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Heroes Unlimited Character Class

Inter-dimensional Beings
an Appendix for HU

Original Concept Developed By Parker Otwell Roe!

Inter-dimensional Beings (not to be Skill Modification: This process stays
confused with “D-Bees” from Rifts™) are the same for the Inter-dimensional Being. All
travelers from other parts of the Multiverse bonuses apply.!
who have come to our dimension either for a !
specific reason or by accident. Normally Step 3: Appearance and
possessed of impressive powers, abilities,
Physiological Modifications!
and gadgets, these beings are usually alien,
however, some are homo sapiens from !
alternate realities. Unless here by accident, Inter-dimensional Beings might be
these beings have the ability to return to their humans, humanoids, or completely unfamiliar
home dimension at any time.!
! !
Inter-dimensional Beings are very often 01-20 Human !
21-30 Alien!
adventurers seeking fame, fortune, fighting,
or just simply some fun in another part of the !
Multiverse than their own dimension. They If you roll human, then the Inter-
can be any class to include the Cosmic dimensional Being is a homo sapiens from an
Beings class (see Cosmic Beings Appendix).! alternate timeline/Universe. If you roll Alien,
! use the Alien Appearance section of HU2,
page 91.!
Step 1:
The Usual! !
For Physiological Modifications due to
Attributes: Determine the eight attributes Unearthly/Extra-Dimensional Environments,
as usual. Many of these will change to one use the section on page 93 of HU2. !
degree or another during the character
creation process. !
! Step 4: Background
Hit Points: Determine the character’s Hit Information!
Points and S.D.C. towards the last because
they will be altered by skill selection and
Reason for Being in Our Dimension!
! !
Why is this Inter-dimensional Being
Step 2: Education and Skill here? A mission of peace? Of infiltration?
Modification! Of conquest? Are they a refugee or lost?!
! !
Education: Given the nature of the Inter- 01-19 Inter-dimensional Fortune
dimensional Being, education should be at Hunter. Being has come to our dimension
least at the Bachelor’s if not Master’s/ seeking riches, powers, and/or Universal
Doctorate/Ph.D level. Your choice, G.M. secrets.!
allowing. ! 20-39 Accidental Arrival in Our
Dimension. The character has arrived in our
Heroes Unlimited is a Registered Trademark owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda & Palladium Books, Inc.
Copyright © 1990, 2005, and 2018 Palladium Books, Inc. & Kevin Siembieda. 1
dimension completely by mistake. They don’t Universes/realities that have a lasting and
know how they got here or how to get home. negative effect on the Inter-dimensional
Most likely a refugee escaping some sort of Being’s psyche.!
nastiness back in their home dimension.! !
40-60 Inter-dimensional Herald of 01-95 None.!
Peace. The being has come to our Universe 95-00 Insanity. (Use Insanity rules,
on a mission of peace from an advanced HU2-28)!
culture.! !
61-80 Mission of Subversion/ Step 5: Determining Super
Infiltration. The character has arrived in our
dimension as part of a primary mission of and Special Abilities!
research, study, subversion, and infiltration. !
Ultimately, all intelligence gained will be used All Inter-dimensional Beings
for a large-scale invasion. ! possess the following powers/
81-00 All-Out Conquest. The being is
the first line in a large invasion force to come
very soon behind.!
! • Lightning Reflexes (PU-34) without
limitations or Multi-Tasking (PU-36) -
Familiarity with Our Dimension!
! choice of one - The laws of physics are
slightly different in our dimension giving the
01-30 No familiarity with Earth’s Inter-dimensional Being a touch of an
culture, science, or laws or those of our advantage here. (The second choice can
Universe or dimension. However, the being always be a Minor Ability if desired.)!
can understand, speak, and write one Earth • One extra 1D6 roll on two attributes of
language at 70% skill proficiency. The G.M. choice.!
may also allow a “universal language • I.Q. base of 20.!
translator” at 80% proficiency in order to • Add 40 to S.D.C.!
understand and speak other languages.! • Double the base H.P. total.!
31-60 Some familiarity with Earth, its • One trans-dimensional protection suit.!
major nations, cultures, customs, and • One dimension-traveling gadget, vehicle, or
laws as well as the laws of science of our magic object (trans-dimensional travel is
dimension. Can speak, read, and write this object’s only power).!
three Earth languages at 80% skill ! 01-40 Gadget (fits into hand or is part !
proficiency. May have a translator as well.! of trans-dimensional protection suit)!
61-00 Has studied Earth and Earth’s ! 41-80 Magic Object (some sort of
dimension extensively and is as trinket, amulet, or talisman)!
knowledgeable about the planet, its ! 81-00 Vehicle (this will be a small,
people, customs, laws, cultures, sciences, single-person craft of some sort like a pod)!
and our Universe as any educated
Earthling. The being can speak, read, and
Random Power Category Table!
write six different Earth languages mostly
fluently at a 90% skill proficiency. Might have
01-10 Robotics: Design as usual, but
a translator.!
! maximum S.D.C.s are increased by 10%.
Special Inter-dimensional Weapons can be
Possible Insanity!
! integrated into Robot design.!
11-20 Psionics: Design as usual, but add
Depending on the nature of the trip to our +20 to I.S.P. Also, automatically add “Detect
dimension, there may have been Inter-dimensional Traveler” to Psionic
complicating circumstance between abilities. This will allow the character to

