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Seventh house in Natal Rasi (Prasna Marga) by Rafal Gendarz

 Wife matters are seen in:

o Seventh bhava
o Lord of seventh bhava
o Grahas having dristi on seventh bhava
o Grahas in seventh bhava
o Venus
 Character of wife:
o Lord of seventh bhava
 Character from Sign in seventh bhava:
o Aries – fond of going to temples
o Taurus – liberal in giving food
o Gemini – nead and tidy and keeps all utensils clean
o Cancer – fond of bathing
o Leo – religious bent of mind
o Virgo – inclined to store beatiful vessels and sweet
o Libra – clever in speech
o Scorpio – clever in cooking
o Saggitarius – fond of hearing Puranas
o Capricorn – like soft beds and light dress
o Aquarius – enganged in storing grains and corn
o Pisces – collecting bronze vessels, sweet in words,
skilled in fine arts
 Native will not marry or wife will not live long
o Seventh bhava is weak & afflicted by malefics, not
influenced by benefics or lagnesh or seventh lord
o Seventh Lord and Venus occupy neecha or inimical
Navamsa or are in Combustion or influenced by
malefics withouth benefic influence
o Lagnesh occupy 6th, 8th, 12th bhava
 Planets in seventh bhava indicating death of wife:
o Mars – husband will live apart from wife or she will die
o Saturn aspects Mars – wife will die
o Jupiter debilitated or Venus in Scorpio – wife will die
o Mercury in Taurus – first wife will die
o Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter in Virgo or strong malefic in
4th house or 5th / 8th lord occupy seventh bhava – wife
will die
 Defective limbs
o Sun Venus occupies 5th, 7th or 9th
 Various bad characteristics/situation of wife
o Venus between malefics – native’s life will be
endangered by the wife or she may die
o Malefics occupy 4th, 8th from Venus withouth benefic
influence accidents will meet the wife
o Sun and Rahu in seventh – native will waste money
on women
o Venus in movable sign between malefics influenced
by Saturn – wife is outcaste
o Venus in Mars Rasi / Navamsa influenced by Mars –
cruel wife
o Venus in Saturn Rasi / Navamsa or conjoined Saturn
or Venus debilitated – wife will be a low bred one
o In Venus Ashtakavarga if 7th house from Venus has
more malefic bindus and Gulika occupies trine from
Venus – wife will die soon
o Venus in Mars/Sun Rasi or aspected by either of them
or Venus occupies Agni Bhuta – wife will be burn
o Venus with Mandi and in Kona/Kendra from Venus is
Rahu – wife will die by snake
o Venus joins Saturn and malefic is in eight from Venus
wife will have unnatural death
o Venus in quadrupedal sign, the decanate of bird or
watery sign – death will be due to a quadruped or a
bird or from water
o Venus in watery sign with Moon – wife will be drowned
o Venus with
 Sun – wife afflicted by bhutas, born in
distuingish family
 Moon – better bred and cultured than husband
 Mars – haunted by Raksasas and have paramour
 Jupiter – haunted by Vidyadharas though virtous
 Mercury – educated, good natured, handsome
 Saturn – trouble by Gandharvas, fond of mean
people and bad habits
 Rahu / Ketu – low sort of people, defective limb
 Gulika – dies in accident
 Ardhaprahara – death due to prolonged disease
o In Venus ashtakavarga bindus from Grahas in the
seventh house from Lagna :
 Sun – wife will be dear as life
 Moon – agreeable
 Mars – good deeds enganged
 Mercury – faithful
 Jupiter – good children
 Venus – skill in arts of enjoyment
 Saturn – serve him faithfully as servant

o Seventh house occupation:

