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Rainbow Makers Ice-cream Shop - OPEN FOR BUSINESS This term we have been busy planning and constructing items for the Rainbow Makers Ice-cream Shop that will be open at lunch times. The idea stems from my observations of the children's interests last term. On multiple occasions, children would set up their ‘own ice-cream shop in the sandpit and would attract large amount of customers. The project began by discussing the idea at a meeting and hearing children’s thoughts of how we could create our very own ice-cream shop and what it should be named. We discussed the materials that we could use as the ice-cream, keeping in mind that we did not want to create any litter or waste in our playground, and decided on natural ingredients including sand, mud, water and grass. Following this, Max began constructing an ice-cream truck with some children while others were busy creating signs, menu's and money to use in the shop. | collected some resources that children hhad suggested; ice-cream scoops, cups, cones, cone holders and squirty bottles for sauce/toppings. Friday was our opening day and everyone was very excited about starting our shop. Asher decided that on our opening day, all of the ice-creams should be free! The shop and truck attracted a lot of customers and teachers and children all appeared to love our ice-cream! | am looking forward to seeing where this project can take us and enjoying many more ice-creams at lunch time. “Jasmine EYLF (Early Years) ‘Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity [Hl 13 Chicren develop knowledgeable and confident self identities ‘Outcome 2 : Children are connected to and contribute to thelr world Il 2:1 Chidren develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an Understanding ofthe reciprocal rights and responsibliies necessary for active ‘community participation 23 Children become aware of feiness ‘outcome CCilcren have a strong sense of wellbeing {3:1 ctildren become strong in thelr social and emetional wellbeing ‘Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved leamers [Hl 4: children develop cispositions for learning such as cuties, cooperation, ‘confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, Imagination and reflexivity WW 43 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators {8 5.1.Children interact verbally anc non-verbally with others for a range of purposes

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