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3 Kondo Lattice 66 1

low-J Luttinger liquid phase, and (at n = l ) , a non-magnetic Kondo

insulator [411]. D = 1 systems do not manifest the Kondo-RKKY
competition in the sense that higher-dimensional systems do.
The extent of the FM phase is much larger in D = 1 than what
we expect in D > 1, but the appearance of a high-J pocket of fer-
romagnetism is not unexpected. At J = 00, assuming N < L , sites
are either occupied by a c l f l singlet, or by an unpaired f electron.
In this limit, the problem can be reformulated as a U = 00 Hubbard
model in which the clfl sites are the “empty sites”, and the f’ sites
the “fermions” [230]. Notice that the fermion number is Nf= L - N .
Since the U = 00 Hubbard model is expected to become FM in the
Nagaoka regime near half-filling (see Secs. 8.4 and 10.6.5), we expect
that the J = 00 Kondo lattice becomes likewise ferromagnetic at low
n. It is likely that for bipartite lattices, the Nagaoka ferromagnetism
of the KLM is a weak effect, and the large-J FM phase (which has the
Luttinger Fermi volume like the Kondo state) is disconnected from the
low-J RKKY f e r r ~ m a g n e t ~ ~ .
Returning to low-J RKKY magnetism, let us notice that our crude
variational description includes some moment compensation: in (11.76),
band electron spins are polarized antiparallel to the f-spins. This would
give up to 10-30 per cent reduction of the ordered moment on the mag-
netic side of the phase boundary. A more sophisticated treatment which
works with placing a Kondo impurity in an effective field, yields simi-
lar results [27]. This theoretical framework may provide an acceptable
description of magnets like CeA12 where the moment is visibly reduced,
but still sizeable.
We should be, however, aware that there is a surprising number
of heavy fermion magnets with “micromoments” in the range of 0.01-
0 . 0 0 1 ~ ~We
. do not offer any explanation why the ordering of such
small moments should be a regular occurence. However, there may be
cases where the understanding of micromoment magnetism does not
require novel principles. For U compunds, the assumption of the 5f2

56The large-J FM region does not appear in Fig. 11.18, because for a constant
DOS, the Gutzwiller approximation gives exactly the same energy for the Nagaoka
state as for the J = 00 Kondo state. However, for the square lattice, two distinct
FM phases are found [log].

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