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CIA - The World Factbook



Thi s entr y li sts a c ountr y 's mi ner al, petr oleum, hy dr opower , and other r esour c es of c ommer c i al
i mpor tanc e.


Afghanistan natur al gas, petr oleum, c oal, c opper , c hr omi te, talc , bar i tes,
sulf ur , lead, zi nc , i r on or e, salt, pr ec i ous and semi pr ec i ous

Al bania petr oleum, natur al gas, c oal, bauxi te, c hr omi te, c opper , i r on
or e, ni c kel, salt, ti mber , hy dr opower

Al geria petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, phosphates, ur ani um, lead,

zi nc

Ameri can Samo a pumi c e, pumi c i te

Ando rra hy dr opower , mi ner al water , ti mber , i r on or e, lead

Ango la petr oleum, di amonds, i r on or e, phosphates, c opper , f eldspar ,

gold, bauxite, ur ani um

Anguil la salt, f i sh, lobster

Antarcti ca i r on or e, c hr omi um, c opper , gold, ni c kel, plati num and other
mi ner als, and c oal and hy dr oc ar bons have been f ound i n small
unc ommer c i al quanti ties; none pr esently exploi ted; kr i ll, f i nf ish,
and c r ab have been taken by c ommer c i al f isher i es

Antig ua and Barbuda NEGL; pleasant c li mate f oster s tour i sm

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Arcti c Ocean sand and gr avel aggr egates, plac er deposits, poly metalli c
nodules, oi l and gas f i elds, f i sh, mar i ne mammals ( seals and

Argentina f er ti le plai ns of the pampas, lead, zi nc , ti n, c opper , i r on or e,

manganese, petr oleum, ur ani um

Armenia small deposi ts of gold, c opper , moly bdenum, zi nc , bauxi te

Aruba NEGL; whi te sandy beac hes

Ashmo re and Carti er f i sh


At lantic Ocean oi l and gas f i elds, f i sh, mar i ne mammals ( seals and whales) ,
sand and gr avel aggr egates, plac er deposits, poly metalli c
nodules, pr ec i ous stones

Australia bauxi te, c oal, i r on or e, c opper , ti n, gold, si lver , ur ani um, ni c kel,
tungsten, mi ner al sands, lead, zi nc , di amonds, natur al gas,
petr oleum
not e: Austr ali a i s the wor ld's lar gest net expor ter of c oal
ac c ounti ng f or 29% of global c oal expor ts

Austria oi l, c oal, li gni te, ti mber , ir on or e, c opper , zi nc , anti mony ,

magnesi te, tungsten, gr aphi te, salt, hy dr opower

Azerbai jan petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, nonf er r ous metals, bauxi te

Bahamas, T he salt, ar agoni te, timber , ar able land

Bahrai n oi l, assoc i ated and nonassoc i ated natur al gas, f i sh, pear ls

Banglad esh natur al gas, ar able land, ti mber , c oal

Barbad o s petr oleum, f i sh, natur al gas

Bel arus f or ests, peat deposi ts, small quanti ti es of oi l and natur al gas,
gr ani te, dolomi ti c li mestone, mar l, c halk, sand, gr avel, c lay

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Bel gium c onstr uc ti on mater i als, si li c a sand, c ar bonates

Bel ize ar able land potenti al, ti mber , f ish, hy dr opower

Benin small of f shor e oi l deposi ts, limestone, mar ble, ti mber

Bermuda li mestone, pleasant c li mate f oster i ng tour i sm

Bhutan ti mber , hy dr opower , gy psum, c alc i um c ar bonate

Bo livia ti n, natur al gas, petr oleum, zinc , tungsten, anti mony , si lver ,
i r on, lead, gold, ti mber , hy dr opower

Bo snia and Herzeg o vina c oal, i r on or e, bauxi te, c opper , lead, zi nc , c hr omi te, c obalt,
manganese, ni c kel, c lay , gy psum, salt, sand, f or ests,
hy dr opower

Bo tsw ana di amonds, c opper , ni c kel, salt, soda ash, potash, c oal, ir on or e,
si lver

