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4.1.1 History of School Establishment

IAIN (Institut Agama Islam Negeri) Ponorogo established in May 1970.

Begin with the name of IAIN SUNAN AMPEL, this university open Syari’ah

Faculty in Ponorogo firstly. Syariah Faculty of IAIN SUNAN AMPEL was grown

significantly and developed until 1985. In 1985-1986, IAIN SUNAN AMPEL

opened 2 faculties namely Qadha’ faculty and Mu’amallah Jinayah faculty. Then,

because the development of university IAIN SUNAN AMPEL was changed

become STAIN (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri) Ponorogo base on decision

of president No.11.1997. STAIN Ponorogo is always developed until now which

has many faculties. Now, because of the requirement STAIN Ponorogo

developed to become IAIN (Institut Agama Islam Negeri) Ponorogo and be a good

institution of education in Ponorogo. The learning process runs well because it is

supported by the complete facilities and the good infrastructure. Besides,

Instructional Computer Technology (ICT) facilities are sufficient to realize the

vision and mission to face the globalization challenge.

4.1.2 Geographical Location of IAIN Ponorogo

IAIN Ponorogo is located at Jalan Pramuka No. 156 Ponorogo-East Java-

Indonesia. It is about 3 kilometers to the east of the center of Ponorogo town.

Geographically, IAIN Ponorogo located in reachable area, because of this

department is near from road. Environment in this department supports the study.

Beside, teachers and students are very easy to get the transportation.


4.1.3 2nd semester of English Education Department Profile

All students of second semester students of English education department in

STAIN Ponorogo are 83 students. It was divided into 4 class begin class a, class b,

class c and class d. The calculation of each class is shown on this table:

Table 4.2

The Numbers of Each Class to the Second semester students of English

education Department STAIN Ponorogo

Class Number of Students

A 34 Students
B 35 Students
C 34 Students
Total 103 Students


Sample in this research were 78 students from 3 classes in 2nd semester students

of English Education Department of IAIN Ponorogo. The variables of this research

consisted of three variables namely students’ vocabulary mastery (X1), self

confidence(X2) and students’ speaking ability (Y). As it has mentioned in the previous

explanation, the students of second semester of English education department became

sample of research. Each class has different number of students where A class

consisted of 34 students, B class consisted of 35 students and C class consisted of 34

students. The researcher was analyzed their score in order to know whether there is

correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery, self confidence and speaking


The following table is the description of research data about the correlation

between students’ vocabulary mastery, self confidence and students’ speaking ability

of second semester students of English Education Department.


Table of Homogenity Variance

The data was obtained from 103 students of second semester students of English

education department. As shown at this table above, it was found that students’

vocabulary mastery in mean score was 83.00 and the standar deviasion score was

6341. Then, self confidence in mean score was 87.31 and the standard deviation was

9377. The last speaking ability in mean score was 101.25 and standar deviation score

was 2595.


4.3.1 Assumption test analysis

Assumption test analysis conducted as the prerequisite for testing

hypothesis. The assumption is the data are normally distributed. It can be done

by conducting normality test. Normality test is used to find out whether the

data are in normal distribution. In deciding whether the data are in normal

distribution or not, the highest value of significant correction is consulted to

Kolmogorov-Smirnov table. If the highest value of statistic is lower than the

value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov table for 5 % level of significance, it can be

concluded that the data is in normal distribution. On the other hand, if the

highest value of statistic is higher than the Kolmogorov-Smirnov table for 5 %

level of significance it can be concluded that the data are not in normal

distribution. The value of Kolmogrov-Smirnov table for N = 78 at 5 % level of

significance is 0,145.

In this research, the researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula and

the calculation by using SPSS 19 for windows as following:


The result of normality test for students’ vocabulary mastery

NPar Tests

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 78

Normal Parametersa Mean 74.29

Std. Deviation 15.515

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .139

Positive .104

Negative -.139

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.406

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .078

a. Test distribution is Normal.

In the normality test calculation about students’ vocabulary mastery by

using kolmogorov-smirnov test, the result of the highest value of statistic

showed 0,139. Allowing the result of the data is normaly distributed because

0,139 is lower than 0,145. Then, the calculation of normality test for self

confidence is appeared the table below:

The result of normality test for students’ self confidence

NPar Tests

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 78

Normal Parametersa Mean 75.15

Std. Deviation 9.286

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .113


Positive .071

Negative -.113

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.000

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .270

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Referring to the table above, the result of the highest value of statistic

showed 0,113. It can be concluded that the data is also normaly distributed

because 0,113 is lower than 0,145. So, the data about students’ self

confidence is normaly distributed. Next,the the calculation of normality test

for students speaking achievement of 2nd semester students of English

Education Department of IAIN Ponorogo :

The result of normality test for students’ speaking ability

NPar Tests

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 78

Normal Parametersa Mean 60.83

Std. Deviation 11.567

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .142

Positive .183

Negative -.142

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.612

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .061

a. Test distribution is Normal.

According to the table above, the result ot the highest value of statistic

indicated 0,142. The conclusion is the data is normaly distributed because

0,142 is lower than 0,145. So, the researcher concluded that the data about

students’ speaking achievement is normaly distributed.

