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The Curse of my Parallel Universe

Krisha Nicole Cruz

A parallel universe is a hypothetical self-contained reality co-existing with one's own. I, the Krisha on
Earth, conjured the thought of having another Krisha on the multiverse. I have travelled the world to find
the shards of my heart and the fragments of my soul. In a parallel universe, I hope that the other Krisha
is whole. In a parallel universe, I will have a different identity and a plausible reality. In a parallel universe,
I will have a whole different world. This is an incantation. Your drops of blood are falling on ashes under
the moonlit sky. This is the start of my spell, my curse. Mark my words.

In a parallel universe, your smile will not make the sun shine and your eyes will not light up the stars. In
a parallel universe, you will be the one who will look for me. You will reach for the other side of the bed
and all you could hold are blank sheets because I am not home with you anymore. In a parallel universe,
you will seek for my affection. You will stare at your cup of coffee and realize it doesn’t taste like before.
The bitter tang of it will stick even if you brush your teeth. In a parallel universe, you will meet different
people. You will recognize their eyes as the same color as mine but no one else’s will ever make you
drown in a world of so much regret like I did. In a parallel universe, no one will be there to save you for
the night. You will pour your heart out. Your lungs will constrict because the memory of me doesn’t let
you breathe. In a parallel universe, you will bump into an old friend. He will mention my name and it will
tear you down into pieces when all along you thought you got over the loss of me. In that universe, I was
the one who left you in a wreck.

In a parallel universe, I will not know where you like to be kissed. I will not know how you like to be held.
I will not remember the pronunciation of your name and I will forget the annunciation of our love. In a
parallel universe, I will cross the streets without being stopped by the memory of you trying to break
through from the cages I forced you to be in. In that universe, there will be no signals giving me green
lights and road signs. I will be able to go on my own.

In a parallel universe, everything will be hazy. You are nowhere near my lingering memory. You will be
stuck on my unconscious. You will be a daydream to me and I will be a nightmare to you. This is an
incantation. Your drops of blood are still falling on ashes under the moonlit sky. This is how I should seal
my spell. With the wind brushing my hair and the parallel universe now living in a fabricated version of
my reality, I enchant the words “Your insides will churn for it will be your turn in another universe to see
love as a curse.”

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