Bo uvet Island none

Brazil bauxi te, gold, i r on or e, manganese, ni c kel, phosphates,

plati num, ti n, ur ani um, petr oleum, hy dr opower , timber

Brit ish Ind ian Ocean c oc onuts, f i sh, sugar c ane

T erri to ry

Brit ish Virgin Isl ands NEGL

Brunei petr oleum, natur al gas, ti mber

Bulgaria bauxi te, c opper , lead, zi nc , c oal, ti mber , ar able land

Burki na Faso manganese, li mestone, mar ble; small deposi ts of gold,

phosphates, pumi c e, salt

Burma petr oleum, ti mber , ti n, anti mony , zi nc , c opper , tungsten, lead,

c oal, mar ble, li mestone, pr ec i ous stones, natur al gas,
hy dr opower

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Burundi ni c kel, ur ani um, r ar e ear th oxi des, peat, c obalt, c opper ,
plati num, vanadi um, ar able land, hy dr opower , niobi um, tantalum,
gold, ti n, tungsten, kaoli n, li mestone

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Cambo di a oi l and gas, ti mber , gemstones, i r on or e, manganese,

phosphates, hy dr opower potenti al

Camero o n petr oleum, bauxi te, i r on or e, ti mber , hy dr opower

Canada i r on or e, ni c kel, zi nc , c opper , gold, lead, moly bdenum, potash,

di amonds, si lver , f i sh, ti mber , wi ldli f e, c oal, petr oleum, natur al
gas, hy dr opower

Cap e Verde salt, basalt r oc k, li mestone, kaolin, f i sh, c lay , gy psum

Cayman Island s f i sh, c li mate and beac hes that f oster tour ism

Central African Repub lic di amonds, ur ani um, ti mber , gold, oi l, hy dr opower

Chad petr oleum, ur ani um, natr on, kaoli n, f i sh ( Lake Chad) , gold,
li mestone, sand and gr avel, salt

Chi le c opper , ti mber , i r on or e, ni tr ates, pr ec i ous metals, moly bdenum,

hy dr opower

Chi na c oal, i r on or e, petr oleum, natur al gas, mer c ur y , ti n, tungsten,

anti mony , manganese, moly bdenum, vanadi um, magneti te,
alumi num, lead, zi nc , ur ani um, hy dr opower potenti al ( wor ld's
lar gest)

Christ mas Island phosphate, beac hes

Cli pperto n Island f i sh

Co co s (Keeli ng) Island s f i sh

Co l o mbi a petr oleum, natur al gas, c oal, i r on or e, ni c kel, gold, c opper ,

emer alds, hy dr opower

Co mo ro s NEGL

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Co ngo , Demo crat ic c obalt, c opper , ni obi um, tantalum, petr oleum, industr i al and gem
Rep ubli c o f the di amonds, gold, si lver , zi nc , manganese, ti n, ur ani um, c oal,
hy dr opower , ti mber

Co ngo , Republic o f the petr oleum, ti mber , potash, lead, zinc , ur ani um, c opper ,
phosphates, gold, magnesi um, natur al gas, hy dr opower

Co o k Island s NEGL

Co ral Sea Islands NEGL

Co st a Rica hy dr opower

Co t e d ' Ivo ire petr oleum, natur al gas, di amonds, manganese, i r on or e, c obalt,
bauxi te, c opper , gold, ni c kel, tantalum, si lic a sand, c lay , c oc oa
beans, c of f ee, palm oi l, hy dr opower

Cro at ia oi l, some c oal, bauxi te, low- gr ade i r on or e, c alc i um, gy psum,
natur al asphalt, si li c a, mi c a, c lay s, salt, hy dr opower

Cub a c obalt, ni c kel, i r on or e, c hr omi um, c opper , salt, ti mber , si li c a,

petr oleum, ar able land

Cyp rus c opper , py r i tes, asbestos, gy psum, ti mber , salt, mar ble, c lay
ear th pi gment

Czech Republic har d c oal, sof t c oal, kaoli n, c lay , gr aphi te, ti mber

Denmark petr oleum, natur al gas, f i sh, salt, li mestone, c halk, stone, gr avel
and sand

Djibo ut i geother mal ar eas, gold, c lay , gr ani te, li mestone, mar ble, salt,
di atomi te, gy psum, pumi c e, petr oleum

Do minica ti mber , hy dr opower , ar able land

Do minican Repub lic ni c kel, bauxi te, gold, silver

E cuad o r petr oleum, f i sh, ti mber , hy dr opower

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E gypt petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, phosphates, manganese,

li mestone, gy psum, talc , asbestos, lead, zinc

E l Salvad o r hy dr opower , geother mal power , petr oleum, ar able land

E quato rial G uinea petr oleum, natur al gas, ti mber , gold, bauxi te, di amonds,
tantalum, sand and gr avel, c lay

