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Microbial biosurfactants: challenges

and opportunities for future
Roger Marchant and Ibrahim M. Banat
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK

The drive for industrial sustainability has pushed biosur- temperature and in adverse environments, they are still
factants to the top of the agenda of many companies. readily biodegradable in the environment if, or when,
Biosurfactants offer the possibility of replacing chemical discharged. A few commercial products, mainly from the
surfactants, produced from nonrenewable resources, far east in Asia, have already included biosurfactants in
with alternatives produced from cheap renewable feed- their formulations, however, several problems remain be-
stocks. Biosurfactants are also attractive because they fore more widespread use can be envisaged. These pro-
are less damaging to the environment yet are robust blems relate to yield and cost of production, including
enough for industrial use. The most promising biosur- downstream processing, but also to the tailoring of the
factants at the present time are the glycolipids, sophor- molecules to specific applications.
olipids produced by Candida yeasts, mannosylerythritol Surfactant molecules are described as amphiphilic, that
lipids (MELs) produced by Pseudozyma yeasts, and is, they have a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end,
rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas. Despite the which allows them to interact at the interfaces between
current enthusiasm for these compounds several resid- aqueous and nonaqueous systems, including air. Their
ual problems remain. This review highlights remaining effects in these systems include the reduction of surface
problems and indicates the prospects for imminent com- tension, emulsification, wetting, and foaming and depend
mercial exploitation of a new generation of microbial on the exact structure of the individual molecules (Box 1).
biosurfactants. Microbially produced biosurfactants can be broadly classi-
fied into low molecular weight (glycolipids, lipopeptides,
The move towards biosurfactants and flavolipids) [3] and high molecular weight molecules
Chemical surfactants have a major impact on all our lives (polysaccharides, proteins, lipopolysaccharides, and lipo-
because they comprise a major component of many of the proteins) [4]. Of these different forms, the low molecular
everyday products we use. These chemical surfactants, weight glycolipids are perhaps the most interesting for
many of which are alkyl sulfates or sulfonates with straight exploitation in the near future, and it is these that this
or branched chains and come from either petrochemical or review will focus on. In this review, the current state of
oleochemical sources [1], can be found as components of knowledge about these molecules will be surveyed, and
laundry products, surface cleaning agents, concrete addi- remaining problems concerning exploitation and produc-
tives, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, used in agro food tion will be highlighted. With this information, the reader
processing and used in the petroleum industry. The world- will be able to make a judgement about how imminent is
wide use of surfactants has grown enormously over the the widespread incorporation of microbial biosurfactants
past few decades, although exact figures for production are in commercial products.
difficult to determine in such a mixed market. However,
quantities of approximately 9 million tonnes in 1995 rising Cleaning applications
to 13 million tonnes in 2008 are probably reasonable One of the major domestic product applications of biosur-
estimates [2]. It has also been estimated that in the EU, factants is in the area of laundry products. At present, the
50% of the surfactants produced have hydrophobic tails surfactant content of the liquids and powders manufac-
derived from palm or coconut oil [2]. The major shift in tured is largely alkyl sulfonates such as linear alkylben-
attitude towards surfactants that has occurred in the past zene sulfonates (LASs). However, the glycolipid
few years has been driven by the sustainability agenda. biosurfactants, sophorolipid produced by yeasts of the
Companies using surfactants in their products are now genus Candida, rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas
looking to replace some or all of the chemical surfactants aeruginosa, and MELs produced by basidiomycetous
with sustainable biosurfactants, that is, surfactant mole- yeasts of the genus Pseudozyma and the fungus Ustilago
cules produced principally by microorganisms from sus- are possible candidates to be used as, at least, partial
tainable feedstocks. These molecules have the added replacements for LAS [5]. One of the major challenges in
advantage that, although they are stable at relatively high the use of these biosurfactants is that each organism
produces a mixture of congener molecules with a range
Corresponding author: Marchant, R. (
Keywords: rhamnolipids; sophorolipids; mannosylerythritol lipids; MEOR; biofilms. of different structures and therefore properties. In the case
558 0167-7799/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Trends in Biotechnology, November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

