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Yusfa Ike Rustiana. Analyzes of efficiency level of inpatient service based on barber johson’s
graphic in class III ward at Darmayu Hospital in 2018.KTI . Advisor I : Ike Sureni, SKM.,
M.Kes, Advisor II: Ani Rosita, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes. Study Programm : D-III Medical Record and
Health information STIKES Buana Husada Ponorogo.
The calculation of four parameters Barber Johson’s graphic is needed to measure the efficiency of
inpatient service. This research is aimed to know the efficiency of inpatient service in class III
ward at Darmayu Hospital in 2018.
The kind of this research is descriptive research which observation, interview, and documentation
are techniques for collecting the data. The sample was taken from recapitulation data of Sensus
Harian Rawat Inap (SHRI). This research used purposive sampling technique as technique to get
sample. Then, the data had been analyzed descriptively.
The result showed value of BOR at 3rd class of shed was between 42.41 %- 71.78%. The value of
LOS was between 1.95-3.41 days. The value of TOI was between 0.76-3.79 days. The value of
BTO was 50.75-134.67 times. It is recommended to relocate bed in room which has excess bed
move to the room which has lacks bed. In conclusion, it is expected that the use of bed became
more efficient and also Hospital can give medical service more optimally.

Keywords: Efficiency, Inpatient service, Barber Johson’s graphic

Inpatient service is very important relate to the hospital management. It is caused the most of
hospital’s income is taken from inpatient service. Every hospital should evaluate their inpatient
service progressively and continually in order to be more efficient. This efficiency assessment
includes some indicators. Those indicators are bed occupancy indicator (BOR), length of stay
(LOS) and bed turn over (BTO) where each of them has ideal value which must be achieved by a
hospital. This research is aimed to analyze the efficiency of inpatient service based on barber
johson graphic at the 3rd emergency housing of Darmayu hospital in 2018.

The result showed the efficiency of each indicator of inpatient service in which they are involved
flamboyan room, bougenvile room and melati room entirely have not achieved ideal standard of
Depkes. The solution of those conditions are to give more facilities for supporting service, to
increase the promotion of hospital, and to evaluate the availability of medical patient’s bed
progressively.At the end, the hospital will give medical service optimally.

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