E rit rea gold, potash, zi nc , c opper , salt, possi bly oi l and natur al gas,
f i sh

E st o nia oi l shale, peat, phosphor i te, c lay , li mestone, sand, dolomi te,
ar able land, sea mud

E t hio pia small r eser ves of gold, plati num, c opper , potash, natur al gas,
hy dr opower

E uro p ean U nio n i r on or e, natur al gas, petr oleum, c oal, c opper , lead, zi nc ,
bauxi te, ur ani um, potash, salt, hy dr opower , ar able land, ti mber ,
f i sh

Falkl and Islands (Islas f i sh, squi d, wi ldli f e, c alc i f i ed seaweed, sphagnum moss
Malvi nas)

Faro e Islands f i sh, whales, hy dr opower , possi ble oi l and gas

Fij i ti mber , f i sh, gold, c opper , of f shor e oil potenti al, hy dr opower

Finland ti mber , i r on or e, c opper , lead, zi nc , c hr omi te, ni c kel, gold,

si lver , li mestone

France met r opolit an Fr ance: c oal, i r on or e, bauxi te, zi nc , ur ani um,

anti mony , ar seni c , potash, f eldspar , f luor spar , gy psum, ti mber ,
f i sh
Fr ench Guiana: gold deposi ts, petr oleum, kaoli n, ni obi um,
tantalum, c lay

French Po lynesi a ti mber , f i sh, c obalt, hy dr opower

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French So ut hern and f i sh, c r ay f i sh

Antarcti c Lands not e: Glor i oso I slands and Tr omeli n I sland ( I les Epar ses) have
guano, phosphates, and c oc onuts

G abo n petr oleum, natur al gas, di amond, ni obi um, manganese, ur ani um,
gold, ti mber , i r on or e, hy dr opower

G ambia, T he f i sh, c lay , si li c a sand, ti tani um ( r uti le and ilmeni te) , ti n, zi r c on

G aza St ri p ar able land, natur al gas

G eo rg ia f or ests, hy dr opower , manganese deposi ts, i r on or e, c opper ,

mi nor c oal and oi l deposi ts; c oastal c li mate and soi ls allow f or
i mpor tant tea and c i tr us gr owth

G ermany c oal, li gni te, natur al gas, i r on or e, c opper , ni c kel, ur ani um,
potash, salt, c onstr uc ti on mater ials, ti mber , ar able land

G hana gold, ti mber , i ndustr i al di amonds, bauxi te, manganese, f i sh,

r ubber , hy dr opower , petr oleum, si lver , salt, li mestone

G ibralt ar none

G reece li gni te, petr oleum, i r on or e, bauxi te, lead, zi nc , ni c kel,

magnesi te, mar ble, salt, hy dr opower potenti al

G reenland c oal, i r on or e, lead, zi nc , moly bdenum, di amonds, gold,

plati num, ni obi um, tantali te, ur ani um, f i sh, seals, whales,
hy dr opower , possi ble oi l and gas

G renada ti mber , tr opic al f r ui t, deepwater har bor s

G uam aquati c wi ldli f e ( suppor ti ng tour i sm) , f i shi ng ( lar gely


G uatemala petr oleum, ni c kel, r ar e woods, f i sh, c hi c le, hy dr opower

G uernsey c r opland

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G uinea bauxi te, i r on or e, diamonds, gold, ur ani um, hy dr opower , f i sh,


G uinea-Bi ssau f i sh, ti mber , phosphates, bauxite, c lay , gr ani te, li mestone,
unexploi ted deposi ts of petr oleum

G uyana bauxi te, gold, di amonds, har dwood ti mber , shr i mp, f i sh

Haiti bauxi te, c opper , c alc i um c ar bonate, gold, mar ble, hy dr opower

Heard Isl and and McDo nal d f i sh


Ho ly See (Vat ican Cit y) none

Ho nduras ti mber , gold, si lver , c opper , lead, zi nc , i r on or e, anti mony , c oal,

f i sh, hy dr opower

Ho ng Ko ng outstandi ng deepwater har bor , f eldspar

Hungary bauxi te, c oal, natur al gas, f er tile soi ls, ar able land

Iceland f i sh, hy dr opower , geother mal power , di atomi te

India c oal ( f our th- lar gest r eser ves i n the wor ld) , i r on or e, manganese,
mi c a, bauxi te, ti tani um or e, c hr omi te, natur al gas, di amonds,
petr oleum, li mestone, ar able land