Box 1. Surfactants (a) Congener structure % Abundance CH2OR1

(b) CH3
The term surfactant was derived from the phrase ‘surface active 1 Acidic, C18:1 6.5 O O CH
agents’ and describes the activity of these amphiphilic molecules at CH2OR2
2 Acidic, C18:1, 1Ac 4.9
the interfaces between different phases, gas, liquid, and solid. O
Surfactants are able to act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsi- 3 Acidic, C18:2, 2Ac 2.8 OH
fiers, dispersants, and foaming agents, and form major ingredients HO (CH2)n
4 Acidic, C18:1, 2Ac 48.1
of many product formulations ranging from household detergents, OH
shampoos, personal care products, and pharmaceuticals to paints. 5 Acidic, C18:0, 2Ac 2.8
The worldwide use of surfactants is enormous, estimated in 2008 to COOH
be 13 million tonnes per annum (p.a.) [2], with a predicted increase 6 Lactonic, C18:1, 1Ac 3.06
in use of approximately 2% p.a., and currently focuses on chemical 7 Lactonic, C18:2, 2Ac 2.7
surfactants, principally LASs and alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APEs). CH2OR1 CH3
In an aqueous environment, surfactants form aggregate structures 8 Lactonic, C18:2, 2Ac 2.2 (c) O
called micelles in which the hydrophobic tails of the molecules are
9 Lactonic, C16:0, 2Ac 1.1 CH2OR2
protected from contact with water. Depending on the molecular HO
architecture of the surfactant, these micelles may be spherical, worm- 10 Lactonic, C18:1, 2Ac 4.6 O
like, or lamellar sheets or adopt other topologies. The aggregates
11 Lactonic, C18:1, 2Ac 10.0 (CH2)n
form to minimise free energy of the solution and are therefore
dynamic and highly dependent on the physical conditions such as 12 Lactonic, C18:0, 2Ac 4.1
temperature [1]. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) is defined as O C O
the concentration above which micelles are formed; this value is
TRENDS in Biotechnology
strongly dependent on temperature, pressure, and the presence of
other electrolytes. Below the CMC, surface tension (ST) in aqueous Figure 1. (a) Representative chemical composition of sophorolipid mixture
systems falls from a maximum value of 72 mN/m for pure water to a produced by Candida apicola ATCC 96134 in a bioreactor fermentation with oleic
minimum possible value of approximately 29 mN/m [1]. Once the acid as the major carbon source based on HPLC data. Chemical structures for the
CMC is reached, ST remains more or less constant. ST and interfacial (b) acidic and (c) lactonic forms of sophorolipid. From these structures, it is clear
tension (IT) between liquid phases are useful measures to determine why the different congeners of the biosurfactants behave differently during self-
whether a microbial culture is producing biosurfactant, but cannot be assembly in solution and also interact differently at surfaces.
used in a quantitative manner, because once the minimum ST or IT is
reached, further production of biosurfactant does not lead to any
change in value. The different congeners in a biosurfactant mixture,
again, several different molecules are produced by this
produced by a single organism, show different micellar topologies bacterium, with differing alkyl chain lengths ranging from
and therefore behave differently when used in product formulations 8 to 12 carbon atoms, although two major molecules are
[7]. It is this fact that is driving the search for ‘designer biosurfactants’ produced, the mono-rhamnolipid with two C10 alkyl chains
and for ways of producing single biosurfactant molecules rather than and the di-rhamnolipid also with two C10 alkyl chains
mixtures. The behaviour of biosurfactants in solution and at surfaces
can be investigated using techniques such as small-angle neutron
(Figure 2). Chromatographic separation of the congeners
scattering (SANS) [6,7,9,10], although this requires major equipment is possible but again not economic on a large scale, al-
facilities. though this methodology has been used to investigate the
behaviour of rhamnolipids using the neutron beam scat-
tering technique in combination with deuterium labelling
of sophorolipids, although the alkyl chain length is consis- [9,10]. Not surprisingly, different behaviour has been
tent, the degree of unsaturation is not and the number of noted for the mono and di-rhamnolipids, which clearly
acyl groups varies from none to two, with two major con- indicates that an ability to manipulate the composition of
figurations of the molecular structure, that is, acidic and the rhamnolipid mixture would be an advantage in com-
lactonic (Figure 1). It is possible to isolate and separate the mercial applications. This aspect will be dealt with further
various congeners, including the acidic and lactonic forms under the section on ‘designer biosurfactants’. One signif-
[3], however, on a commercial scale, such downstream icant problem with the rhamnolipids until recently was
processing would be unlikely to be economic. In order to the fact that they were only known to be produced by P.
understand the behaviour of the different sophorolipid aeruginosa, a class II opportunistic pathogen; something
molecules, neutron beam scattering has been used to that provides a disincentive for large-scale production.
investigate the self-assembly and surface activity of the Recently, two nonpathogenic, related bacteria have
molecules alone and in combination with chemical surfac- been identified as rhamnolipid producers, although the
tants [6,7]. Although the neutron beam scattering tech- rhamnolipids produced are different to those produced
nique can be applied to the molecules in the natural state, by P. aeruginosa. Pseudomonas chlororaphis produces only
their investigation is greatly aided if the molecules can be mono-rhamnolipid [11], whereas Burkholderia thailanden-
labelled with deuterium. This can be achieved selectively sis produces predominantly di-rhamnolipid with longer
through the use of D2O and deuterium-labelled substrates alkyl chains than that produced by P. aeruginosa [12]. It
in the growth medium of the Candida spp. [8]. Interest- is possible that the genetic characteristics of these two
ingly, the yeasts were largely unaffected by the presence of organisms could be exploited to produce specific rhamno-
deuterium in the medium, in marked contrast to the lipids for particular applications. If biosurfactants are to
bacteria also used, which required extensive adaptation. replace chemical surfactants in laundry products, then
Sophorolipids produced by Candida bombicola have al- factors such as the effects of hard water, temperature,
ready been incorporated in some domestic products pro- and compatibility with microbial enzymes included in
duced in Korea. the formulations have to be considered. Temperature sen-
Another major candidate to be considered for use in this sitivity has become a low priority with the drive to reduce
field is the rhamnolipids produced by P. aeruginosa. Once washing temperatures as an energy saving measure.
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

