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Countries having nuclear weapons:

1. USA
2. Russia
3. UK
4. France
5. China
6. India
7. Pakistan
8. North Korea

De'facto nuclear country:


Which countries have not signed NPT:

1. India
2. Pakistan
3. Israel

Which countries are non-signatories of CTBT:

1. India
2. Pakistan
3. North Korea

Where is Headquarter of NATO?

Brussels, Belgium.

What is the total membership of NATO?


Total number of countries in SAARC?

1. Afghanistan
2. Bangladesh
3. Bhutan
4. India
5. Maldives
6. Nepal
7. Pakistan
8. Sri Lanka

When SAARC established?

December 8, 1985

Where is Headquarters of SAARC?

Kathmandu, Nepal

Total observers of SSARC?

9 observers

Who is Avigdor Lieberman ?

Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.

Interfax is news agency based at?

Moscow, Russia.

Where last summit of SAARC held?

16th summit at Thimphu, Bhutan on 28-29 April 2010

1. Qantas is the name of the airline of Australia.

2. Antra is the news agency of Indonesia.
3. Silk Air is airline of Singapore
4. Commonwealth Games 2010 were held in New Delhi India.
5. Asian games 2010 were held in Guangzhou,China.
6. Hockey world cup 2010 was played in India
7. The headquarter of Palestinian authority is Rammala
8. Ariana is airline of Afghanistan.
9. Olympics games are to be held in 2012 in London, England
10. Olympics games 2016 are to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11. Olympics games were held in Beijing, China
Commonwealth of Nations
1. Headquarters Marlborough House, London, England, United Kingdom
2. Number of members 54
3. Last member Rwanda admitted on 29 November 2009.
4. Head of the Commonwealth Queen Elizabeth II
5. Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma (India)
6. Etablished in 1926 Balfour Declaration of 1926

The first Chinese aircraft equipped with an early warning system, known as
the Karakoram Eagle, was inducted into Pakistan Air Force fleet.

2. The Karakoram Eagle is also known as ZDK-03 with advanced air-borne warning and
control system with sophisticated integrated sensors and communication suits.

3. Pakistan and US signed a $ 375 million agreement to carry out a 150 megawatts
wind power generation project.

4. The wind power generation project, to be completed in 2 years, will be setup at three
places Gharo, Thatta and a site near Karachi.

5. Inflation rose to 15.48 % in October indicating an upward in the price spiral

showing impact of the flood on food prices.

6. Iran said its first atomic power plant build by Russia in Bushehr has begun

7. North Korea is supplying banned nuclear and ballistic equipment to Iran, Syria and
Myanmar using „surreptious‟ means to avoid international sanctions, according to a UN
report released.

8. UNESCO declared French cuisine a world intangible heritage, the first time
gastronomy is added to a list aiming to protect cultural practices.

9. 2018 FIFA world cup will be held in Russia.

10. 2022 FIFA world cup will be held in Qatar.

11. US announced $ 2 billion military package for Pakistan on the final day of the
latest US-Pakistan strategic dialogue.

12. Pakistan has moved up the corruption, from 42nd rung in 2009 to 34th this year
out of 178 countries.

13. Diamer Bhasha Dam is constructed on Indus River.

14. More than half of the 20 richest women in the world are Chinese.

15. Myanmar ruling military changed the country‟s flag, national anthem and official
name. The new name of Myanmar is Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

16. India, Germany, South Africa, Columbia and Portugal won non-permanent
seats in the 15 member UN Security Council.

17. Canadian Muslims have built the Arctic‟s first minaret.


President Hamid Karzai-

Vice President Mohammed Fahim-
Vice President Karim Khalili


Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy-

Monarch Queen Elizabeth II-
Governor-General Quentin Bryce-
Prime Minister Julia Gillard


Government Unitary state and parliamentary democracy[1]-

President Zillur Rahman-
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed
FM Dipu Moni


Government Constitutional democratic monarchy-

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck-
Prime Minister Jigme Y. Thinley (Jigme Yoser Thinley )


Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy

- Monarch Elizabeth II-
Governor General David Lloyd Johnston-
Prime Minister Stephen Harper


Government Single party-led republic -

President Hu Jintao- Premier Wen Jiabao-


Government Unitary communist state -

President Raúl Castro


Government Semi-presidential republic

- President Hosni Mubarak
- Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif


Government Unitary semi-presidential republic-

President Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP)-
Prime Minister François Fillon (UMP)
FM: Michèle Alliot-Marie


Government Federal parliamentary republic-

President Christian Wulff
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU)


Government Federal parliamentaryconstitutional republic

- President Pratibha Patil
- Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (INC)
- Speaker of the House Meira Kumar
- Chief Justice Sarosh Homi Kapadia
- Mohammad Hamid Ansari V.P and chairman Rajya Sabha

Pranab Mukherjee Minister of Finance

P. Chidambaram Minister of Home Affairs
A.K. Antony Minister of Defence
S.M. Krishna Minister of Foreign Affairs

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono president of Indonesia.


