

7. If only I ---------------------------- (study) more at school. I would have a better job now.

8. Do you wish you ---------------------------- (be) a millionaire? Of course I do!

9. My dad wishes he ---------------------------- (not/have to) do the washing up. He hates it.

10. We wish we -------------------------- (listen) to the weather forecast before we left.

11. I wish you --------------------------- (watch) the telly all day long! Do something reasonable.

12. If only I ---------------------------- (study) Latin at school. I have never used it in my life.


1. I didn´t have time to read bedtime stories to my children.

I wish I had had time to read bedtime stories to them.

2. We didn´t save any money last month. ------------------------------------------------------------------

3. My girlfriend is unreliable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. I´m too old to go back to school. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. I can´t stop smoking. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. My parents didn´t understand me when I was a teenager. ----------------------------------------

7. My PC keeps breaking down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. I´m sorry I didn´t go to the party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Today I said to Dr Grimes, „ I wish there had been a way to spend more time with my boyfriend,
but we´re both too busy.“ He just said „ If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.“ That´s an
easy thing to say but i wish I understand its meaning. Maybe it means that wishing won´t solve
problems. Well, that´s why I went to see him! I wish he will tell me what to do right then and
there but he refused. Speaking of wishful thinking, I wish Mark and I could have spent the
weekend together next week. My exams are over but he´s got to fly to Paris for his job. If wishes
were horses, I´d ride one to Paris. Mark is always saying, „I wish you would come with me
sometimes.“ I suppose I can go with him to Paris. Dr Grimes must have meant that I can solve
my own problems. Now I wish I haven´t been so rude to him...................
1. I wish we had a bigger house. The one we live in is too small.

2. She wishes her boyfriend rang more often. He rings only twice a week.

3. If only I could travel more often. But I don´t have enough holiday.

4. We wish the weather were/was better. We want to go for a walk.

5. I wish I was/were an actor. My life would be different.

6. My father wishes I wouldn´t play computer games. He wants me to stop.

7. If only I had studied more at school. I would have a better job now.

8. Do you wish you were a millionaire? Of course I do!

9. My dad wishes he would not have to do the washing up. He hates it.

10. We wish we had listened to the weather forecast before we left.

11. I wish you wouldn´t watch the telly all day long! Do something reasonable.

12. If only I hadn´t studied Latin at school. I have never used it in my life.


1. I didn´t have time to read bedtime stories to my children.

I wish I had had time to read bedtime stories to them.

2. We didn´t save any money last month. If only we had spent some money.

3. My girlfriend is unreliable. I wish she was/were reliable.

4. I´m too old to go back to school. If only I could go back to school.

5. I can´t stop smoking. I wish I could stop.

6. My parents didn´t understand me when I was a teenager. If only they had understood me

7. My PC keeps breaking down. I wish it wouldn’t keep breaking down.

8. I´m sorry I didn´t go to the party. If only I had gone there.

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