ST5HEXEXTRACT # 1–6 RT: 0.01–0.09 AV:6 NL:4.64E5

F: –c ms[175.00–1000.00]
85 OH O O
80 O C
75 O O
65 HO O C 503.2 CH3
Relave abundance

60 HO
50 OH HO
45 HO
40 Monorhamnolipid CH3 650.3
25 CH3
761.5 989.2
15 504.3
325.3 747.4
10 531.2 622.1 678.1 762.6
333.1 475.1 915.0 955.2
303.1 561.2 588.4 711.8 815.7 845.0
5 359.0 437.5 457.0
195.9 248.6 289.9
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure 2. Mass spectroscopy data showing the range of rhamnolipid congeners produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain ST5 with the two main products the mono
and di-rhamno forms with two C10 alkyl chains.

The final group of microbial glycolipids with perceived and can mediate the disruption of established biofilms
potential in this area are the MELs produced by the basid- [18–21]. The lipopeptide surfactants putisolvin I and II pro-
iomycetous yeasts of the genus Pseudozyma and also by the duced by Pseudomonas putida are able to inhibit the forma-
fungus Ustilago. MELs from Pseudozyma have been exten- tion of biofilms of other Pseudomonas strains and indeed to
sively investigated [13]. As with the other producer organ- break down established biofilms [22]. Although it is useful at
isms, a range of different MEL molecules are produced, a preliminary stage to examine the effect of the biosurfac-
differing in alkyl chain length and degree of acylation. tants alone on biofilms, the next step must be to determine
One major advantage of the MEL producers, like the sophor- the interactions between biosurfactants and other compo-
olipid producers, is that resting cells continue to synthesize nents of cleaning agents such as chemical surfactants. More-
the biosurfactant, allowing yields to exceed 100 g/l [14]. over, pH and other compounds might boost activity, as seen in
the synergistic effect of pyrophosphate and sodium dodecyl
Biofilm prevention and disruption sulfate (SDS) on periodontal pathogens [23].
Although much of the laboratory-based work with bacteria is
conducted with planktonic cultures, mixed species biofilms Biocidal activity and wound healing
are a more common mode of growth for these organisms. Biosurfactants can have a strong killing action on some
Biofilms have a complex structure that allows cell communi- types of cells, with lysis of red blood cells or fungal zoos-
cation, (quorum sensing), to take place, which also acts as a pores used as a bioassay. The interesting question, howev-
protection for the cells from external factors such as anti- er, is whether more resistant cells, for example, bacteria
biotics [15]. Biofilms can develop on a wide range of surfaces with cell walls, may be killed by biosurfactants. For exam-
including domestic household areas and medical devices such ple, sophorolipids improve sepsis survival in model sys-
as catheters and prostheses. Biosurfactants are believed to tems in animals [24,25], however, in vitro, sophorolipids
play a major role in the development and maintenance of have no antibacterial activity [26]. At the present time,
biofilms in P. aeruginosa [16]; partly at least through the very few studies have been directed towards the possible
maintenance of water channels through the biofilm. Atten- wound healing properties of biosurfactants. Rhamnolipids
tion is now turning to the possibility that biosurfactants can have also been used in two studies [27,28], and encourag-
be used to disrupt established biofilms and to prevent the ing results have been reported using low concentrations
development of new ones. Rhamnolipids can inhibit the (0.1%) to treat ulcers and burns. This area of study cer-
adhesion of yeasts and bacteria to voice prostheses [17] tainly warrants further investigation and extension to
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