Government Islamic republic

- Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Hoseyni Khāmene‟i
- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi
- Speaker of the Parliament Ali Larijani
- FM – Ali Akbar Salihi


Government Parliamentary republic

- President Jalal Talabani
- Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki


Government Parliamentary democracy

- President Shimon Peres
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
- FM Avigdor Lieberman

Government Unitary parliamentary republic

- President Giorgio Napolitano
- Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi


Government Unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy- Emperor

Prime Minister Naoto Kan
Parliament: National Die (two chambers)
FM Seiji Maehara


Government Constitutional monarchy

- King of Jordan Abdullah II of Jordan
- Prime Minister Samir Rifai


Government Presidential republic

- President Nursultan Nazarbayev
- Prime Minister Karim Massimov


Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi

Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution: Muammar al – qaddafi


Government Confessionalist, parliamentary republic

- President Michel Suleiman
- Prime Minister Saad Hariri


- Yang di-Pertuan Agong Mizan Zainal Abidin

- Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak

(The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of state of Malaysia.)


- President Mohamed Nasheed

- Vice President of Maldives Mohammed Waheed Hassan


- President Ram Baran Yadav

- Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal


- Emir Hamad bin Khalifa

- Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim

Russian federation
- President Dmitry Medvedev
- Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
- FM Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov

Saudi Arabia

- King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (PM)

- Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz (Deputy PM)
- Second Deputy Prime Minister Naif bin Abdul Aziz (interior minister)
- FM Prince Saud Al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud


- President Sharif Ahmed

- Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed

Omar al-Bashir president of Sudan


- President Emomalii Rahmon

- Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov


- President Abdullah Gül

- Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- FM Professor Ahmet Davutoğlu


- President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

- Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum


- Monarch Queen Elizabeth II

- Prime Minister David William Donald Cameron
- Deputy PM Nick Clegg
- FM William Hague
- Defence Secy Liam Fox

- President Barack Obama
- Vice President Joe Biden
- Speaker of the House - John Boehner
- Chief Justice John Roberts
- Secy of State Hillary Clinton
- Secy of Defense Robert Gates
- US ambassador to Pakistan - Cameron Munter
- Frank Ruggiero has replaced his late boss Richard Holbrookeas the acting special
representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan


- President Islam Karimov

- Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev

President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías

Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda is the President of the Asian Development Bank

Turkmen President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov

The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAP or TAPI)

It is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by the Asian Development

Bank.The pipeline will transport Caspian Sea natural gas from Turkmenistan through
Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India. Proponents of the project see it as a
modern continuation of the Silk Road. Contents of the document signed by Karzai,
President Asif Ali Zardari and Indian petroleum minister Murli Deora in Ashgabat.
Turkmenistan is believed to hold the world‟s fourth-largest gas reserves. Pipeline would
deliver up to 33 billion cubic metres of gas annually. According to a preliminary
breakdown, Pakistan and India would each get about 42 per cent of the gas and
Afghanistan the remainder.

The 1,680 kilometre long Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline,

backed by the Asian Development Bank, would bring 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas
per day (bcfd) from Dauletabad gas field, Turkmenistan via Qandhar to Multan in
central Pakistan and end in the northwestern Indian town of Fazilka. Under the IGA, the
four nations would commit to provide government support, including security for the

The construction of the pipeline is likely to commence soon and would be completed by
2013-14. The project would help overcome Pakistan‟s growing energy crisis that has
caused electricity shortage and protests across the country. Project worth 7.6 billion

Mark Zuckerberg, Times Person Of The Year

Times magazine has named Mark Zuckerberg as the person of the year . Mr Zuckerberg
is the founder of thesmash hit social networking site Facebook and is also the world
youngest billionaire currently.

Human rights activist Dr Binayak Sen convicted, gets life term on grounds of
sedition and conspiracy thereby sentencing them for life due to their links with the
Maoists. Dr Sen has been held guilty under Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act
2005, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967, of being a conduit between Naxals and
of meeting Narayan Sanyal in jail.