sense the presence of another Inter- Step 6: Equipment!
dimensional being up to one mile away. They
will be able to tell species, gender, intention,
Earth Clothes/Disguises!
and whether or not the target is armed. Cost:
5 I.S.P.! !
21-30 Bionics: Design as usual, but 01-30 Several sets of stylish, vintage
maximum P.S. is 60, P.P. is 30, and Spd. is clothes.!
200. Use $11M budget.! 31-50 Several sets of clothing of varying
31-40 Inter-dimensional Mutant: Design fashion, from jeans to dress clothes.!
as usual, including rolls on the Unusual 51-80 Several sets of casual clothes,
Characteristics Table in the Mutant section nothing fancy.!
81-00 None.!
(HU2-159) and random determination of
Super Abilities (HU2-227/PU3-106). Add one !
extra Minor Ability.! Special Inter-dimensional Being
41-50 Inter-dimensional Wizard: Design Weapons!
magic-user as usual. Add two extra spells
overall and add 50 extra P.P.E.!
01-20 Plasma Shotgun: Range: 950
51-60 Possesses Super Abilities: feet, damage 6D6 + 5 per shot, 30 shot
Select two Major Abilities and one Minor or 5 plasma magazine.!
Minor Abilities or one Major Ability and three 21-40 Ion Throwing Stars: Range: 600
Minor ones. Or you can roll on the Random feet, damage 4D6 per star, +4 Strike, Ion Star
Abilities Tables (HU2-226/PU2-7). The being Generator yields 50 stars per charge.!
comes from a dimension where almost 40-60 Disrupter Beam: Range: 1300
everyone of his or her species has abilities of feet, damage 6D6 per blast, Energy Core
some sort, however, these are all amplified in lasts for 200 blasts. Disrupts molecular
our dimension. ! bonds.!
61-70 Symbiotic Being: Design as 61-80 High Voltage Electro-Blade:
usual. Comes from a dimension where every Range: Melee, damage 5D6 per strike, +3
one of his or her species has a symbiote.! Parry, electromagnetic dynamo power unit.!
71-78 Gestalt: Design as usual. Use the 81-00 Ultra-Concussion Pistol: Range:
following for Gestalt nature:! 350 feet, damage 4D6 (1D20 chance of
! 01-10 Animal! unconsciousness), knock back up to 20 feet,
! 11-50 Human Physical! 40 Round Clip. !

! 51-90 Human Psychic!
91-00 Plant !
Special Inter-dimensional Being
79-85 Eugenics: Design as usual. Use
$11M budget.!
86-95 Super-Invention: Design as usual.
01-40 Anti-Gravity Bike: 2 person.
Being comes from a dimension of super-
Maximum Speed: 300mph. S.D.C. 450.
smart individuals. If I.Q. is below 22, change
Range: 2000 miles. Inter-dimensional Being
it to 22 and add 1D6. If already at 22, add
must have Pilot: Motorcycle and Pilot: Jet to
fly this craft.!
96-00 Cosmic Being: Design as usual.
Character is an insanely powerful Inter-
dimensional traveler who has discovered our
dimension and Universe either by accident or
41-80 Transport Field Generator: 1 !
person. Maximum Speed: 450mph. S.D.C. !
75. Range: 2000 miles. This device creates !
a force field around the user that allows for !
the ability of Flight: Wingless (use stats for !
this ability plus max speed of 450mph, !
HU2-233). The field adheres to the !
character’s body and appears as an !
iridescent sheen. The field provides no !
additional A.R. or S.D.C. protection. ! !
81-00 Cross-dimensional Teleporter: 4 !
person. Maximum Speed: Instant. S.D.C. !
80. Range: 5000 miles. This teleporter can !
take 1-4 people up to 5000 miles away. It !
operates by moving the travelers briefly !
through several sets of other dimensions to !
find the shortest space-time route to the !
intended location. ! !
! !
Other Stuff! Copyright © 1990, 2005, and 2018 Palladium
! Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda; all rights reserved
world wide. No part of this work may be sold,
Hand to Hand Combat: Combat Skills
distributed or reproduced in part or whole, in
are not automatic. They must be selected as
any form or by any means, without written
a learned skill.!
permission from the publisher. All incidents,
Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): Like
situations, institutions, governments and people
other super beings, Inter-dimensional Being
are fictional and any similarity to characters or
characters automatically get two attacks per
persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
melee round. Additional attacks are
developed though hand to hand combat and
other combat skills or special abilities. !
Weapons and Armor: All conventional
weapons and armor are available to Inter-
dimensional Beings.!
Alignment: Any alignment can be
selected by an Inter-dimensional Being.!
Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.):
All Inter-dimensional Beings get a base
S.D.C. of 40. This can be increased through
physical skills, some specific characteristics,
and/or some super abilities.!
Available Financial Resources: !
Money (usually in precious stones/
01-50 3D6 X $5000!
51-00 2D6 X $10000!

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