other biosurfactant molecules because there would be a The main factor is the low permeability of some reservoirs
large market for a safe, cheap wound healing additive for or the high viscosity of oil, which results in poor mobility.
over-the-counter products. High interfacial tensions between the water and oil may
also result in high capillary forces retaining the oil in the
Environmental applications reservoir rock. Most of the oil remains in the reservoir
Many different functions have been ascribed to the bio- following primary and secondary recovery techniques,
surfactants produced by microorganisms; one of which is thus, interest has developed in tertiary recovery techni-
their involvement in the metabolism of hydrophobic sub- ques [37]. A form of MEOR has been pioneered effectively
strates [29]. In aqueous environments, the interfacial ac- at full scale to recover oil from the sludge that accumulates
tivity of biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers can make in oil storage tanks [38], producing a situation where the
substrates like hydrocarbons more amenable to the degra- cost of carrying out the process is completely offset by the
dative activity of the cell. This being the case, we might value of the recovered oil.
expect that the majority of bacteria that utilise hydropho- A second potential application for biosurfactants in the
bic substrates would be biosurfactant producers but this is oil industry is in the initial process of drilling where
not so. We may therefore ask whether the addition of chemical surfactants are currently used. Techniques in-
biosurfactant to the environment of a non-producer could volving the use of chemical or physical processes such as
improve the ability of that organism to degrade a hydro- pressurisation, water flooding, or steaming, are often in-
phobic substrate. The obvious situation where this might applicable for many oil reservoirs [39]. The use of chemical
be advantageous would be in the field of bioremediation, surfactants for mobilising or sweeping oil reservoirs is an
particularly in situ bioremediation. The mechanisms in- unfavourable practice that is hazardous, costly and leaves
volved in interactions between biosurfactants or the mi- undesirable residues that are difficult to dispose of without
crobial cells and immiscible hydrocarbons include: (i) adversely affecting the environment [40]. This is particu-
emulsification; (ii) adhesion/de-adhesion of microorgan- larly the case in marine environments where the use of
isms to and from hydrocarbons; (iii) micellarisation; and biodegradable biosurfactants rather than chemical surfac-
(iv) desorption of contaminants; all of which are expected to tants would have major environmental benefits.
enhance the rates of biodegradative bioremediation. Cur-
rent literature generally supports such conclusions, how- Designer biosurfactants
ever, some cases in which complex interactions among Microbial biosurfactant producers invariably give a prod-
microbial cells, organic substrates, surface active com- uct that comprises a range of different congeners built
pounds and their environment, leading to inhibition of around a basic structure. The different structures dictate
biodegradation, have also been reported [30]. the properties of the various molecules with effects on, for
One group of bacteria that have been examined as example, water solubility and micelle structure. Equally
potentially useful for clean-up of oil spills and contamina- clearly, different applications in commercial products may
tion are the thermophilic bacilli of the genus Geobacillus require specific properties for the surfactant used. The
[31], which do not produce any biosurfactant. These organ- ability to select or design specific biosurfactants is there-
isms seem to have great potential because they are present fore highly desirable. As we can see, isolation and purifi-
in seemingly all soil environments in a dormant state, cation of individual components is feasible but unlikely to
having been distributed through atmospheric transport be economic on a large scale [3]. The next simplest ap-
[32,33]. Simply raising the temperature of the environ- proach is to modify growth and production conditions or to
ment allows them to become active and to compete effec- select specific strains of the producer organisms. In prac-
tively with other soil organisms [34]. In order to enhance tice the mixed composition of biosurfactants produced
the rate and extent of hydrocarbon degradation, inorganic varies only within a limited range, restricting the use of
