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anons of Professional Conduct

Conduct with Regard to other Advocates

1. To uphold the dignity of the profession.

2. Advertisement is prohibited except professional cards, name plates etc.

3. Shall not employ another for soliciting for him

4. Shall not communicate with a party represented by an Advocate in a controversial matter

in the absence and without the consent of such advocate.

5. Shall not communicate with or argue with a judge when the opposing advocate is absent.

6. Should decline association as a colleague unless the dues of the Advocates first retained
are paid.

7. All personal clashes between advocates should be avoided.

8. The fees should not be divided for legal services.

9. To maintain the order of precedence.

10. Should be respectful to the senior members and the latter should be courteous and helpful to

11. The senior advocate shall lead the case and the junior should assist him.

Conduct with regard to Clients

1. Should not have any interest in a property involved in the case.

2. Should not take any case adverse to a client or former client, where a confidential matter is

3. Shall not accept employment adverse to a client.

4. Shall not represent conflicting interest.

5. Shall not purchase any property in which he appears for a party.

6. Shall not commingle the property of a client with his own.

7. Shall not advise the commencement of prosecution or defense of case.

8. Shall not advise to violate any law.

9. To undertake the defense of a person accused in crime as to the guilt of the accused
regardless of his personal opinion.

10. Shall fix reasonable fees.

11. Controversies with clients concerning compensation are to be avoided.

12. To do whatever may enable him to succeed in winning his client's cause.

13. If the advocate becomes the witness for his client, he should leave the trial of the case to other

14. No Advocate shall force the opposing Advocate to trial knowing that latter has problem in
that day and no harm will result from a trial at a different day.

Duty to the Court

1. To maintain towards the court a respectful attitude.

2. Shall not advise a person, whose testimony could establish a fact, to avoid it or conceal or
make the testimony unavailable.

3. Shall not misquote the testimony of a witness or any book, statute or decision.

4. Marked attention and unusual hospitality to a judge or judicial officer should be


5. The suppression of facts or concealing of witnesses capable of establishing the innocence

of the accused is highly reprehensible (highly unacceptable).

6. Should not make Publication in newspapers about a case pending which may interfere a
free trial.

7. To endeavor to prevent political considerations from outweighing judicial fitness in the

appointment of judges.

8. To appear in court when a matter is called.

9. Should not express his legal opinion voluntarily in cases he is not engaged.
Conduct with Regard to the Public Generally

1. Shall not conduct any case to harass someone.

2. Should always treat adverse witnesses and parties with fairness and due consideration.

3. If the Advocate is convinced that the case is filed to harass the adverse party, he should
not conduct the case.

4. The Advocate has the right to decline professional employment and to decide what
business he will accept.

5. Shall not render any service or advice involving disloyalty to the law.

6. Shall not communicate with nor appear before a public officer, board or committee
without first disclosing that he is an Advocate representing interests that may be affected
by the action of such officer, board or committee.

7. Should not accept any employment in any matter of which he has previously acted in a
judicial capacity.

8. Shall not perform any other job or business.

nternational Code of Ethics, 1956

adopted by

International Bar Association

The International Bar Association is a federation of National Bar Association and Law
Societies with full organizational members and individual members. In some jurisdictions
these codes are imposed on all practitioners by their respective Bar Associations or Law
Societies or by the Courts. This code applies to any lawyer of one jurisdiction in relation to
his contacts with a lawyer of another jurisdiction or to his activities in another jurisdiction.


i) Lawyers shall all times maintain the honour and dignity of their profession.

ii) Shall preserve independence in the discharge of their professional duty

iii) Shall treat their professional colleagues with utmost courtesy and fairness.

iv) Lawyers shall always maintain due respect towards the court.
v) A lawyer should not advertise or solicit business.

vi) Shall at all times give clients a candid (honest) opinion on any case.

vii) Should not acquire a financial interest in the subject matter of a case.

viii) Should never represent conflicting interests in litigation.

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