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Contact: (989) 797-6630
September 21, 2018

“Bishop Cistone appreciates deeply the prayers and support he has been receiving since the diagnosis of cancer
he received last February. In a recent update, the Bishop indicated that while the original radiation and
chemotherapy treatments for lung cancer had positive results, the situation still remains in an active state.

Following the initial treatments, he began a series of immunotherapy which, in many individuals, helps attack
and control the growth of cancer cells. However, this did not prove as effective for the Bishop and tests have
shown that the cancer is evident in other areas of the body. Therefore, he began a new series of chemotherapy
which would more aggressively control and remediate the cancer. Radiation is also helpful to address the issue
in certain areas and there are other forms of treatment which they continue to explore. So, his treatment
remains in flux.

All in all, the Bishop remains very positive about the situation. His level of energy is, of course, compromised;
however he intends to gradually assume public and pastoral responsibilities as his health allows. He continues
to rely on the prayers of the faithful, and is deeply grateful for their support.”


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