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1. FLOUR Is a powdery substance produced by finely grinding grain through a process called milling.

The classification of flour is based on the amount of protein that each type contains. Protein
determines the gluten strength of the flour. Gluten gives the dough its shape and form.


3. BREAD FLOUR Has the highest amount of protein thus, has high gluten content, so it is used for
breads. Bread flour is creamy in color and is rather rough and granular.

4. CAKE FLOUR Sometimes called soft flour as it is milled from soft white wheat. It is described as weak
because the products made from it are tender with delicate texture.

5. ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR Is made from a combination of bread and cake flour sources and has medium
gluten strength. It is suitable for almost any baking purposes.

6. SELF-RISING FLOUR Contains baking powder and salt

7. RYE FLOUR Has a distinctive flavor many people like and it contains no gluten


9. Flour should be stored in a high ventilated room free from insects and rodents!

10. Flour should be kept away from products with strong aromas such as spices and onions!

11. Use the oldest flour first! “First in, first out”

12. Flour should be kept in a dry tin or glass container in a cool dry place!

13. SHORTENING Is another word for fat used in baking. The taste of the baked product depends
greatly on the flavor of the shortening.

14. 1) It surrounds the gluten in the dough; it shortens the strands and makes it a more tender product.
2) It makes the product lighter with greater volume. 3) It oils the structure of the product so it is easier
to chew and swallow. 4) It helps prolong the shelf life of baked goods.

15. 1) Plasticity – readily mixed, worked or spread 2) Waxiness – soft and smooth 3) Pleasant Odor – no
odor at all 4) Pleasant flavor – no unnecessary flavor

16. SUGAR Is responsible for the attractive golden brown color of baked products. It contributes to the
development of good flavor and aroma.

17. ULTRAFINE Is used for cakes and cookies. Sometimes this sugar is called “baker’s special”

18. GRANULATED SUGAR is the sugar commonly found on the table at home

19. POWDERED SUGAR Is frequently called confectioner’s sugar because it is used in making frostings
and icings.

20. BROWN SUGAR Is often called “soft sugar” because of its moisture content. Its color may vary from
light to dark brown.
21. 1) It tenderizes the gluten. 2) It makes browner, crisper crust. 3) It helps baked products stay fresh
longer because it retains moisture.

22. LEAVENER OR LEAVENING AGENT Is a substance used in baking to make a product rise so it
becomes light a proportion to its size. Leavening agents produce a gas that expands when heated.

23. AIR!!!!!!! Air works as a leavener because it expands when heated. It can be incorporated into the
product by: Beating Folding in beaten egg whites Sifting the flour Creaming the shortening

24. STEAM!!!! Is considered to be the most powerful leavener. Water changes to steam when heated
causing the mixture to rise.

25. CHEMICAL LEAVENING AGENTS Certain chemicals react to moisture and heat to form carbon
dioxide such as: Baking Soda – a leavening that reacts to acid to produce carbon dioxide Baking
Powder – most widely used leavener because of its sure results

26. YEAST Is a single-celled plant that feeds on starch and sugar. It is different from other leavening
agents because it is ALIVE!

27. COMPRESSED YEAST Also called cake yeast; it can be stored for four to five weeks in a refrigerator

28. DRY YEAST Is granular and darker in color than cake yeast. It is purchased in sealed packs or
envelopes to ensure freshness.

29. WATER Gives different texture to baked items especially breads and rolls. The texture of a baked
product is coarse and chewy if water is used instead of milk.

30. MILK Has definite functions in baking. It gives finer, more velvety grain. It adds flavor. It helps the
product stay longer.

31. EGGS Eggs perform important functions in cakes that other ingredients cannot do. Eggs are
essential because they maintain tender the structure of the cake or baked product. Eggs hold together
the other ingredients during mixing and baking.

32. SALT Is essential in producing a satisfactory yeast product. It gives a finer texture to bread and
removes flatness or lack of flavor in it.

33. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA Are highly prized for their flavor, aroma and deep brown color.

34. FRUIT FLAVORS AND SPICES Are extracts from the base of fruits. They add pleasant odor to baked

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