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1 Charles bed last night go late to

last night, Charles Went to the bed

las nai, charls went tu de bed

2. mike see on tina movie and Wednesday a

Mike and Tina Saw a movie on Wednesday

Maik en Tina sou ai muvi on wendsdey

3. buy pair I a mall jeans week at of the last

I Bought a pair of jeans at the last week

Ai bat a peorof jens eth the las week

4. Lie tan in out sun we and get the a


5. beach mott along walk the family the

The family Walked along the beach mott

De femily watf alon de bich Mott

6. dinner you a wonderful cook

You cooked a wonderful dinner

Iu coot ou wonnnderful dinner

7. hotel stay an they expensive in

They Stayed an expansive hotel

Dei steid espensiv jotel

8. field soccer in children the play the

The children played in the field soccer

De children pleid in de field soquer

9. very it last be night cold

It was very cold last night

10. train misses the tito

Tito missed the train

Tirro misded de trein

EXAMPLE: work -------- worked

1. end.............ended

2. need............needed

3. add.............added

4. crowd...........Crowded

5. cry.............cried

6. play............played

7. save............saved

8. die.............died

9. hug.............hugged


Hi Mum,
John and I had a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got up early and go for a long
walk in the country. When we returned we usually had a very big Irish breakfast which normally
consisted of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually ordered a cup of coffee
after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes went swimming in the river. We often met children who like to
swim there. They were very nice. At night we nearly always drank a few pints of Guinness in
the pub�s bar before we were bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.

El Sábado pasado me levante un poco tarde, a las 10: am Sali al Gym donde estuve hasta las 12:30
pm, regrese a Casa, y durante la tarde estuve realizando algunos trabajos de la Universidad, en
horas de la Noche, estuvimos junto a unos amigos tomando unas cervezas en un centro comercial
de la ciudad, siendo las 11:30 pm regresé a casa para descansar.

El día domingo como usualmente lo hago cada fin de semana Salí en la mañana a Montar bicicleta
durante dos horas aproximadamente durante las cuales salgo de la ciudad hasta un pueblo
cercano a más o menos 20 km, donde el terreno es montañoso, luego regresé a casa donde
estuve viendo películas el resto de la tarde y ya en la noche realice algo de trabajo de la oficina,
siendo las 11:00 pm me acosté a dormir.

Last Saturday I got up a little late, at 10: am I went to the Gym where I stayed until 12:30 pm, I
came back home, and during the afternoon I was doing some work of the University, at night, we
were having some beer with my friends in a shopping center in the city, at 11:30 pm I returned
home to rest.

Sunday as I usually do every weekend I went out in the morning to ride a bicycle for about two
hours, I leave the city to a town about 20 KM away, where the terrain is mountainous, then I
returned home where I was watching movies the rest of the afternoon and in the evening I did
some office work, at 11:00 pm I went to bed.
Actividad 1.3

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Children We People Schools City Officials They You

Problem 1: What should children do when there is a thunderstorm?

Solution: When there is a thunderstorm, it is important that children not go


Problem 2: What should people do when it is sunny?

When it is sunny, it is important that people do not forget sunglasses

Problem 3: What should you do when it is windy?

When it is windy, it is advisable that you do not use an umbrella.

Problem 4: What should city officials do when a hurricane is coming?

When a hurricane arrives, it is a good idea that city officials not to drive on the road

Problem 5: What should we do when there is a blizzard?

When there is a blizzard, it is advisable that we do not walking on the street

Problem 6: What should schools do when it is extremely warm?

When it is extremely warm, it is advisable that schools do not forget to inform their students
who are constantly hydrating

Problem 7: What should they do when it is cold?

when it is cold, it is advisable that they do not forget cold clothes

Imagine que debe describir un tipo de clima a alguien que nunca lo haya experimentado antes, por
ejemplo, una tormenta de nieve o el sonido de un huracán o viento fuerte. Comience con frases
como las siguientes: Parece. . . Suena como . . . Te hace pensar en. . . Te hace sentir.

