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Mikayla A.


January 3, 2018

Dear Mr. Rhodes,

For my Pride Paper, I am writing about the legal field, more specifically, in-court occupations,
such as lawyers and judicial officials. My inspiration for this paper stems from my love for law
and debate, as well as my passion for a good argument. My main source of inspiration for this
field, as well as this paper, comes from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is the second woman to hold
a seat on the Supreme Court, and who has helped to eradicate gender bias within the workplace.

Within my paper I plan to start off with the history law, as well as the different forms of legal
cases. From this, I will transition into the type of schooling required to obtain a legal degree,
including the top law schools and the necessary bar tests. I would also like to talk about the
history of women within the field and include famous figures who have shaped the field. In
addition to my EBSCOhost source, I will also use information from two books, ​The Notorious
RBG​ by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik and ​Sisters in Law: How Sandra Day O’Connor and
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World​ by Linda Hirshman.

Germane to my Pride Product, I plan on creating my own mock-case, and from there I will write
up the arguments for either side of the case, as well as the final verdict. As I plan to have this
pertain to the Supreme Court, each of the justices’ decisions will also be relative to our current
members of the court, in the sense that they will contain the accurate political and moral values
of each person. As far as finding a mentor, I am actively looking into different law firms within
the surrounding area, though I have not yet found a specific person to obtain these hours from.

I understand that whether or not it is intentional, plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated, and I
will accept a score of zero if I am found to have cheated or been dishonest in any way.


Mikayla A. Hord

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