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Short and Long Sound of A

A Great Way to Lead a Brass Band

A great way to lead a brass band is to take the instruments into a room of
cakes with many sands. The band is led by a bandmaster handling creative lads. A
layman could be a bandmaster as long as he is a well-trained past master of other
amazing bands.

He must not be mad at other lads in band who is more trained than him. He
must also select the main leader of the band aside from him. He must accept
challenges of any games to a more advanced stage of the band.

These are the qualities of an ambitious and amazing band master in leading
a brass band.

Short a Short a and Long a Long

Brass an layman great

Band ambitious amazing way

Sands and take

Bandmaster cakes

Past well-trained

Master trained

Mad main

Than games

Aside stage




Short and Long Sound of E

Ben and Ven, the Peerless Street Cleaners

Ben and Ven are the peerless street cleaners of Greenville Subdivision. They
usually sweep on the streets full of green beans and leaves.

One day, they swept on ten bees died in a net set on the street. They quickly
sweep the dead bees and throw it in a bin beside the den.

After sweeping, they sat on a bench then slept and dreamt of bees hunting

Short e Short e and Long e Long e

ben peerless street

ven cleaners greenville

they sweep

swept green

ten beans

net leaves

set bees

dead sweeping






Exercise no 3

Short and Long Sound of I

The Bright Mice in a Pit

The bright mice in a pit sit still with a dim light and a white kite. The mice went
jumping for hundred times just to get out on a pit with a dim light. The little mice of a
bright idea to let his kite flew up high so that they can ride in it by flying so high.

The mice had a big smile as they went up and saw the sin shining upon them.
And because of their happiness, they forgot to hold on tight with the rope of the kite
and so they fell again in a slightly deep pit.

Short I Long i

in dim bright times

pit big mice idea

sit his light high

it with white ride

still jumping kite slightly

happiness times tight

Exercise no 4

Short and Long Sound of O

The Old Cop with a Gold Mop

The old cop with a gold mop helps an old man cross the street through
a dark and ghostly room. Together, they mock the ghost that appeared from a hole
and rose like a walking frog. The two men got shocked and beat the ghost with a
golden mop.

When they reached home, they ate a crunchy corn then blow a horn.
They also drank a hot tea from boiling water in the pot.

Short o Long o

Cop mock Old hole

Got mop gold rose

From hot horn corn

Cross frog ghostly blow

Shocked home


Short and Long Sound of U

The Prudent Student with a Cute Hue of Cube

The prudent student with a cute hue of cube sat on a bench full of rude
school boys. He is careful in playing a rubics cube. He sees to it that he brings his test
tube wherever he goes. He also wears his blue uniform and manipulates five to 10
cubes every day. He loves humour that he plays with his blue glue with a perfume
around him.

He dances to the tune of music with a colourful hue costume and full of
gracefulness. He always puts his best in everything he does and pulls the bad
characteristics of him.

Short u Long u

Prudent student cute hue

Full rude cube tube

Careful rubics uniform perfume

Blue glue manipulates

Colourful humour tune

Gracefulness costume

Puts pulls

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