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What is the difference between VHDL and Verilog?

Fundamentally speaking, not a lot. You can produce robust designs and comprehensive test
environments with both langauges, for both ASIC and FPGA. However, the two langauges
approach the task from different directions; VHDL, intended as a specification langauge, is very
exact in its nature and hence very verbose. Verilog, intended as a simulation langauge, it much
closer to C in style, in that it is terse and elegant to write but requires much more care to avoid
nasty bugs. VHDL doesn't let you get away with much; Verilog assumes that whatever you
wrote was exactly what you intended to write. If you get a VHDL architecture to compile, it's
probably going to approximate to the function you wanted. For Verilog, successful compilation
merely indicates that the syntax rules were met, nothing more. VHDL has some features that
make it good for system-level modelling, whereas Verilog is much better than VHDL at gate-
level simulation. To confuse the situation more, see SystemVerilog...

Can I use VHDL for the analog part of a design?

Yes and No. Yes, there is a VHDL Analogue and Mixed Signal language (VHDL-AMS), based
on VHDL 93, which allows modelling of both analogue and digital in the same language. You
can see our 2 day VHDL-AMS workshop syllabus on our training page. However the idea of
analogue synthesis is still in its early days, so currently you wouldn't normally be able to go on
and synthesize an analogue model written in VHDL-AMS.

How must I write VHDL to make it synthesisable?

Because large parts of the language make no sense in a hardware context, synthesisable VHDL is
a relatively small subset of VHDL. You must stick to this subset, and understand exactly how the
synthesis tool you use interprets that code. For FPGA in particular you must also develop a good
understanding of the structure of your chip, and know how your code must reflect the most
efficient use of that structure. Fundamentally, never forget that you are designing a circuit, not
writing a program. Forgetting this simply but important fact will only lead to pain later.

How many versions of VHDL are there?

There are four. The original release of the VHDL language occured in 1987 with the adoption of
the Language Reference Manual as an IEEE standard. In 1993, the IEEE-1076 standard was
modified and ratified and became known as VHDL'93. This is now widely supported. In 2000,
the VHDL 1076 2000 Edition appeared - this fixed shared variables by introducing the idea of
protected types. Finally, VHDL 1076-2002 appeared. This includes protected mode types, but
also changes ports of mode buffer to make them more usable, along with some other small
changes. In practise, VHDL 1076-1993 is the current flavour of VHDL which is widely
supported by tool vendors.

Are there any tools to generate VHDL test benches automatically?

The basic answer is no. Writing a testbench can be a complex task, and can be more complex
than the design being tested. If you mean "Can I get a code framework for a simple testbench",
then a number of tools provide simple "testbench templates"; even the Emacs editor VHDL
mode can do this! For more advanced ways of writing testbenches, you might want to look at the
so-called "Testbench Automation" tools, such as SystemVerilog, SystemC Verification Library,
Cadence Specman, and Synopys Vera. These tools involve learning another language of course.

What is Synthesis?
Synthesis is the stage in the design flow which is concerned with translating your VHDL code
into gates - and that's putting it very simply! First of all, the VHDL must be written in a
particular way for the target technology that you are using. Of course, a synthesis tool doesn't
actually produce gates - it will output a netlist of the design that you have synthesised that
represents the chip which can be fabricated through an ASIC or FPGA vendor.

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