4.3.2 Testing Hypothesis

When, the computation result of normality the data is in normal

distribution, it can be continued to the next step, testing hypotheses which

have been proposed in the previous chapter. In this study, there is hypothesis

that should be tested. To decide Ho is rejected or accepted, it is necessary to

compute the data, therefore the conclusion for the hypotheses can be drawn as

result of the computation. The Ho will be rejected and the Ha will be accepted

if the value of rxy is higher than rt. Meanwhile, Ho will be accepted and Ha

will be rejected if the value of rxy is lower than rt.

In this study to calculate the hypothesis, researcher is using SPSS 19 for

windows. The result of computation is described in each hypothesis as follow:

a. First hypothesis

The first hypothesis of the research is there is correlation between

students' vocabulary mastery (X1) and students speaking ability (Y). To test

the hypotheses, the researcher is analyzed by using the statistical formulations

as follows:

1. H0 = rx1y < rt. It means that there is no correlation between students’

vocabulary mastery (X1) and students’ speaking skill (Y).

2. Ha = rx1y > rt. It means that there is correlation between students’

vocabulary mastery(X1) and students’ speaking skill (Y).

The result of Product Moment Correlation to calculate of correlation

between students vocabulary mastery and speaking skill by using SPSS 19 for

windows as follows:

Table 4. The Result of Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

and Students’ speaking ability

Sig value of vocabulary mastery and speaking ability


ery speaking_ability

vocabulary_mastery Pearson Correlation 1 .802**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78

speaking_ability Pearson Correlation .802** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the table 4. above, the value Pearson Correlation (rx1y) showed

0,802. The value of rx1y is consulted to rt at the level of significance 5% for N =

78 is 0,220. Because the result show that rx1y = 0,802 is higher than rt = 0,220 or

rx1y (0,631) > rt (0,220), it can be conclude that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.

So, there is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery (X1) and students’

speaking abilty (Y) for 2nd semester students of English Education Department of

IAIN Ponorogo.

b. Second hypothesis

The second hypothesis of the research is there is correlation

between students' self-confidence (X2) and students’ speaking ability (Y).

To test the hypotheses, the researcher is analyzed by using the statistical

formulations as follows:

1. H0 = rx2y < rt. It means that there is no correlation between

students’ self-confidence (X2) and students’ speaking skill (Y).

2. Ha = rx2y > rt. It means that there is correlation between

students’ self-confidence (X2) and students’ speaking skill (Y).

The result of Product Moment Correlation to calculate

of correlation between self-confidence and speaking skill by using SPSS

19 for windows as follows:

Table 4.11 The Result of Correlation between Self-Confidence and Speaking ability:

Sig value of self confidence and speaking ability


self_confidence speaking_ability

self_confidence Pearson Correlation 1 .914**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78

speaking_ability Pearson Correlation .914** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the table 4.11 above, the value

Pearson Correlation (rx2y) showed 0,914. The value of

rx2y is consulted to rt at the level of significance 5% for

N = 78 is 0,220. Because the result show that rx2y =

0,914 is higher than rt = 0,220 or rx2y (0,914) > rt

(0,220), it can be conclude that H0 is rejected and Ha

is accepted. So, there is correlation between self-

confidence (X2) and students’ speaking ability (Y) to

the 2nd semester students of English Education

Department of IAIN Ponorogo.

c. Third Hypothesis

The third hypothesis of the research is there is

correlation between students' vocabulary mastery

(X1), students’ self-confidence (X2) and speaking skill

(Y). To test the hypotheses, the researcher is analyzed

by using the statistical formulations as follows:

H0 = sig f change > 0,05. It means that there is no

correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery (X1),

students’ self-confidence (X2) and students’ speaking


Ha = sig f change < 0,05. It means that there is correlation

between students’ vocabulary mastery (X1), students’ self-

confidence (X2) and students’ speaking ability (Y).


The result of Multiple Correlation which calculate the

correlation between vocabulary mastery, self-confidence, and

speaking skill by using SPSS 19 for windows as follows:

Table 4.12 The Result of Correlation between Students’ vocabulary mastery, Self-

Confidence, and students speaking ability

Model Summary

Change Statistics

Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square

Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change

1 .919a .844 .840 4.632 .844 202.645 2 75 .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), self_confidence, vocabulary_mastery

Furthermore, the computation of multiple correlation tests is

showed that the value of a symbol of coefficient correlation (R) is

0,919. The value of significance F change is 0,000. Then, the value of

Sig. F change (0,000) compared with 0,05. Because the result shows

that the value of Sig. F change (0,000) is lower than 0,05 it means that

there is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery (X1),

students’ self-confidence (X2) and students’ speaking ability(Y).

The value of a symbol coefficient correlation (R) is 0,919. Based

on index of correlation, it proved the degree of correlation between

students’ vocabulary mastery, self confidence and their speaking

ability categorize into high correlation. Further information can be

seen to this table below:


Table 4.7 Indexes of Correlation

No Scale Interpretation

1 0.800-1.000 High Correlation

2 0.600-0.800 Sufficient Correlation

3 0.400-0.600 Fair Correlation

4 0.200-0.400 Low Correlation

5 0.000-0.200 Very low Correlation

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