 Gomal Zam Dam Project

 Mirani Dam Project
 Mangla Dam Raising Project
 Sabakzai Dam Project
 Satpara Dam Project


 Rainee Canal Project

 Kachhi Canal Project
 Greater Thal Canal Project


 Right Bank Outfall Drain Project-I
 Balochistan Effluent Disposal Into RBOD-III


 Allai Khwar Hydropower Project
 Khan Khwar Hydropower Project
 Duber Khwar Hydropower Project
 Jinnah Hydropower Project
 Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project


 Bara
 Garuk
 Hingol
 Naulong
 Pelar
 Darwat
 Darban
Brochure on Darban Zem Dam
 Ghabir
 Naigaj
 Papin
 Winder
 Tank Zam Dam
Brochure on Tank Zem Dam


 Chashma Barrage
 CJ-Link Canal
 Chashma Right Bank Canal


 Diamer Basha Dam

 Kurram Tangi Dam Project
 Munda Dam Project
 Akhori Dam Project
Barack H. Obama


Joseph R. Biden


White House Chief of Staff

Rahm I. Emanuel

Senior Adviser to the President

David M. Axelrod

White House Press Secretary

Robert L. Gibbs


National Security Adviser

General James L. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps, retired

Deputy National Security Adviser

Thomas E. Donilon

Senior Adviser and Coordinator for Afghanistan-Pakistan

Lieutenant General Douglas E. Lute, U.S. Army, retired

National Security Council Chief of Staff

Mark W. Lippert January 20, 2009–October 2, 2009
Denis McDonough October 2, 2009–

Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security

John O. Brennan

Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications

Benjamin Rhodes

Chairman, Interagency Policy Review of Afghanistan-Pakistan

Bruce O. Riedel February 10–March 27, 2009


Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton

United States Ambassador to Afghanistan

Lieutenant General Karl W. Eikenberry, U.S. Army, retired


Secretary of Defense
Robert M. Gates

Undersecretary for Policy

Michèle A. Flournoy

Pentagon Press Secretary

Geoffrey S. Morrell


Director of National Intelligence

Vice Admiral Michael McConnell, U.S. Navy, retired February 13, 2007–January
29, 2009
Admiral Dennis C. Blair, U.S. Navy, retired January 29, 2009–May 28, 2010

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

General Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air Force, retired May 30, 2006–February 19,

Leon Panetta February 19, 2009–

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Stephen R. Kappes July 25, 2006–April 14, 2010
Michael J. Morell May 6, 2010–(previously CIA Director for Intelligence, 2006–


Commander, United States Central Command

General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army October 31, 2008–June 30, 2010

Commander, U.S. and NATO forces, Afghanistan

General David D. McKiernan, U.S. Army June 3, 2008–June 15, 2009
General Stanley A. McChrystal, U.S. Army June 15, 2009–June 23, 2010
General David H. Petraeus, U.S. Army July 4, 2010–

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Admiral Michael G. Mullen, U.S. Navy

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

General James E. “Hoss” Cartwright, U.S. Marine Corps

Director of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Center of Excellence, Central

Colonel Derek Harvey, U.S. Army, retired

Spokesman for General Petraeus

Colonel Erik Gunhus, U.S. Army


President of Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai

Leader, Provincial Council of Kandahar; President Karzai‟s half-brother

Ahmed Wali Karzai
 __________________
 Kalabagh Dam:

The Kalabagh dam was a proposed hydroelectric dam planned to be built on the
Indus River: proposed site for the dam was situated at Kalabagh in Mianwali
District of the Punjab province, bordering the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Kalabagh Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tarbela Dam

Tarbela Dam is one of the world‟s largest earth and rock filled Dam and greatest
water resources development project which was completed in 1976 as a
component part of Indus Basin Project. The Dam is built on one of the World‟s
largest rivers – the Indus known as the “Abbasin” or the father of rivers. Total
generating capacity of Tarbela Power Station as 3478 MW.

WAPDA - Power Generation

Warsak Dam

Warsak Hydro Electric Power Project is located on River Kabul at about 30 km

from Peshawar in North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The project financed
by Canadian Government was completed under COLOMBO PLAN in two phases.

WAPDA - Power Generation

Mangla Dam

Mangla Dam Project was actually conceived in 1950's as a multipurpose project

to be constructed at a place called Mangla on river Jhelum located about 30 km
upstream of Jhelum city (120 km from Capital Islamabad). The initial
investigation and its feasibility studies were completed in 1958. Later on the
project was included in the Indus Basin Project.

The construction of Mangla Dam was started in 1962 and completed in 1967.

WAPDA - Power Generation

 __________________
No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery,

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