nutrients and biosurfactants can be added to the system. In this approach. Some success has, however, been achieved
experiments using soil microcosms, the maximum degra- with sophorolipids by using unconventional hydrophobic
dation rate and extent of selected hydrocarbons was substrates, thus modifying the alkyl chains of the sophor-
achieved when both the nutrient supplements and biosur- olipids [41].
factant were added [35,36]. It is therefore clear that the One simple and effective approach to biosurfactant
addition of biosurfactants, even to organisms that do not modification used a naturally produced acylated MEL
produce their own, can have highly beneficial effects. At the and removed the acyl groups with a lipase-catalysed hy-
present time, marine and coastal oil spills are treated, at drolysis, producing a nonacylated product (MEL-D) [42].
least in part, by the use of chemical surfactants and They are able to show a higher critical aggregation con-
emulsifiers, future investigation of the use of biosurfac- centration and excellent surface tension, lowering capacity
tants in their place is certainly a fruitful avenue for inves- for the deacylated MELs, indicating that the new MEL-D
tigation. may have applications in fields in which a lamellar-forming
Biosurfactants also have extensive potential application glycolipid is required.
in the petroleum industry, which in turn affects the envi- A more difficult and costly strategy is to investigate
ronment (Box 2). Microbially enhanced oil recovery genetic modification of the producer organisms. The syn-
(MEOR) is a technique that either uses a crude preparation thetic pathway for the P. aeruginosa rhamnolipids is a
of biosurfactant or a whole killed culture to liberate crude simple one consisting of two control genes RhlI and RhlR
oil from a binding substrate. Poor oil recovery in many and three synthetic genes RhlA, RhlB, and RhlC. All but
existing producing wells is usually due to several factors. RhlC are located in a single operon [43]. It is thus feasible
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

Box 2. MEOR
As a general rule, oil fields are developed in three stages that are making it more fluid; production of CO2 gas as a byproduct of microbial
typical for most reservoirs, including heavy crude oil worldwide. metabolism, which both pressurises the reservoir and moves upward,
Stage 1, primary recovery: production under natural pressure and displacing oil in the well; production of biomass that accumulates
flow characteristics of the crude lead to up to 15% of oil in place between the oil and the rock surface of the well, physically displacing
recovered. Stage 2, secondary recovery: the oil well is flooded with the oil and making it easier to recover from the well; selective plugging
water or other substances including CO2 injection, alkaline surfactant through exopolysaccharide production that plugs large pores in the
polymers (ASPs), solvents or steam to drive out an additional 15–20% rocks forcing movement through different channels sweeping the oil
through ‘sweeping’ the oil towards the producing wells by displacing out; production of biosurfactants that act as slippery detergents,
the crude oil. Stage 3, tertiary recovery or enhanced oil recovery helping the oil move more freely away from rocks and crevices so
(EOR): remaining oil is extracted after primary and secondary that it may travel more easily out of the well. MEOR and the use of
recovery methods are exhausted or no longer economic. biosurfactants reduce the need to use harsh chemicals during oil
Several methods, including MEOR, have been gaining significance as drilling and have several environmental advantages; they are achieved
a process to recover up to 10% more oil from the well. MEOR utilises either through ex situ production and injection into oil reservoirs, or
microorganisms and/or their metabolic end products for recovery of through injection of selected microorganisms to produce biosurfac-
residual oil that is hindered by poor oil recovery due to low tants in situ, or through enhancing indigenous microbial cultures to
permeability of some reservoirs or high viscosity resulting in poor produce such compounds [29]. This has been an area of great interest
mobility [28]. MEOR therefore results in reduction of oil viscosity and literature debate during the past decade and large field trials are
through partial break down of the large molecular structure of crude oil, envisaged in the near future (Figure I).

