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A. READING (4*1=4p)


It's time to get ready for the New Santa School Year! The Santa Claus School is
more than 70 years old. It opens for 6 days every year; October 13, 14 and 15 and
November 3, 4, and 5. Lessons take place at the Santa House in downtown
Midland, Michigan.
At the Santa School, students meet Mr Santas and Mrs Santas from around the
world. Everyone listens to Santa stories. We come together to share our love of
Christmas and the magical spirit of Santa Claus. The School is full of love, laughter,
and learning. That's why it is the oldest and most famous school of its kind.
Come to our school and experience what Christmas dreams are made of!
adapted from

Read the text and answer the following questions. (*1)

1. How many days does the Santa School work?
2. What can children do at Santa School?
3. a. Do children have a good time at Santa School? b. How can you tell?
4. Answer True or False.(*0,5)
a. Students come from different places of the world. __
b. Santa School is a new school. __

B. USE OF ENGLISH (16*0,5=8p.)

Complete the gaps with the right word. The first letter is given to you.
1. We have an English l………………….. twice a week.
2. We sometimes t………………. tests.
3. I go to school on f………………… .
4. I want to get high m…………….. at the end of the term.
5. I can’t find the s…………………. to this maths problem. It’s very difficult.
6. In G……………. we learn about the planet earth.
7. I'd like to make a chocolate cake. Do you know a good r………………?
8. My dad is a(n) a…………….. He writes books for children.
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the Present Simple or Continuous.
1. _________ (you be) ready?
2. Listen! She__________(practise) the piano.
3. We _________(work) this week.
4._________ (she drink) coffee every morning?
5. They _________ (not/usually/ buy) new products.
6. Lisa _______always (try) to help her sister.
7. ________________ (she/send) you an e-mail every day?
8. A: Julie has been offered a new job.
B: Is she going to take it?
A: She _____________ (not / know).

C. WRITING (4p.)

Exam question

Write an article for your school magazine with the title: My ideal school .
(50-80 words)
ΟΝΟΜΑΤΕΠΩΝΥΜΟ: ………………………………………………..

D. LISTENING (4*1=4p)

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