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Erdősian Functions and Associated L-functions

(Tapas Chatterjee, Suraj Singh Khurana)


A function f is said to be Erdősian modulo q if it is a periodic arithmetic function with period

q which takes values in the set {-1,+1} everywhere except at q where it is 0. A folklore
conjecture of Erdős asserts that for such a function f, L(1, f) never vanishes where L(s, f) is the
L-function attached to f. In this presentation we discuss that if the average order of Dirichlet
inverse is not “too big" then the Erdős conjecture is true. Further we find an orthogonality
like relation satisfied by these functions and recover the classical Gauss formula for the
digamma function at rational arguments. At the end we use analytic tools to prove that the
Dirichlet L-series associated with completely multiplicative Erdősian functions takes only
positive values at positive integers.

1. Research of the first author was supported by a NBHM Research Project
Grant in-Aid with grant no. NBHM 2/11/39/2017/R&D II/3481 .
2. Research of the second author was supported by Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), India under File No: 09/1005(0016)/2016-EMR-1.

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