Escriba un párrafo tratando de "pintar una imagen" con palabras, para que la persona que lea su
descripción pueda visualizar el tipo de clima que está describiendo. Usa los adjetivos que
aprendiste en la sección de vocabulario de esta semana. Como conclusión, incluya un par de
recomendaciones sobre qué debe hacer la gente en este tipo de clima (recuerde usar el

A continuación te describiré el clima de un lugar muy hermoso en Colombia, ese Lugar es el

Desierto de la Tatacoa, es seco, caluroso y soleado, al medio día la temperatura promedio es de
43 c°, en la noche es un poco ventoso , durante el dia en el lugar se siente como la tierra cruje o
se parte por debajo de lo caluroso, tu cuerpo siente que te ahogas por falta de agua, este lugar te
hace pensar en el desierto del Sahara solo ves tierra de color rojo y gris sin vegetación, es tan
caluroso que sientes que el agua no es suficiente para hidratar tu cuerpo sientes desesperación
por el intenso calor.
Si Visitas este lugar es recomendable llevar mucha agua, no olvides llevar gafas de sol, gorra, es
aconsejable que utilices bloqueador solar y en la noche no olvides Repelente para insectos, es
buena idea para caminar en el desierto utilizar botas ya que hay serpientes.

Now I will describe the climate of a very beautiful place in Colombia, that place is the The
Tatacoa´s desert , it is a dry, warm and sunny , at midday the average temperature is 43 ° C, at
night it is a bit Breezy, during the day in the place it feels like the earth creaks or breaks
underneath because of the warm, your body feels that you drown because of lack of water, this
place makes you think of the Sahara desert you only see red and gray land without vegetation, It is
so Warm that you feel that the water is not enough to hydrate your body you feel despair
because of the intense heat.

If you visit this place it is advisable to bring plenty of water, do not forget to wear sunglasses, hat,
it is advisable to use sunscreen and at night do not forget insect repellent, it is a good idea to walk
in the desert to use boots as there are snakes.

b. Describe the weather in the place you visited and use the following vocabulary:

warm Snowy Cloudy Sunny Breezy Icy Freezing Muddy Cool

Calima El Darién, es hogar del lago artificial más grande de Colombia, el cual posee los vientos más rápidos
de Latinoamérica y los terceros en el mundo; sólo si lo visitas, podrás sentir como te cobijan las refrescantes
corrientes de aire provenientes del pacífico, este lugar la mayor parte del tiempo es cálido y sobre el medio día
y en la tarde es muy caluroso, ya en horas de la noche es poco ventoso, lo que lo hace un lugar especial para
la práctica de deportes náuticos, en los meses de Julio y agosto este lugar es muy ventoso, las corrientes de
aires soplan muy fuertes por lo que lo hace ideal para acoger los campeonatos nacionales e internacionales
de windsurf, vela y regatas que allí se celebran.

Calima El Darien it the largest artificial lake of Colombia. which has the fastest winds in Latin America and the
third largest in the world, only if you visit it, you will be able to feel how the refreshing air currents from the
Pacific shelter you, this place most of the time is warm and about noon and in the afternoon it is very Sunny,
and at night it is very Breezy, what makes it a special place is the water sports that the people practice over
there., in the months of July and August this place is very Breezy, the air blows strongly so it make it to host
ideal to host the national and international windsurfing championships, sailing and regattas held there.

c. What do you recommend to do in your city? (See the Subjunctive in unit 1.3)
Example: It is recommended that people wear an umbrella in Bogotá.

Yo vivo en la ciudad de Palmira – Valle del cauca, es una ciudad que en promedio su temperatura es de 33 c°,
es muy calurosa, el día es muy soleado y solo en la noche se presentan Corrientes de aire muy poco ventoso,
si visitas esta ciudad es Bueno que tengas en cuenta estas recomendaciones:
1- Es recomendable que la gente utilice bloqueador solar para salir a la calle
2- Es aconsejable tener a la mano agua para hidratarse
3- Es muy importante utilizar ropa cómoda y fresca
4- Es recomendable utilizar gafas de sol
5- Es aconsejable utilizar gorra o sombrero para el sol

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