 Jupiter or Venus – own caste
o Physical features
 Lord of the sign occupied by seventh lord of Rasi
or Navamsa
o Colour, nature, caste of wife
 Lord of seventh and planets there (from Venus)
o Wife spiritual
 9th from Venus occupied by benefic, and the lord
of 9th is strong
o Woman loved by husband and children
 Seventh lord benefic, influenced by benefics,
strong planets occupy 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th from
sign occupied by seventh lord. Otherwise wife
will be barren & sickly.
o Good wife
 Seventh house occupied by benefics and
aspected by seventh lord
 seventh lord and Venus well disposed, or in
Navamsa of benefic
 Tenth lord strong
 Seventh house or lord aspected by Jupiter
 Aspected by Venus & Mercury
o Chaste wife
 Seventh lord in Kendra & aspected by benefics &
in benefic Rasi & Navamsa
o Wife inclined to vice
 Sun or seventh lord in malefic Rasi / Navamsa
influenced by malefics
 Rahu / Ketu occupies seventh house & aspected
by malefics, seventh house in malefic navamsa
(sinful, inclined to poison, evil reputation,
o Husband by planets in seventh house
 Venus – lustful
 Benefics – fond of own wife
 Mars – fond of many women
 Saturn – covet low-class women
 Sun – other’s wife
o Family friendship
 Lagnesh and seventh lord friends
o Background
 Seventh lord strong(uccha) makes reach family
 Vaisesikamsa of seventh lord
 Seventh lord in benefic navamsa influenced by
o One wife though he may marry many
 Lagna & Moon and seventh Lord in common
 Or navamsas in common signs of these
 Two planets occupy 11th and eunuch planet in 7th
 Sun & mars in 7th
 Or in own navamsas in 7th
o Number of women
 7th from Lagna and Moon and Venus are strong
and occupy favourable houses
 any two of these three are strong he will marry
 seventh lord or venus is exalted or when more
than two planets occupy the seventh house he
may marry three or even more
 Seven house strong, venus and seventh lord
exalted or exalted navamsa native will marry
second woman
 Lord of Navamsa occupied by 7th lord is combust
or weak and influenced by malefics or in papa-
kartari one will marry more than one woman
 Many malefics occupy&influence 2nd or the 7th
one may marry three women
 Malefic in Lagna or 2nd or 7th, lord of 7th happens
to be in combustion one will have three wives
 Seven lord in kendra/kona occupying
exalted/own/friendship sign, and influenced by
10th lord – many wives
 11th lord and 7th lord in mutual aspect & strong &
in trines – many wives
o Direction of marriage
 See reduction of Venus ashtakavarga with sign
having more bindus
o Distance of finding partner
 Rasi/Navamsa of seventh lord
 Rasi/Navamsa of Venus
o If evil planet is in 8th house in female horoscope
husband will die, if benefic occupied 2nd she die
o Saturn aspected by evil planet in seventh – die a
o Benefics in 9th averts the widowhood
o Marriage in early life:
 Strong benefic seventh lord in with Lagnesh
 Venus with Lagnesh
 Venus and seventh lord in Kendra’s
 Seven lord and Venus in Upachaya’s
 Benefics occupy Lagna, 2nd, 7th
 7th lord in Parvatamsa, 2nd lord is strong, Lagnesh
in Mridwamsa
o Late marriage:
 When seventh lord is far away from 1st and 7th
 See the number of navamsas completed by
seventh lord
o Remarry:
 If 7th and 2nd are afflicted by malefics (Sarvartha
 Malefic in 7th or 8th, Mars in 12th and 7th is not
aspected by 7th lord

o Venus & Lord of 7th and 2nd in Upachays, Lagnesh
aspected by benefics – good fortune after marriage
o Opposite for 2nd and 7th , Lagna, Venus occupy
unfavourable houses, combust, debilitated in inimcal
o Timing of marriage :
 Grahas in 7th bhava
 7th lord
 7th lord dispositor
 7th lord Navamsa Lord
 Moon
 Navamsa Lord of Lagna
 Rahu
o Gochara:
 Jupiter,Venus, Lagnesh, Subhapati, 7th lord
transits 7th house or house occupied by 7th lord
or Kona to these two

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