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TRINITY ISE tL Preparation for Extended Writing - Task 4 Reports ‘We looked at reports in Reading into writing Task 3. Here are a few important points to remember: “+ usea title and headings for each paragraph + use formal language — no contractions Now look at the question below and the example answer: Read the answer and the notes carefully Question: You recently did 0 survey of students in your fina-year clos to find out what ther mein concems ore about finishing schoo! end the future. Write « report (oppraximately 150-180 words) for your career guidance teacher on the findings of your Sursey, stating sore of the more common cancemns and suggesting topics the carer guidance teacher could cova in order to assist students { State the aims Aloagee. | Report on survey of final-year students in relation to th your report a concerns over the future of the reper? title (what clearly in the it's about) and Introduction [introduction aragrapa “The aim of this report isto outline the findings ofa survey of fraeyear reedinas students at Lighthouse Secondary School regarding what their anxieties about finishing scheol are, and te make recommendations on whet voples students would benefit from covering in career guidance class, Present the important fin ings or Fortin perogroph 2, —— | Findings of the survey ‘As areport isa formal | |-The vase majority of students were worried abour making the right secant id wr. | hoje about what course study tuners A sigan number were se also ansous about wba to doi they decide they do nat wact to go € TTanivrsiy or they do not get the right grades for tele desired couse Draw seme car- lusions or rec- ommendations fn the findings commendations for what subjects to cover in career guidance class Students would benefit greatly from receiving help and advice on both or factual their further education and career choices. Specialy, how to choose a information in suitable course of study at university, what options there are if they do orcgraph 3. not get accepted onto their first-choice course and information on alter- — ee Surmarise your native work placement and apprenticeship sehornat, nore Porgroph Ts action thet heading is always |_| Conclusion should 3¢ token Introduction. “The majorty of fnabyear students are worried about immedate decisions ‘oF conclusions Poragraps 4'5| they have to make that wil afect their long-term future. Consequently, you have made heading is always specific guidance should be given on course choices, the university appt Paregreph [Conecosion cation procass, as well as infermatian on the akernatves te third-level study.

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