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Sec K ‘F’ Co


Type of Informative Speech Events

Title The Dolphin show
Topic Facts about Dolphin
General Purpose To inform
Specific Purpose At the end of my speech, the
audience will be enlighted on fact
about dolphins.
Central Idea The cool facts about the Dolphins.
Supporting Materials Oral sources, and internet sources
Sources Elliot, J. (2017) Aquaworld, water fun
expert. Retrieved May 25, 2015 from
Sec K ‘F’ Co



Dolphins are mammals known for their friendliness. Dolphins are found all across
the world and are close relatives of whales. There are many facts about Dolphins that we
should know about them. One of these is that they have two stomachs. One is used for
storage of food and the other is used for digestion. Another is that they are known to be
great divers because they can dive up to 1,000 feet underwater.
Dolphins can live up to 50 years. Even though the average lifespan of dolphins is
about 17 years. The smallest of their kind is 3-4 feet long, while the largest is 30 feet.
They are not only the friendliest or caring creatures but also the most intelligent ones. It
is believed by scientists that comparing the ratio size of brain to body, dolphins take the
2nd place right after the humans.
Dolphins never chew their food they swallow it as a whole. Their teeth are used
only to catch their prey. They are very friendly to humans and animals because they love
to play with members of their pods and are friendly to even humans. They are often seen
playing and teasing other animals living underwater. Also they can swim at the rate of 3
to 7 miles per hour. Some exceed that and travel at the speed of 20 miles per hour. Those
things are facts about Dolphins.

Elliot, J. (2017) Aquaworld, Water Fun Expert. Retrieved May 25, 2015 from

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