Injecon well Producon well

(Bacteria, nutrients,
and/or biosurfactants)

Pressing water Microbial metabolites/

containing microorganisms Crude oil Advanced water
biosurfactants nutrients
• Gas
• Acid • Improvement of crude oil mobility
mobility • Biomass • Improvement of oil reservoir
• Polymer percolaon
Biodegradaon • Enhanced oil recovery
of crude oil (to low
molecular weight)

TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure I. Diagram showing the possible use of biosurfactants for MEOR.

to contemplate cloning the pathway into another host approach can be completely successful because production
bacterium, for example, Escherichia coli. RhlA and RhlB of large quantities of biosurfactant depends on the meta-
genes in E. coli have already been cloned and expressed a bolic flux within the bacterial cell, providing the precursors
long time ago [44]. We might expect this combination to for synthesis. An alternative is to leave the genes in P.
yield only mono-rhamnolipid because RhlC codes for the aeruginosa but to knock out the RhlC gene, which should
second rhamnosyl transferase, which converts mono- to di- yield a strain producing only mono-rhamnolipid. The com-
rhamnolipid. This was indeed the outcome but with only plementary knockout of RhlB would not be effective
small yields recorded. It does seem unlikely that this because the mono-rhamnolipid is the precursor for the
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

di-rhamnolipid. The gene knockout has been achieved, but Box 3. Manufacture of biosurfactants
thus far, there is no detailed analysis of the effect on Several companies in different countries are now manufacturing
production and yield. A strain producing only mono-rham- biosurfactants on various scales. Rhamnolipids are produced by at
nolipid would, in combination with a normal strain, allow least two companies in the USA using strains of P. aeruginosa.
considerable manipulation of the ratios of the two forms of AGAE Technologies ( is producing small quan-
biosurfactant. tities of highly purified rhamnolipids using strain NY3, and although
full details of the process are not declared on their website, it
Genetic manipulation techniques are currently being appears that glycerol is the probable major carbon substrate, and
applied to sophorolipid production by the yeast C. bombi- yields of about 12 g/l are achieved. The final product is stated to be
cola in an effort to produce surfactants tailored to meet 95% pure. Larger production is being carried out by Jeneil Biotech
specific needs [45,46]. By combining different approaches, ( which is a general food additive company.
it is thus possible to modify both the hydrophilic and The rhamnolipid products offered by Jeneil range from the crudest
preparation comprising fermentation broth with approximately 2%
hydrophobic portions of the molecule. rhamnolipids to partially purified products with up to 99%
Although the best studied producers of MELs are the rhamnolipids. From this information, we can deduce that the yields
basidiomycetous yeasts of the genus Pseudozyma, Ustilago are again in the 10–20 g/l range and that the organism being used
maydis is also an effective producer under conditions of may not be a hyperproducer.
Sophorolipids are already produced by several companies in, for
nitrogen limitation [47]. The gene cluster coding for MEL
example, France, Japan, and Korea, with the material being used in
biosynthesis in U. maydis comprises the mat1 acetyltrans- products such as dishwasher formulations and Yashinomi vegeta-
ferase gene, the mmf1 gene, which specifies a member of ble wash. Saraya Co. Ltd. ( in Japan
the major facilitator family, mac1 and mac2, encoding manufactures sophorolipids using Pseudozyma with palm oil as
putative acyltransferases, and the glycosyltransferase the main fermentation substrate. Yields for the sophorolipids are
not declared but can be expected to be in the 30–100 g/l range.
gene emt1. Deletion of the mat1 gene yields nonacylated
Ecover (www. also markets some products that contain
MELs using this strategy [48], which offers another alter- ‘Candida Bombicola/Glucose/Methyl Rapeseedate Ferment’, that is,
native means of producing a modified product for potential sophorolipids, whereas MG Intobio (http://mgintobio.en.makepolo.-