Indian Ocean oi l and gas f i elds, f i sh, shr i mp, sand and gr avel aggr egates,
plac er deposi ts, poly metalli c nodules

Indo nesia petr oleum, ti n, natur al gas, ni c kel, timber , bauxi te, c opper ,
f er ti le soils, c oal, gold, si lver

Iran petr oleum, natur al gas, c oal, c hr omi um, c opper , i r on or e, lead,
manganese, zi nc , sulf ur

Iraq petr oleum, natur al gas, phosphates, sulf ur

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Irel and natur al gas, peat, c opper , lead, zi nc , si lver , bar i te, gy psum,
li mestone, dolomi te

Isle o f Man none

Israel ti mber , potash, c opper or e, natur al gas, phosphate r oc k,

magnesi um br omi de, c lay s, sand

Ital y c oal, mer c ur y , zinc , potash, mar ble, bar i te, asbestos, pumi c e,
f luor spar , f eldspar , py r i te ( sulf ur ) , natur al gas and c r ude oi l
r eser ves, f i sh, ar able land

Jamaica bauxi te, gy psum, li mestone

Jan Mayen none

Japan negli gi ble mi ner al r esour c es, f i sh

not e: wi th vi r tually no ener gy natur al r esour c es, J apan i s the
wor ld's lar gest impor ter of c oal and li quef i ed natur al gas as well
as the sec ond lar gest i mpor ter of oi l

Jersey ar able land

Jo rdan phosphates, potash, shale oi l

Kazakhstan major deposi ts of petr oleum, natur al gas, c oal, i r on or e,

manganese, c hr ome or e, nic kel, c obalt, c opper , moly bdenum,
lead, zi nc , bauxi te, gold, ur ani um

Kenya li mestone, soda ash, salt, gemstones, f luor spar , zi nc , di atomi te,
gy psum, wi ldli f e, hy dr opower

Ki rib ati phosphate ( pr oduc ti on di sc onti nued i n 1979)

Ko rea, No rt h c oal, lead, tungsten, zi nc , gr aphi te, magnesite, i r on or e,

c opper , gold, py r i tes, salt, f luor spar , hy dr opower

Ko rea, So uth c oal, tungsten, gr aphi te, moly bdenum, lead, hy dr opower

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Ko so vo ni c kel, lead, zi nc , magnesi um, li gni te, kaoli n, c hr ome, bauxi te

Kuw ait petr oleum, f i sh, shr i mp, natur al gas

Kyrgyzst an abundant hy dr opower ; signi f i c ant deposi ts of gold and r ar e

ear th metals; loc ally exploi table c oal, oi l, and natur al gas; other
deposi ts of nepheli ne, mer c ur y , bi smuth, lead, and zi nc

Lao s ti mber , hy dr opower , gy psum, ti n, gold, gemstones

Lat via peat, li mestone, dolomi te, amber , hy dr opower , wood, ar able land

Lebano n li mestone, i r on or e, salt, water - sur plus state i n a water - def i c i t

r egi on, ar able land

Leso t ho water , agr i c ultur al and gr azi ng land, di amonds, sand, c lay ,
bui ldi ng stone

Lib eria i r on or e, ti mber , di amonds, gold, hy dr opower

Lib ya petr oleum, natur al gas, gy psum

Liechtenst ein hy dr oelec tr i c potenti al, ar able land

Lit huania peat, ar able land, amber

Luxembo urg i r on or e ( no longer exploi ted) , ar able land

Macau NEGL

Macedo nia low- gr ade i r on or e, c opper , lead, zi nc , c hr omi te, manganese,

ni c kel, tungsten, gold, si lver , asbestos, gy psum, ti mber , ar able

Madag ascar gr aphi te, c hr omi te, c oal, bauxi te, salt, quar tz, tar sands,
semi pr ec i ous stones, mi c a, f ish, hy dr opower

Malaw i li mestone, ar able land, hy dr opower , unexploi ted deposi ts of

ur ani um, c oal, and bauxi te

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Malaysi a ti n, petr oleum, ti mber , c opper , i r on or e, natur al gas, bauxi te

Maldi ves f i sh

Mali gold, phosphates, kaoli n, salt, li mestone, ur ani um, gy psum,

gr ani te, hy dr opower
not e: bauxite, i r on or e, manganese, ti n, and c opper deposi ts
ar e known but not exploi ted

Malt a li mestone, salt, ar able land

Marshall Islands c oc onut pr oduc ts, mar i ne pr oduc ts, deep seabed mi ner als

Maurit ania i r on or e, gy psum, c opper , phosphate, di amonds, gold, oi l, f i sh

Maurit ius ar able land, f i sh

Mayo t te NEGL

Mexico petr oleum, silver , c opper , gold, lead, zi nc , natur al gas, ti mber

Micro nesia, Federat ed f or ests, mar i ne pr oduc ts, deep- seabed mi ner als, phosphate
St ates o f

Mo ld o va li gni te, phosphor i tes, gy psum, ar able land, li mestone

Mo naco none

Mo ng o lia oi l, c oal, c opper , moly bdenum, tungsten, phosphates, ti n, ni c kel,

zi nc , f luor spar , gold, si lver , i r on

Mo nt eneg ro bauxi te, hy dr oelec tr ic i ty

Mo nt serrat NEGL

Mo ro cco phosphates, i r on or e, manganese, lead, zi nc , f i sh, salt

Mo zamb ique c oal, ti tani um, natur al gas, hy dr opower , tantalum, gr aphi te

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Namibi a di amonds, c opper , ur ani um, gold, si lver , lead, tin, li thi um,
c admi um, tungsten, zinc , salt, hy dr opower , f i sh
not e: suspec ted deposi ts of oi l, c oal, and i r on or e

Nauru phosphates, f i sh

Navassa Island guano

Nepal quar tz, water , ti mber , hy dr opower , sc eni c beauty , small deposi ts
of li gni te, c opper , c obalt, ir on or e

Netherlands natur al gas, petr oleum, peat, li mestone, salt, sand and gr avel,
ar able land

Netherlands Anti lles phosphates ( Cur ac ao only ) , salt ( Bonai r e only )

New Cal edo ni a ni c kel, c hr ome, i r on, c obalt, manganese, si lver , gold, lead,
c opper

New Zeal and natur al gas, i r on or e, sand, c oal, ti mber , hy dr opower , gold,
li mestone

Nicarag ua gold, si lver , c opper , tungsten, lead, zi nc , ti mber , f i sh

Niger ur ani um, c oal, i r on or e, ti n, phosphates, gold, moly bdenum,

gy psum, salt, petr oleum

Nigeria natur al gas, petr oleum, ti n, i r on or e, c oal, limestone, ni obi um,

lead, zi nc , ar able land

Niue f i sh, ar able land

No rfo lk Isl and f i sh

No rt hern Mariana Islands ar able land, f i sh

No rw ay petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, c opper , lead, zi nc , ti tani um,

py r i tes, nic kel, f ish, ti mber , hy dr opower

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Oman petr oleum, c opper , asbestos, some mar ble, li mestone,

c hr omi um, gy psum, natur al gas

Pacific Ocean oi l and gas f i elds, poly metalli c nodules, sand and gr avel
aggr egates, plac er deposits, f i sh

Paki stan land, extensi ve natur al gas r eser ves, li mi ted petr oleum, poor
quali ty c oal, ir on or e, c opper , salt, li mestone

Pal au f or ests, mi ner als ( espec i ally gold) , mar i ne pr oduc ts,
deep- seabed mi ner als

Panama c opper , mahogany f or ests, shr i mp, hy dr opower

Pap ua New G uinea gold, c opper , si lver , natur al gas, ti mber , oi l, f i sher i es

Paracel Islands none

Paraguay hy dr opower , ti mber , i r on or e, manganese, li mestone

Peru c opper , si lver , gold, petr oleum, ti mber , f i sh, i r on or e, c oal,

phosphate, potash, hy dr opower , natur al gas

Phi lipp ines ti mber , petr oleum, ni c kel, c obalt, si lver , gold, salt, c opper

Pit cairn Islands mi r o tr ees ( used f or handi c r af ts) , f ish

not e: manganese, i r on, c opper , gold, si lver , and zi nc have been
di sc over ed of f shor e

Po l and c oal, sulf ur , c opper , natur al gas, si lver , lead, salt, amber , ar able

Po rt ugal f i sh, f or ests ( c or k) , i r on or e, c opper , zi nc , ti n, tungsten, si lver ,

gold, ur ani um, mar ble, c lay , gy psum, salt, ar able land,
hy dr opower

Puert o Rico some c opper and ni c kel; potenti al f or onshor e and of f shor e oi l