applications which for example require greater water sol- com) in Korea markets soaps containing sophorolipids specifically
ubility. for acne treatment. The French company Soliance (www. soliance.-
com) also produces sophorolipids from a rapeseed fermentation for
cosmetic applications in skin care through antibacterial and sebo
Production and cost issues regulator activity.
Whatever the perceived efficacy of biosurfactants in small
scale experiments and trials, their adoption as components
of large-volume commercial products will be eventually rhamnolipids commercially perform significantly better
dictated by cost and production issues (Box 3). The first than this is not generally available, although there have
issue to consider is the one of safety. So far, there has been been some reports of over-producer strains [53]. One big
no suggestion that any of the biosurfactants investigated, advantage of the glycolipid biosurfactants is that they can
and certainly not the main ones currently under investi- be produced from a range of renewable substrates; some of
gation, that is, sophorolipids, rhamnolipids, and MELs, which could be considered waste materials. The separation
have any major safety or health issues. There have been and purification of low molecular weight glycolipids is
reports of rhamnolipids acting as immune modulators (e.g., relatively straightforward [3], although the process is
[49]), and they have also been shown to act as virulence made more complicated if an oily substrate is used and
factors in P. aeruginosa infections (e.g., [50]). The only if quantities of the substrate remain unused after the
reservation lies with rhamnolipids and the main organism fermentation. The application of economic technologies
that produces them, P. aeruginosa, which in the UK is based on utilisation of waste substrates for biosurfactant
classified as a class II pathogen. Class II pathogens are not production and the utilisation of cheaper renewable sub-
highly infective and can be considered opportunistic patho- strates may significantly contribute to cost reduction [48].
gens, however, large-scale fermentation production would One attractive option as a substrate is glycerol, which is
require some special measures to be taken and care taken now available in large quantities as a byproduct of the
with employees involved in the production. Having said esterification step in biodiesel production from plant gly-
that, commercial-scale production is already being under- cerides. Eventually, however, biosurfactants will need to
taken in the USA; particularly for rhamnolipids, and at a be produced in sufficient quantity and at an attractive price
company producing food additives (Jeneil Biotech, Milwau- to compete with chemical surfactants like LAS, before they
kee, USA;, with no reported pro- will become a major replacement for the surfactants cur-
blems. The other biosurfactants, which are produced by rently used.
yeasts, do not have pathogen issues and commercial-scale
production of sophorolipids is also already underway in Concluding remarks
Asia. Biosurfactants appear to have reached a critical stage in
Other major production concerns relate to the yields of their commercial exploitation; after many years in which
biosurfactants produced, the substrates needed to produce interest in them was at a low level, they have now come to
them [48,51], and the downstream processing required. At the top of the agenda of many companies as a result of the
present, sophorolipids and MELs can be produced with sustainability initiative and green agendas. Potential
yields >100 g/l [52], whereas laboratory strains of P. aer- areas for use are expanding rapidly and useful outcomes
uginosa produce only 10–20 g/l of rhamnolipids. Informa- will depend on whether biosurfactants can be tailored for
tion about whether the strains used to produce specific applications, and whether they can be produced at
Review Trends in Biotechnology November 2012, Vol. 30, No. 11

a price that will make them attractive alternatives to 12 Dubeau, D. et al. (2009) Burkholderia thailandensis harbors two
identical rhl gene clusters responsible for the biosynthesis of
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