Qatar petr oleum, natur al gas, f i sh

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Ro mania petr oleum ( r eser ves dec lini ng) , ti mber , natur al gas, c oal, i r on
or e, salt, ar able land, hy dr opower

Russi a wi de natur al r esour c e base i nc ludi ng major deposi ts of oi l,

natur al gas, c oal, and many str ategi c mi ner als, ti mber
not e: f or mi dable obstac les of c li mate, ter r ai n, and di stanc e
hi nder exploi tati on of natur al r esour c es

Rw anda gold, c assiter i te ( ti n or e) , wolf r ami te ( tungsten or e) , methane,

hy dr opower , ar able land

Sai nt Barthelemy has f ew natur al r esour c es, i ts beac hes bei ng the most i mpor tant

Sai nt Hel ena, Ascensio n, f i sh, lobster

and T ristan da Cunha

Sai nt Kit ts and Nevis ar able land

Sai nt Lucia f or ests, sandy beac hes, mi ner als ( pumi c e) , mi ner al spr i ngs,
geother mal potenti al

Sai nt Mart in salt

Sai nt Pierre and Mi quel o n f i sh, deepwater por ts

Sai nt Vincent and t he

hy dr opower , c r opland
G renadines

Samo a har dwood f or ests, f i sh, hy dr opower

San Mari no bui ldi ng stone

Sao T o me and Principe f i sh, hy dr opower

Saudi Arab ia petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, gold, c opper

Senegal f i sh, phosphates, i r on or e

Serbia oi l, gas, c oal, i r on or e, c opper , zi nc , anti mony , c hr omi te, gold,

si lver , magnesium, py r ite, li mestone, mar ble, salt, ar able land

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Seychelles f i sh, c opr a, c i nnamon tr ees

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Sierra Leo ne di amonds, ti tani um or e, bauxite, i r on or e, gold, c hr omi te

Singapo re f i sh, deepwater por ts

Slo vakia br own c oal and ligni te; small amounts of i r on or e, c opper and
manganese or e; salt; ar able land

Slo venia li gni te c oal, lead, zi nc , buildi ng stone, hy dr opower , f or ests

So l o mo n Islands f i sh, f or ests, gold, bauxi te, phosphates, lead, zi nc , ni c kel

So malia ur ani um and lar gely unexploi ted r eser ves of i r on or e, ti n,

gy psum, bauxite, c opper , salt, natur al gas, li kely oi l r eser ves

So uth Africa gold, c hr omi um, anti mony , c oal, i r on or e, manganese, ni c kel,
phosphates, ti n, ur ani um, gem di amonds, plati num, c opper ,
vanadi um, salt, natur al gas

So uth Geo rg ia and So uth f i sh

Sandw ich Islands

So uthern Ocean pr obable lar ge and possi ble gi ant oi l and gas f i elds on the
c onti nental mar gi n; manganese nodules, possi ble plac er
deposi ts, sand and gr avel, f r esh water as i c eber gs; squi d,
whales, and seals - none exploi ted; kr ill, f i sh

Spain c oal, li gni te, i r on or e, c opper , lead, zi nc , ur ani um, tungsten,

mer c ur y , py r ites, magnesi te, f luor spar , gy psum, sepi oli te,
kaolin, potash, hy dr opower , ar able land

Sprat ly Islands f i sh, guano, undeter mi ned oi l and natur al gas potential

Sri Lanka li mestone, gr aphi te, mi ner al sands, gems, phosphates, c lay ,
hy dr opower

Sud an petr oleum; small r eser ves of i r on or e, c opper , c hr omi um or e,

zi nc , tungsten, mi c a, si lver , gold, hy dr opower

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CIA - The World Factbook

Suriname ti mber , hy dr opower , f i sh, kaoli n, shr i mp, bauxite, gold, and
small amounts of ni c kel, c opper , plati num, i r on or e

Sval bard c oal, i r on or e, c opper , zi nc , phosphate, wi ldli f e, f i sh

Sw azi land asbestos, c oal, c lay , c assiter i te, hy dr opower , f or ests, small gold
and di amond deposi ts, quar r y stone, and talc

Sw ed en i r on or e, c opper , lead, zi nc , gold, si lver , tungsten, ur ani um,

ar seni c , f eldspar , ti mber , hy dr opower

Sw i tzerland hy dr opower potenti al, ti mber , salt

Syria petr oleum, phosphates, c hr ome and manganese or es, asphalt,

i r on or e, r oc k salt, mar ble, gy psum, hy dr opower

T ai w an small deposi ts of c oal, natur al gas, li mestone, mar ble, and


T aj ikist an hy dr opower , some petr oleum, ur ani um, mer c ur y , br own c oal,
lead, zi nc , anti mony , tungsten, si lver , gold

T anzania hy dr opower , ti n, phosphates, i r on or e, c oal, diamonds,

gemstones, gold, natur al gas, ni c kel

T hailand ti n, r ubber , natur al gas, tungsten, tantalum, ti mber , lead, f i sh,

gy psum, li gni te, f luor i te, ar able land

T imo r-Lest e gold, petr oleum, natur al gas, manganese, mar ble

Togo phosphates, li mestone, mar ble, ar able land

T o kelau NEGL

T o nga f i sh, f er ti le soi l

T rini dad and T o bago petr oleum, natur al gas, asphalt

T unisia petr oleum, phosphates, i r on or e, lead, zi nc , salt

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CIA - The World Factbook

T urkey c oal, i r on or e, c opper , c hr omi um, anti mony , mer c ur y , gold,

bar i te, bor ate, c elesti te ( str onti um) , emer y , f eldspar , li mestone,
magnesi te, mar ble, per li te, pumi c e, py r i tes ( sulf ur ) , c lay , ar able
land, hy dr opower

T urkmenistan petr oleum, natur al gas, sulf ur , salt

T urks and Cai co s Island s spi ny lobster , c onc h

T uvalu f i sh

U ganda c opper , c obalt, hy dr opower , li mestone, salt, ar able land, gold

U krai ne i r on or e, c oal, manganese, natur al gas, oi l, salt, sulf ur ,

gr aphi te, ti tani um, magnesi um, kaoli n, ni c kel, mer c ur y , ti mber ,
ar able land

U nit ed Arab E mi rat es petr oleum, natur al gas

U nit ed Kingd o m c oal, petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, lead, zi nc , gold, ti n,

li mestone, salt, c lay , c halk, gy psum, potash, si li c a sand, slate,
ar able land

U nit ed St at es c oal, c opper , lead, moly bdenum, phosphates, ur ani um, bauxi te,
gold, i r on, mer c ur y , nic kel, potash, si lver , tungsten, zi nc ,
petr oleum, natur al gas, ti mber
not e: the US has the wor ld's lar gest c oal r eser ves wi th 491
bi lli on shor t tons ac c ounti ng f or 27% of the wor ld's total

U nit ed St at es Pacific ter r estr i al and aquati c wi ldli f e

Island Wil dlife Refug es

U rug uay ar able land, hy dr opower , mi nor miner als, f isher i es

U zb ekist an natur al gas, petr oleum, c oal, gold, ur ani um, si lver , c opper , lead
and zi nc , tungsten, moly bdenum

Vanuat u manganese, har dwood f or ests, f i sh

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CIA - The World Factbook

Venezuela petr oleum, natur al gas, i r on or e, gold, bauxi te, other mi ner als,
hy dr opower , di amonds

Vi etnam phosphates, c oal, manganese, bauxi te, c hr omate, of f shor e oil

and gas deposi ts, f or ests, hy dr opower

Vi rgi n Island s sun, sand, sea, sur f

Wake Island none

Wal lis and Futuna NEGL

West Bank ar able land

West ern Sahara phosphates, i r on or e

Wo rld the r api d depleti on of nonr enewable mi ner al r esour c es, the
depleti on of f or est ar eas and wetlands, the exti nc ti on of ani mal
and plant spec i es, and the deter ior ati on i n ai r and water quality
( espec ially in some c ountr i es of Easter n Eur ope, the f or mer
USSR, and China) pose ser i ous long- ter m pr oblems that
gover nments and peoples ar e only beginni ng to addr ess

Y emen petr oleum, f i sh, r oc k salt, mar ble; small deposi ts of c oal, gold,
lead, ni c kel, and c opper ; f er ti le soi l i n west

Zambia c opper , c obalt, zi nc , lead, c oal, emer alds, gold, si lver , ur ani um,
hy dr opower

Zimbabw e c oal, c hr omi um or e, asbestos, gold, ni c kel, c opper , i r on or e,

vanadi um, li thi um, ti n, plati num gr oup metals

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